ESM Research Facilities and Labs
The Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics (ESM) is housed within the Earth and Engineering Sciences (EES) Building on the University Park campus. The majority of the department’s research is located in EES and Research West. Additional facilities that support ESM research are located throughout campus and include the Millennium Science Complex and the Applied Research Lab.
Facilities and Labs
- Advanced Microscopy Lab
- Biodetection Lab
- Biomimetics Lab
- Bioprinting Lab
- CNEU Teaching Cleanroom
- Composite Materials Lab
- Corrosion Research Lab
- Fourier Optics Lab
- Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
- Institute for Computational and Data Sciences
- Institute of Energy and the Environment
- Materials Research Institute:
Materials Characterization Laboratory
MCL Graduate Student Orientation - Mechanical Behavior Lab
- Millenium Science Complex
- Nanofabrication Lab
- Non-linear Dynamics Lab
- Optoelectronics Lab
- Penn State Ultrasonics Lab
- Semiconductor Spectroscopy Lab
- Soft Matter Mechanics Lab
- Tribology/Materials Processing Lab