Photo of Clifford Lissenden

Clifford Lissenden



  • Engineering Science and Mechanics
  • Acoustics
  • Center for Acoustics and Vibration

411D Earth and Engineering Sciences Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Research Areas:

Structural and Human Health Monitoring

Interest Areas:

General area of nondestructive characterization of materials using ultrasonic guided waves applicable to metals, composites, concrete, rock, and bone. I am interested in nondestructive testing and inspection, structural health monitoring, process monitoring, and cloaking structures from earthquakes.





Journal Articles

  • LSS Pillarisetti, D Giraldo Guzman, J Keirn, Shrihari Sridhar, Clifford J Lissenden, Mary I Frecker and Parisa Shokouhi, 2025, "Frequency bandgap enhancement in locally resonant metasurfaces for S0 Lamb wave mode using topology-optimized resonators", Journal of Applied Physics, 137, (4)
  • Lalith Sai Srinivas Pillarisetti, Clifford J Lissenden and Parisa Shokouhi, 2024, "Partially embedded metabarrier to suppress surface waves in granular media", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 156, (3), pp. 1594--1608
  • Daniel Giraldo Guzman, Lalith Sai Srinivas Pillarisetti, Mary I Frecker, Clifford J Lissenden and Parisa Shokouhi, 2024, "Surface wave propagation control with locally resonant metasurfaces using topology-optimized resonators", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155, (5), pp. 3172--3182
  • Gaofeng Sha, Andrew R Bozek, Bernhard R Tittmann and Clifford J Lissenden, 2024, "Unique Characteristics of Pulse-Echo Sensing Systems for Ultrasonic Immersion Testing in Harsh Environments", Sensors, 24, (23), pp. 7748
  • Daniel Giraldo Guzman, Clifford J Lissenden, Parisa Shokouhi and Mary I Frecker, 2023, "Topology optimization design of resonant structures based on antiresonance eigenfrequency matching informed by harmonic analysis", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 145, (101704), pp. 12
  • Cliff J Lissenden, Anurup Guha and Mostafa Hasanian, 2022, "Mutual interaction of guided waves having mixed polarity for early detection of material degradation", Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems, 5, (4), pp. 041001
  • Colin Williams, Cody Borigo, Rivi\`ere, Jacques, Cliff J Lissenden and Parisa Shokouhi, 2022, "Nondestructive Evaluation of Fracture Toughness in 4130 Steel Using Nonlinear Ultrasonic Testing", Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 41, (1), pp. 1--12
  • Lalith Sai Srinivas Pillarisetti, Clifford J Lissenden and Parisa Shokouhi, 2022, "Control of Rayleigh wave propagation through imposing Mindlin boundary conditions on the surface", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 530, pp. 116931
  • Daniel Giraldo Guzman, Lalith Sai Srinivas Pillarisetti, Sashank Sridhar, Clifford J Lissenden, Mary I Frecker and Parisa Shokouhi, 2022, "Design of resonant elastodynamic metasurfaces to control S 0 Lamb waves using topology optimization", JASA Express Letters, 2, (11), pp. 115601
  • C Bakre, T Meyer, C Jamieson, AR Nassar, Edward Reutzel and Clifford J Lissenden, 2022, "In-situ Laser ultrasound-based Rayleigh Wave Process Monitoring of DED-AM Metals", Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, pp. 1--25
  • Chaitanya Bakre, Seyed Hamidreza Afzalimir, Cory Jamieson, Abdalla Nassar, Edward Reutzel and Clifford J Lissenden, 2022, "Laser Generated Broadband Rayleigh Waveform Evolution for Metal Additive Manufacturing Process Monitoring", Applied Sciences, 12, (23), pp. 12208
  • Chaitanya Bakre, Abdalla R Nassar, Edward Reutzel and Clifford J Lissenden, 2022, "Ultrasonic Rayleigh Wave Interrogation of Directed Energy Deposition Ti--6Al--4V Having a Rough Surface", Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems, 5, (3), pp. 031008
  • Lalith Sai Srinivas Pillarisetti, Clifford J Lissenden and Parisa Shokouhi, 2022, "Understanding the role of resonances and anti-resonances in shaping surface-wave bandgaps for metasurfaces", Journal of Applied Physics, 132, (16), pp. 164901
