Photo of Dinesh Agrawal

Dinesh Agrawal

Professor Emeritus


  • Engineering Science and Mechanics
  • Materials Science and Engineering




Journal Articles

  • Dinesh Agrawal, A Muthuchamy, A Raja Annamalai, M Karthikeyan, Nidhi Nagar andju, , 2018, "Microstructural evolution of iron based alloy compacts produced through field assisted sintering", Physics of Metals and Metallography, 2018, Vol. 119, No. 7, pp. 678–684
  • Na An, Yang Zhao, Zhiyong Mao, Dinesh Agrawal and Dajian Wang, 2018, "Microwave modification of surface hydroxyl density for ?-C3N4 with enhanced photocatalytic activity", Materials Research Express, 5, 035502, 2018 (March 7)
  • Dinesh Agrawal, A Raja Annamalai, Nidhi Nagaraju and A Muthuchamy, 2018, "Effect of Heating Mode on Sinterability of YSZ+CeO2 Ceramics", Metals 2018, 8(3), 189
  • C Ayyappadas, A Muthuchamy, Raja Annamalai and Dinesh Agrawal, 2017, "“An investigation on the effect of sintering mode on various properties of copper-graphene metal matrix composite", Advanced Powder Tech., 28, pp. 1760-1768
  • A Muthuchamy, Rajiv Kumar, Raja Annamalai, dinesh Agrawal and A Upadhyaya, 2016, "An investigation on Effect of heating mode on and temperature on Fe-P alloys", Materials Characterization
  • Raja Annmalai, A Upadhyaya and D Agrawal, 2016, "Effect of Ni3Al addition and heating mode on the electrochemical response on Austenitic and Ferritic stainless steels", Powder Metall and Metal Cerm
  • C. T. Searfass, K Sinding, C. Pheil, B Tittman, A Baba, D Agra andal, , 2016, "A Study of Bismuth Titanate (Bi4Ti3O12) Fabricated Using Spray-on Deposition Technique and Microwave Sintering For Use as a High Temperature Ultrasonic Transducer", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control
  • Raja Annamalai, Anish Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2015, "Effect of heating mode and electrochemical Response on Austenitic and Ferritic Stainless Steels", Canadian Mettalurgical Qtrly, 54, (2), pp. 142-148
  • Raja Annamalai, Anish Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2015, "Effect of Y2O3 addition and heating mode on the electrochemical response on Austenitic and Ferritic Stainless steels", 51, (2), pp. 91-102
  • D Demirskyi, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and A Ragulya, 2014, "Tough ceramics by microwave sintering of nanocrystalline titanium diboride ceramics", Ceramic Intnl., 40, pp. 1303-1310
  • Ting Li, Chongfeng Guo, Huan Jiao, Lin Li and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2014, "Infrared-to-visible up-conversion luminescence of CaIn2O4 co-doped with RE3+/Yb3+ (RE=Tm, Pr, Nd)", Optics Commun., 312, pp. 284-286
  • Lin Li, Chongfeng Guo, Sha Jiang, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and Ting Li, 2014, "Green up-conversion luminescence of Yb3+ - Er3+ co-doped CaLa2ZnO5 for optically temperature sensing", Royal Society of Chemistry Adv., (4), pp. 6391-6396
  • Natt Makul, Phadugsak Rattanadecho and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2014, "Applications of microwave energy in cement and concrete - A review", Renewable. & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 37, pp. 715-733
  • W J Kelvin Chew, M Amiriyan, A Yaghoubi, S Ramesh, J Purbolaksono, R Toloueid, W D Teng and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2014, "Sintering properties and thermal depletion of boron in zirconia?zirconium diboride conductive ceramic", Ceramic International., 40, pp. 13313-13320
  • Alexandre Badev, Sylvain Marinel, Romain Heuguet, Etienne Savary and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2013, "Sintering behavior and non-linear properties of ZnO varistors processed in microwave electric and magnetic fields at 2.45 GHz", Acta Materialia, 61, (20), pp. 7849-7858
  • Sridevi Swain, Pawan Kumar, Dinesh Kumar K Agraw andl, Sonia , 2013, "Dielectric and ferroelectric study of KNN modified NBT ceramics synthesized by microwave processing technique", Ceramic International, 39, pp. 3205-3210
  • Natt Makul and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2013, "Microstructure and mechanical properties of microwave-assisted heating of pozzolan-Portland cement paste at a very early stage", Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 35, (6), pp. 693-703
  • Ashish Kumar Mandal, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and Ranjan Sen, 2013, "Preparation of Homogeneous Barium-boro-silicate Glass Using Microwave Energy", J Non-Cryst. Solids, 371-372, pp. 41-46
  • Sylvian Marinela, Doo Hyun Choia, Romain Heuguet, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and Michael Lanaana, 2013, "Broadband dielectric characterization of TiO2 ceramics sintered through microwave and conventional processes", Ceramics International, 39, pp. 299-306
