Fourier Optics Lab
The Fourier Optics Lab serves two purposes: it is a classroom for teaching optics, and it is a research facility.
To the first of these ends, it contains an optical table, HeNe lasers, pinhole filters, lenses, translation stages, and a CCD camera for creating, filtering, and recording images.
In addition, there are light sources and spectrometers for research into the optical properties of materials. The laboratory contains an assortment of equipment for building and testing electronic circuits and devices.
Key Faculty:
Facilities and Labs
- Advanced Microscopy Lab
- Biodetection Lab
- Biomimetics Lab
- Bioprinting Lab
- CNEU Teaching Cleanroom
- Composite Materials Lab
- Corrosion Research Lab
- Fourier Optics Lab
- Mechanical Behavior Lab
- Nanofabrication Lab
- Non-linear Dynamics Lab
- Optoelectronics Lab
- Penn State Ultrasonics Lab
- Semiconductor Spectroscopy Lab
- Soft Matter Mechanics Lab
- Tribology/Materials Processing Lab