  • Lalith Sai Srinivas Pillarisetti, Clifford J Lissenden and Parisa Shokouhi, 2022, "Control of low-frequency guided elastic wave modes in a hollow pipe using a meta-surface", AIP Advances, 12, (8), pp. 085027
  • Cliff J Lissenden, Christopher N Hakoda and Parisa Shokouhi, 2021, "Control of low-frequency Lamb wave propagation in plates by boundary condition manipulation", Journal of Applied Physics, 129, (9), pp. 094903
  • Anurup Guha, Michael Aynardi, Parisa Shokouhi and Cliff J Lissenden, 2021, "Identification of long-range ultrasonic guided wave characteristics in cortical bone by modelling", Ultrasonics, 114, pp. 106407
  • Gaofeng Sha and Cliff J Lissenden, 2021, "Modeling Magnetostrictive Transducers for Structural Health Monitoring: Ultrasonic Guided Wave Generation and Reception", Sensors, 21, (23), pp. 7971
  • Cliff J Lissenden, 2021, "Nonlinear ultrasonic guided waves—Principles for nondestructive evaluation", Journal of Applied Physics, 129, (2), pp. 021101
  • Chaitanya Bakre and Cliff J Lissenden, 2021, "Surface Roughness Effects on Self-Interacting and Mutually Interacting Rayleigh Waves", Sensors, 21, (16), pp. 5495
  • Christopher Hakoda and Clifford J Lissenden, 2020, "Application of a general expression for the group velocity vector of elastodynamic guided waves", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 469, pp. 115165
  • Hwanjeong Cho, Sungho Choi and Clifford J Lissenden, 2020, "Nondestructive inspection results from mockups of spent nuclear fuel storage canisters using shear-horizontal waves generated by an electromagnetic acoustic transducer", Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems, 3, (2)
  • Anurup Guha, Michael Aynardi, Parisa Shokouhi and Clifford J Lissenden, 2020, "Shear-Actuation and Vibrometer Reception of Penetrating Ultrasonic Guided Wave Modes in Human Tibia", Applied Sciences, 10, (23), pp. 8397
  • Mostafa Hasanian, Sungho Choi and Clifford J Lissenden, 2019, "Laser Ultrasonics Toward Remote Detection of Stress Corrosion Cracking", Materials Evaluation, 77, (9), pp. 1089--1098
  • Shengbo Shan, Mostafa Hasanian, Hwanjeong Cho, Clifford J Lissenden and Li Cheng, 2019, "New nonlinear ultrasonic method for material characterization: codirectional shear horizontal guided wave mixing in plate", Ultrasonics, 96, pp. 64--74
  • Hwanjeong Cho, Mostafa Hasanian, Shengbo Shan and Clifford J Lissenden, 2019, "Nonlinear guided wave technique for localized damage detection in plates with surface-bonded sensors to receive Lamb waves generated by shear-horizontal wave mixing", NDT & E International, 102, pp. 35--46
  • Christopher Hakoda, Mostafa Hasanian and Clifford J Lissenden, 2019, "On the Use of Oblique Acoustic Leakage to Measure the Wavenumber Spectrum of Propagating Lamb Waves", Sensors, 19, (6), pp. 1391
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, Caio FG Batista, Yamankumar P Trivedi, Clifford J Lissenden and Brian T Reinhardt, 2019, "State-of-the-Art and Practical Guide to Ultrasonic Transducers for Harsh Environments Including Temperatures above 2120° F (1000° C) and Neutron Flux above 10^13 n/cm^2", Sensors, 19, (21), pp. 4755
  • Christopher Hakoda, Clifford J Lissenden and Parisa Shokouhi, 2019, "Clamping Resonators for Low-Frequency S0 Lamb Wave Reflection", Applied Sciences, 9, (2), pp. 257
  • Christopher Hakoda and Clifford J Lissenden, 2019, "Comparison of quasi-Rayleigh waves and Rayleigh waves, and clarifying the cut-off frequency of quasi-Rayleigh waves", Ultrasonics, 92, pp. 50-56
  • Baiyang Ren and Clifford J Lissenden, 2018, "Modeling guided wave excitation in plates with surface mounted piezoelectric elements: coupled physics and normal mode expansion", SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 27, (4)
  • Sungho Choi, Hwanjeong Cho and Clifford J Lissenden, 2018, "Nondestructive inspection of spent nuclear fuel storage canisters using shear horizontal guided waves", NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, 50, (6), pp. 890-898