  • Anthony Thuaulta, Sylvain Marinela, Etienne Savarya, Romain Heugueta, Se'bastien Saunier, Dominique Goeuiot and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2013, "Processing ofreaction-bonded B4C-SiC composites in a single-mode microwave cavity", Ceramics International, 39, pp. 1215-1219
  • Raja Annamalai, Felege, A. Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2013, "Effect of Heating Mode on Sinterability of Carbonyl Iron Compacts", Mats Res Inno, 17, (1), pp. 10-16
  • A. Raja Annamalai, Anish Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2013, "An Investigation on Microwave Sintering of Fe, Fe-Cu, Fe-Cu-C alloys", Bull Mats Sci, 36, (3), pp. 447-456
  • Yong Zheng, Grant Meyer, Michael Lanagan, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and Jiping Cheng, 2013, "A study of water sorption effects on the microwave dielectric properties of calcium chloride/silica gel composites", Materials Letters, 95, pp. 157-159
  • Charu Lata Dube, Subhash Kashyap, D.C. Dube and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2013, "Rapid alloying of tetrahedral diamagnetic semiconductors in microwave H field", J Alloys & Compounds, 571, pp. 75-78
  • Avijit Mondal, Anish Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2013, "Effect of Heating Mode and Copper Content on the Densification of W-Cu Alloys", Indian Journal of Materials Science, 2013, pp. 7
  • D. Demirskyi, J. Cheng, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and A. Ragulya, 2013, "Densification and grain growth during microwave sinteringof titanium diboride", Scripta Materialia, 69, pp. 610-613
  • D. Demirskyi, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and A. Ragula, 2013, "Comparisons of grain size-density trajectory during microwave and conventional sintering of titanium nitride", J Alloys and Compo., 581, pp. 496-501
  • Dmytro Demirskyi, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and Andrey Ragulya, 2012, "A scaling law study of the initial stage of microwave sintering of iron spheres", Scripta Materialia, 66, pp. 323-326
  • Dmytro Demirskyi, Hanna Borodianska, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, Andrey Ragulya, Yoshio Sakkac and Oleg Vasylkiv, 2012, "Peculiarities of the neck growth process during initial stage of spark-plasma, microwave and conventional sintering of WC spheres", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 523, pp. 1-10
  • Natt Makul and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2012, "Comparison of the microstructure and compressive strength of Type 1 Portland cement paste between accelerated curing methods by microwave energy and autoclaving, and a saturated-lime deionized water curing method", Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, 13, (2), pp. 174-177
  • K. Kashimura, M. Sato, M. Hotta, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, K. Nagata, M. Hayashi, T. Mitani and N. Shinihara, 2012, "Iron Production from Fe3O4 and Graphite by Applying 915 MHz Microwaves", Mats Sci Engg A
  • C. Padmavathi, A. Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2012, "Microwave Assisted Sintering of Al-Cu-Mg-Si-Sn Alloy", Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy, 46, (3), pp. 115-127
  • Padmavathi Chandran, Anish Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2012, "Effect of sintering temperature and heating mode on the consolidation of Al-7Zn-2.5Mg-1Cu aluminum alloy", Bulletin of Materials Science, 35, (5), pp. 823-832
  • Keiichiro Kashimura, Motoyasu Sato, Masahiro Hotta, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, Kazuhiro Nagata, Miyuki Hayashi, Tomohiko Mitani and Naoki Shinohara, 2012, "Iron Making from Fe3O4 and Graphite using Microwave Energy at 915MHz", Materials Science & Engineering A, 556, pp. 977-979
  • Avjit Mondal, Anish Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2011, "Effect of heating mode and sintering temperature on the consolidation of 90W-7Ni-3Fe alloys", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509, pp. 301-310
  • Dmytro Demirskyi, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and Andrey Ragulya, 2011, "Neck growth kinetics during microwave sintering of nickel powder", J Alloys & Compounds, 509, pp. 1790-1795
  • Dmytro Demirskyi, Andrey Ragulya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2011, "Initial stage sintering of binderless tungsten carbide powder under microwave radiation", Ceramic Intl., 37, pp. 505-512
  • Natt Makul, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and Burachat Chatveera, 2011, "Microstructures and mechanical properties of Portland cement at an early age when subjected to microwave accelerated-curing", J Ceramic Processing Research, 12, (1), pp. 62-69
