Capstone Design Project and Honors Thesis
The capstone project in engineering science is done under the supervision of a faculty member who is often in the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, but can be any faculty member at Penn State. That project involves design and, for most projects, also involves cutting-edge research.
Students decide on their project during the second semester of their third year and complete it during their fourth year. There are six credits of coursework during the third and fourth year as part of this capstone project. The project culminates with a written report and an oral presentation at the end of the fourth year.
For students who are also in the Schreyer Honors College or those graduating with honors in engineering science, this report also fulfills the requirements of the honors thesis.
Undergraduate Options
- Overview
- Experimental Mechanics and Materials Option
- Materials and Design in Manufacturing Option
- Micro- and Nano-structured Devices for Biological and Biomedical Applications Option
- Neural Engineering Option
- Semiconductor and Quantum Materials and Devices Option
- Signals, Systems, and Sensing Option
- Theoretical and Computational Mechanics Option
- Acoustics Option
- Self-designed Option