  • Mostafa Hasanian and Clifford J Lissenden, 2018, "Second order ultrasonic guided wave mutual interactions in plate: Arbitrary angles, internal resonance, and finite interaction region", JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 124, (16)
  • Christopher Hakoda and Clifford J Lissenden, 2018, "Using the Partial Wave Method for Wave Structure Calculation and the Conceptual Interpretation of Elastodynamic Guided Waves", APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 8, (6)
  • Sungho Choi, Hwanjeong Cho, Matthew S. Lindsey and Clifford J Lissenden, 2018, "Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers for Robotic Nondestructive Inspection in Harsh Environments", SENSORS, 18, (1)
  • Mostafa Hasanian and Clifford J Lissenden, 2017, "Second order harmonic guided wave mutual interactions in plate: Vector analysis, numerical simulation, and experimental results", Journal of Applied Physics, 122, (8), pp. 13
  • Menglong Liu, Kai Wang, Clifford J Lissenden, Qiang Wang, Qingming Zhang, Renrong Long, Zhongqing Su and Fangsen Cui, 2017, "Characterizing Hypervelocity Impact (HVI)-Induced Pitting Damage Using Active Guided Ultrasonic Waves: From Linear to Nonlinear", Materials, 10, pp. 20
  • Baiyang Ren, Hwanjeong Cho and Clifford J Lissenden, 2017, "A Guided Wave Sensor Enabling Simultaneous Wavenumber-Frequency Analysis for Both Lamb and Shear-Horizontal Waves", Sensors, 17, (3), pp. 488
  • Clifford J Lissenden, S Choi, H Cho, Arthur T Motta, K Hartig, X Xiao, S Le Berre, Sean N Brennan, Karl M Reichard, R Leary and others, 2017, "Toward Robotic Inspection of Dry Storage Casks for Spent Nuclear Fuel", Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 139, (3), pp. 031602
  • Sungho Choi, Hwanjeong Cho and Cliff J Lissenden, 2017, "Selection of Shear Horizontal Wave Transducers for Robotic Nondestructive Inspection in Harsh Environments", Sensors, 17, (1), pp. 5
  • Vamshi Krishna Chillara, Baiyang Ren and Cliff J Lissenden, 2016, "Guided wave mode selection for inhomogeneous elastic waveguides using frequency domain finite element approach", Ultrasonics, 67, pp. 199–211
  • Baiyang Ren and Cliff J Lissenden, 2016, "Modal content-based damage indicators for disbonds in adhesively bonded composite structures", Structural Health Monitoring, 15, (5), pp. 491–504
  • Jinling Zhao, Vamshi K Chillara, Baiyang Ren, Hwanjeong Cho, Jinhao Qiu and Cliff J Lissenden, 2016, "Second harmonic generation in composites: Theoretical and numerical analyses", Journal of Applied Physics, 119, (6), pp. 064902
  • Vamshi Krishna Chillara and Cliff J Lissenden, 2016, "Constitutive model for third harmonic generation in elastic solids", International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 82, pp. 69–74
  • Baiyang Ren and Clifford J Lissenden, 2016, "PVDF Multi-Element Lamb Wave Sensor for Structural Health Monitoring", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 63, (1), pp. 178-185
  • Vamshi Krishna Chillara and Clifford J Lissenden, 2016, "Review of nonlinear ultrasonic guided wave nondestructive evaluation: theory, numerics, and experiments", Optical Engineering, 55, (1), pp. 011002–011002
  • Clifford J Lissenden, Y Liu and Joseph L Rose, 2015, "Use of non-linear ultrasonic guided waves for early damage detection", Insight, 57, (4), pp. 206–211
  • Vamshi Krishna Chillara, Baiyang Ren and Clifford J Lissenden, 2015, "Guided wave mode selection for inhomogeneous elastic waveguides using frequency domain finite element approach", Ultrasonics
  • Clifford J Lissenden, Yang Liu, Vamshi K Chillara, Gloria Choi and Hwanjeong Cho, 2015, "Nonlinear Guided Wave Mixing for Localized Material State Characterization", Physics Procedia, 70, pp. 668–671
  • Vamshi Krishna Chillara and Clifford J Lissenden, 2015, "On some aspects of material behavior relating microstructure and ultrasonic higher harmonic generation", International Journal of Engineering Science, 94, pp. 59–70
  • Baiyang Ren and Clifford J Lissenden, 2015, "Phased Array Transducers for Ultrasonic Guided Wave Mode Control and Identification for Aircraft Structural Health Monitoring", Materials Evaluation, 73, (8), pp. 1089–1100