  • Natt Makul and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2011, "Microwave-accelerated curing of cement-based materials: compressive strength and maturity modeling", Key Engr Matls, 484, pp. 210-221
  • Natt Makul and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2011, "Influence of microwave-accelerated curing procedures on the microstructure and strength characteristics of Type I-Portland cement pastes", J Ceramic Processing Research, 12, (4), pp. 376-381
  • Padmavathi Chandran, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and Anish Upadhyaya, 2011, "Effect of microwave and conventional heating on sintering behavior and properties of Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy", Materials Chemistry and Physics, 130, pp. 449-457
  • Padmavathi Chandran, Anish Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2011, "Effect of atmosphere and heating mode on sintering of 6711 and 7775 alloys", Materials Research Innovation, 15, (4), pp. 294-301
  • Masahiro Hotta, Miyuki Hayashi, Michael T. Lanagan, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and Kazuhiro Nagata, 2011, "Complex permittivity of graphite, carbon black and coal powders in the ranges of X-band Frequencies (8.2 to 12.4 GHz) and between 1 and 10 GHz", ISIJ International, 51, (11), pp. 1766-1772
  • A. Raja Annamalai, Rajiv Kumar, Anish Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2011, "Effect of heating mode on sinterability of Fe-Ni steels", Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy, 45, (4), pp. 162-177
  • A. Raja Annamalai, Anish Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2011, "Effect of heating mode on sintering of ferrous compacts through powder metallurgy route", International Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering, 5, (4), pp. 155-160
  • S. Agrawal, R. Guo, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and A. S. Bhalla, 2010, "Connectivity pattern in electronic composites based on anisothermal heating during microwave sintering", Ferroelectrics, 400, (1), pp. 155-165
  • J. Cheng, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, Y. Zhang, R. Roy and A. K. Santra, 2010, "Synthesis of amorphous Si-Ge alloys using microwave energy", Journal of alloys and Compounds, 491, pp. 517-521
  • Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2010, "Latest Global developments in microwave materials processing", Mat Res Inn., 14, (1), pp. 3-8
  • Natt Makul and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2010, "Microwave (2.45 GHz)-assisted rapid sintering of SiO2-rich rice husk ash", Materials Letters, 64, pp. 367-370
  • Dmytro Demirskyi, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and A. Raguliya, 2010, "Neck growth kinetics during microwave sintering of copper", Scripta Materialia, 62, pp. 552-555
  • Dmytro Demirskyi, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and Andrey Ragulya, 2010, "Neck formation between copper spherical particles under single-mode and multimode microwave sintering", Materials Science & Engineering A, 527, pp. 2142-2145
  • D. Demirskyi, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and A. Ragulya, 2010, "Densification kinetics of powdered copper under single-mode and multimode microwave sintering", Materials Letters, 64, pp. 1433-1436
  • Avijit Mondal, Anish Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2010, "Effect of Heating Mode on Sintering of Tungsten", Intl. J. Refractory Metals and Hard Mats, 28, pp. 597-600
  • Natt Makul, P. Keangin, P. Rattanadecho, B. Chatveera and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2010, "Microwave-assisted heating of cementitious materials: Relative dielectric properties, mechanical property, and experimental and numerical heat transfer characteristics", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 37, pp. 1096-1105
  • Avijit Mondal, Anish Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2010, "Microwave and Conventional Sintering of 90W-7Ni-3Cu Alloys with Premixed and Prealloyed Binder Phase", Mats Sci Engg A, 527, pp. 6870-6878
  • A. Mondal, A. Shukla, A. Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2010, "Effect of Porosity and Particle Size on Microwave Heating of Copper", Science of Sintering, 42, pp. 169-182
  • Avijit Mondal, Anish Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2010, "Comparative study of densification and microstructural development in W-18Cu composites using microwave and conventional heating", Mat. Res. Inno., 14, (5), pp. 355-360