  • Clifford J Lissenden, Y Liu, GW Choi and X Yao, 2014, "Effect of Localized Microstructure Evolution on Higher Harmonic Generation of Guided Waves", Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, pp. 1–9
  • Yang Liu, Clifford J Lissenden and Joseph L Rose, 2014, "Higher order interaction of elastic waves in weakly nonlinear hollow circular cylinders. I. Analytical foundation", Journal of Applied Physics, 115, (21), pp. 214901
  • Vamshi Krishna Chillara and Clifford J Lissenden, 2014, "Nonlinear guided waves in plates: A numerical perspective", Ultrasonics, 54, (6), pp. 1553–1558
  • Yang Liu, Ehsan Khajeh, Clifford J Lissenden and Joseph L Rose, 2014, "Higher order interaction of elastic waves in weakly nonlinear hollow circular cylinders. II. Physical interpretation and numerical results", Journal of Applied Physics, 115, (21), pp. 214902
  • Clifford J Lissenden, A. Lesky and M. Soorgee, 2013, "Ultrasonic guided wave based SHM of a steel shell structure under different operating conditions", pp. 925-932
  • M. H. Soorgee, Clifford J Lissenden, J. L. Rose and A. Yousefi-Koma, 2013, "Defect sensitivity of piezoelectric strip transducers based on planar Lamb waves", J. Intell. Mat. Struct. Sys.
  • P. Puthillath, B. Ren, J. M. Galan, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2013, "Ultrasonic guided wave propagation across waveguide transitions: energy transfer and mode conversion", J. Acoustic Soc. Am., 133, (5), pp. 2624-2633
  • Y. Liu, V. Chillara and Clifford J Lissenden, 2013, "On selection of primary modes for generation of strong internally resonant second harmonics in plate", J. Sound and Vibration, 332, (19), pp. 4517-4528
  • B. Ren and Clifford J Lissenden, 2013, "Ultrasonic guided wave inspection of adhesive bonds between composite laminates", Int. J. Adhesives and Adherends, 45, pp. 59-68
  • Y. Liu, E. Khajeh, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2013, "Interaction of torsional and longitudinal guided waves in weakly nonlinear circular cylinders", J. Acoustic Soc. Am., 133, (5), pp. 2541-2553
  • V. K. Chillara and Clifford J Lissenden, 2013, "Analysis of second harmonic guided waves in pipes using a large radius asymptotic approximation for axis-symmetric longitudinal modes", Ultrasonics, 53, pp. 862-869
  • H. Kannajosyula, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2013, "Analysis of annular phased array transducers for ultrasonic guided wave mode control", Smart Materials and Structures, 22, (085019), pp. 14
  • Y. Liu, V. K. Chillara, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2013, "Cubic nonlinear shear horizontal and Rayleigh Lamb waves in weakly nonlinear plates", J. Appl. Phys., 114, (114908)
  • P. Puthillath*, Clifford J Lissenden, J. L. Rose and J. M. Galan, 2012, "Analysis of ultrasonic guided wave interaction with a waveguide transition", 31, pp. 1315-1322
  • V. Chillara* and Clifford J Lissenden, 2012, "Interaction of guided wave modes in isotropic nonlinear elastic plates: higher harmonic generation", J. Appl. Phys., 111, (12), pp. 7
  • S. Li and Clifford J Lissenden, 2011, "Piezoelectric fiber composite strip transducer design considerations for generating Lamb waves", J. Intell. Mat. Sys. Struct., 22, pp. 1345-1358
  • Clifford J Lissenden, 2010, "Experimental investigation of initial and subsequent yield surfaces for laminated metal matrix composites", Int. J. Plasticity, 26, pp. 1606-1628
  • C. S. Kim and Clifford J Lissenden, 2009, "Precipitate contribution to the acoustic nonlinearity in nickel-based superalloy", Chin. Phys. Lett., 26, (8), pp. 4
  • C. S. Kim, S. I. Kwun and Clifford J Lissenden, 2009, "Influence of precipitates and dislocations on the acoustic nonlinearity in metallic materials", J. Korean Phys. Soc., 55, pp. 528-532
  • C. S. Kim, Clifford J Lissenden, I. K. Park and K. S. Rye, 2009, "Dynamic coercivity of advanced ferritic steel during long-term isothermal aging", Materials Transactions, 50, pp. 2691-2694
  • Clifford J Lissenden, 2008, "ABET Self-Study Report for the Engineering Science Program at The Pennsylvania State University"
  • C. S. Kim, Clifford J Lissenden, K. M. Kang and I. K. Park, 2008, "Influence of dislocation substructure on ultrasonic velocity under tensile deformation", J. Kor. Soc. NDT, 28, pp. 477-482
  • X. Lei and Clifford J Lissenden, 2007, "Pressure sensitive nonassociative plasticity model for DRA composites", Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 129, pp. 255-264
  • Clifford J Lissenden, S. P. Tissot, M. W. Trethewey and K. P. Maynard, 2007, "Torsion response of a cracked stainless steel shaft", Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 30, pp. 734-747
  • Clifford J Lissenden, D. Doraiswamy and S. M. Arnold, 2007, "Experimental investigation of cyclic and time-dependent deformation of titanium alloy at elevated temperature", International Journal of Plasticity, 23, pp. 1-24
  • B. M. Ross, A. Lakhtakia and Clifford J Lissenden, 2007, "Maxwell stress distributions in chiral sculptured thin films due to obliquely incident plane waves", Optics Communications, 275, pp. 1-9
  • Clifford J Lissenden, 2007, "Fatigue crack growth experiments on Grade 347 stainless steel"
  • H. Shen and Clifford J Lissenden, 2005, "Stress and strain localization 3D modeling for particle-reinforced metal matrix composites", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 36, pp. 1653-1660
  • Cliff J Lissenden and Baiyang Ren, , "Phased array transducers for ultrasonic guided wave mode control and identification for aircraft structural health monitoring", Materials Evaluation

Conference Proceedings

  • Dong-Gi Song, Clifford J Lissenden and Kyung-Young Jhang, 2024, "A Measurement Technique of the Absolute Acoustic Nonlinearity Parameter Employing Only a Narrowband Pulser", 20th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing
  • Indu Fiesler Saxena, Bruce Pint and Clifford J Lissenden, 2023, "On measuring material changes at molten salt reactor temperatures in a thermal convection loop with guided ultrasound waves", Destech Publications, pp. 8
  • Gaofeng Sha and Clifford J Lissenden, 2022, "Modeling Magnetostrictive Transducers for SH Guided Wave Generation and Reception for Structural Health Monitoring", pp. 252--260
  • Anurup Guha and Clifford J Lissenden, 2021, "Imaging guided wave evolution using wavenumber-distance spectrogram", 11593, pp. 1159307
  • Giraldo-Guzm\'an, Daniel, Clifford J Lissenden, Parisa Shokouhi and Mary I Frecker, 2021, "Topology Optimization Design of Structures Based on Eigenfrequency Matching", 85390, pp. V03BT03A031
  • Anurup Guha, Michael Aynardi, Parisa Shokouhi and Clifford J Lissenden, 2020, "Experimental investigation of low frequency vibration in synthetic tibial cortical bone", pp. 1--3
  • Chaitanya Bakre, Gerald T Boddie, Cory D Jamieson, Abdalla R Nassar, Edward Reutzel and Clifford J Lissenden, 2020, "Laser ultrasonic testing of titanium alloy parts inside the directed energy deposition additive manufacturing chamber (Conference Presentation)", 11381, pp. 1138105
  • Anurup Guha, Michael Aynardi, Parisa Shokouhi and Clifford J Lissenden, 2020, "Material and geometric effects on ultrasonic guided wave propagation in long bones (Conference Presentation)", 11381, pp. 113810L
  • Stephanie Cutler, Yu Xia, Clifford J Lissenden, Francesco Costanzo, Bruce Gluckman and Thomas Litzinger, 2020, "Work in progress-A problem-based curriculum in support of structured learning experiences to prepare ph. d. candidates for independent research", 2020, pp. 1643
  • Yamankumar Trivedi, Bernhard R Tittmann, C Batista, J Xu and Clifford J Lissenden, 2019, "Field deployable spray-on ultrasonic coatings for high-temperature applications", 2102, (1), pp. 060008
  • Chaitanya Bakre, Mostafa Hassanian and Clifford J Lissenden, 2019, "Influence of surface roughness from additive manufacturing on laser ultrasonics measurements", 2102, (1), pp. 020009
  • Mostafa Hasanian, Shengbo Shan and Clifford J Lissenden, 2019, "Mutual interaction of guided waves in plate: Finite element studies", 2102, (1), pp. 050017