  • Natt Makul, P. Rattanadecho and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2010, "Microwave curing at an operating frequency of 2.45GHz of Portland Cement paste at early state using a multi-mode cavity: Experimental and numerical analysis on heat transfer characteristics", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 37, pp. 1487-1495
  • Avijit Mondal, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and A. Upadhyaya, 2010, "Microwave Sintering of Refractory Metals/alloys: W, Mo, Re, W-Cu, W-Ni-Cu and W-Ni-Fe Alloys", J Microwave Power & E/M Energy, 44, pp. 28-44
  • A. Mondal, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and A. Upadhyaya, 2009, "Microwave heating of pure Cu powder with varying particle size and porosity", J Microwave Power & Electromag. Energy, 29, (1), pp. 5-10
  • A. Mondal, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and A. Upadhyaya, 2009, "Microwave Sintering of W-18Cu and W-7Ni-3Cu Alloys", J Microwave Power & Electromag. Energy, 29, (1), pp. 6-16
  • Chris Y. Fang, Clive A. Randal, Michael T. Lanagan and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2009, "Microwave processing of electroceramics materials and devices", J. Electroceram, 22, pp. 125-130
  • Charu Lata Dube, S. Kashyap, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and Dinesh Dube, 2009, "Growth of Si0.75Ge0.25 alloy nanowires in a separated H-field by Microwave Processing", Appl Phys Lett, 94, pp. 213107
  • Charu Lata Dube, S. C. Kashyap, D. C. Dube and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2009, "Room temperature photoluminescence and dc resistivity of Si0.95Ge0.05 alloy nanowires grown in microwave H-field", J. Alloys and Compounds, 488, pp. 328-330
  • Charu Lata Dube, Subhash C. Kashyap, D. C. Dube and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2009, "Synthesis of Silicon Nanowires Using Microwave Energy for Optical Devices", Intl. J. Green Tech., 1, (1), pp. 11-15
  • K. Cherian, M. Kirksey, P. Hu, L. Hurtt, J. Cheng, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and R. Roy, 2008, "Ride the Wave", Ceram. Industry, pp. 16-19
  • Subhash C. Kashyap, Charu Lata Dube, D. C. Dube and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2008, "Synthesis of Si-Ge Alloys in a Single Mode Microwave Resonant Cavity", Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 38, (3), pp. 264-266
  • C. Padmavathi, G. Joshi, A. Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2008, "Effect of Sintering Temperature, Heating Mode and Graphite Addition on the Corrosion response of Austenitic and Ferritic Stainless Steels", Trans Indian Inst. Mat, 61, (2-3), pp. 239-243
  • D. C. Dube, M. Fu, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, R. Roy and A. Santra, 2008, "Rapid Alloying of silicon with germanium in microwave field using single mode cavity", Mat Res Inno, 12, (3), pp. 119-122
  • Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, J. Cheng, Hu Peng, Larry Hurt and K. Cherian, 2008, "Microwave Energy applied to processing of high-temperature materials", Amer. Cer. Soc. Bull., 87, (3), pp. 39-43
  • Chris Y. Fang, Chiping Wang, Anton V. Polotai, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and Michael T. Lanagan, 2008, "Microwave synthesis of nano-sized barium titanate", Mat Lett, 62, pp. 2551-2553
  • P. Chhillar, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and J. H. Adair, 2008, "Sintering of molybdenum metal powder using microwave energy", Powder Metallurgy, 51, (2), pp. 182-187
  • Cheng-Yu Hsieh, Chun-Nan Lin, Shyan-Lung Chung, Jiping Cheng and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2007, "Microwave sintering of AlN powder synthesized by a SHS method", J. Eur. Cer. Soc., 27, pp. 343-350
  • Ming Fu, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and Y. Fang, 2007, "Microstructure and Electrical Proeprties of Microwave-Sintered PTC Thermistors", J. Microwave Power & Electromagnetic Energy, 40, (3), pp. 133-139
  • D. C. Dube, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, S. Agrawal and R. Roy, 2007, "High temperature dielectric studies of Cr2O3 in microwave region", Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, pp. 124105
  • C. Padmavathi, A. Upadhyaya and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2007, "Corrosion behavior of microwave-sintered austenitic stainless steel composites", Scripta Materialia, 57, (7), pp. 651-654
  • Mohammad Hasyin, Seth Berbano, Regis Cleary, Michael Lanagan and dinesh Agrawal, , "Impedance Spectroscopy Modeling of Lithium Borate with Silica: a Dispersed Ionic Conductor", Ceramic International, 43, (9), pp. 6796-6806
  • Dinesh Agrawal, A Muthuchamy, M Rajadurai and A. Raja Annamalai, , "Effect of Nickel addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of the Spark Plasma Sintered Ti-6Al-4V alloy", Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals.

Encyclopedia Entries

  • Y. M. Tan, C Y Tan, Ramesh Singh, Y C Teh, Y C Ching, N Lwin, Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal and B K Yap, 2015, "Study on the effects of Milling time and Sintering Temperature on the Sinterability of Forsterite (Mg2SiO4)",, J. Ceram. Soc. Japan, 123, 1032-1037


  • Yi Zhang, Dinesh Agrawal, Jiping Cheng and Tania Slawecki, 2018, "Microwave Power Absorption Mechanism of Metallic Powders", IEEE Trans on MW Theory and Techniques, Vol. 66 (5), 2107-15, 2018.
  • C Ayyappadas, A Muthuchamy, Raja Annamalai and Dinesh Agrawal, 2018, "Microstructural and Electrochemical behaviour of Aluminium Alloy Composites Produced Using Different Sintering Techniques", Materials Research. 2018; 21(3): e20170321 (IF: 1.1)
  • Yi Zhang, K Huang and Dinesh Agrawal, 2017, "Microwave Power System Based on a Combination of Two Magnetrons", 64, (10), pp. 4272-4278
  • C Ayyappadas, Raja Annamalai, Dinesh Agrawal and A Muthuchamy, 2017, "Conventional and Microwave sintering of Copper-SiC metal matrix composites: a comparison", Metall. Res. Technol., 114, pp. 506
  • Robert Pavlacka, Claire Brennan, Victoria Blair, Raymond Brennen, Constantine Fountzoulas, Jiping Cheng and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2015, "Single-Mode Microwave Sintering of Er: Al2O3,", 252, pp. 3-11
  • M Sato, J Fukushima, K Kashimura, T Mitani, K Nagata and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2014, "Thermodynamics on MW Processing with Non-Thermal Effects", pp. 112-113
  • Sridevi Swain , Pawan Kumar , Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, Soni and , , 2013, "Dielectric and ferroelectric study of KNN modified NBT ceramics synthesized by microwave processing technique", Ceramic International., 39, pp. 3205-3210

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • Honorary Professor, Amity University, UP India, May 2016
  • Adjunct Professor, VIT University, Chennai, India, March 2016


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




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