  • Hwanjeong Cho, Sungho Choi and Clifford J Lissenden, 2019, "Performance of EMATs for robotic inspection of cracks in welded stainless steel canisters", 2102, (1), pp. 020023
  • Christopher Hakoda and Clifford J Lissenden, 2019, "Using the partial wave method for mode-sorting of elastodynamic guided waves", 2102, (1), pp. 020014
  • Jennifer Bracken, Sean N Brennan, Timothy W Simpson, Ian Van Sant, Clifford J Lissenden, Karl M Reichard and Matthew Ng, 2018, "Change propagation during prototyping: a case study of a robotic inspection system for dry nuclear waste storage casks", pp. DETC2018-86283
  • Jennifer Bracken, Sean N Brennan, Ian Van Sant, Clifford J Lissenden and Karl M Reichard, 2018, "Nuclear storage cask inspection robotics as a case study in system design challenges", pp. IMECE2018-88374
  • Mostafa Hasanian and Clifford J Lissenden, 2018, "Directional Nonlinear Guided Wave Mixing: Case Study of Counter-propagating Shear Horizontal Waves", 44TH ANNUAL REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION, VOL 37, 1949
  • Nathan Malarich, Clifford J Lissenden and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2018, "Field Deployable Processing Methods for Stay-in-Place Ultrasonic Transducers", 44TH ANNUAL REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION, VOL 37, 1949
  • Christopher Hakoda, Gloria Choi and Clifford J Lissenden, 2018, "Modeling Guided Wave Propagation in Curved Thick Composites with Ply Drops and Marcelling", 44TH ANNUAL REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION, VOL 37, 1949
  • Clifford J Lissenden, Igor Jovanovic, Arthur T Motta, Xuan Xiao, Le Berre, Samuel, David Fobar, Hwanjeong Cho and Sungho Choi, 2018, "Remote Detection of Stress Corrosion Cracking: Surface Composition and Crack Detection", 44TH ANNUAL REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION, VOL 37, 1949
  • Christopher Hakoda, Joseph L Rose, Parisa Shokouhi and Clifford J Lissenden, 2018, "Using Floquet Periodicity to Easily Calculate Dispersion Curves and Wave Structures of Homogeneous Waveguides", 44TH ANNUAL REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION, VOL 37, 1949
  • Baiyang Ren, Hwanjeong Cho and Clifford J Lissenden, 2018, "Using PVDF for Wavenumber-Frequency Analysis and Excitation of Guided Waves", 44TH ANNUAL REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION, VOL 37, 1949
  • Christopher Hakoda, Clifford J Lissenden and Joseph L Rose, 2018, "Weak Form Implementation of the Semi-Analytical Finite Element (SAFE) Method for a Variety of Elastodynamic Waveguides", 44TH ANNUAL REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION, VOL 37, 1949
  • M Liu, Clifford J Lissenden, Q Wang, Z Su, Q Zhang and R Long, 2017, "Characterization of damage in shielding structures of space vehicles under hypervelocity impact", Procedia Engineering, 188, pp. 286-292
  • Menglong Liu, Clifford J Lissenden, Qiang Wang, Zhongqing Su, Qingming Zhang and Renrong Long, 2017, "Characterization of Damage in Shielding Structures of Space Vehicles Under Hypervelocity Impact", 188, pp. 286-292
  • Baiyang Ren and Clifford J Lissenden, 2017, "A Fully Coupled Model for Actuation of Higher Order Modes of Lamb Waves", American Institute of Physics, 1806, pp. 030009
  • Christopher Hakoda, Baiyang Ren, Clifford J Lissenden and Joseph L Rose, 2017, "Quantitative Verification of Thin-Film PVDF Transducer Array Performance up to 60 C", American Institute of Physics, 1806, pp. 020018
  • Li Zhang, Cody Borigo, Steven Owens, Clifford J Lissenden, Joseph L Rose and Christopher Hakoda, 2017, "Ultrasonic Nonlinear Guided Wave Inspection of Microscopic Damage in a Composite Structure", American Institute of Physics, (1806), pp. 020010
  • Mostafa Hasanian and Clifford J Lissenden, 2017, "Assessment of Coating Layers on the Accuracy of Displacement Measurement in Laser Doppler-vibrometry", American Institute of Physics, 1806, pp. 050006
  • Hwanjeong Cho, Sungho Choi and Clifford J Lissenden, 2017, "Effect of Skew Angle on Second Harmonic Guided Wave Measurement in Composite Plates", American Institute of Physics, 1806, pp. 060002
  • Hwanjeong Cho, Sungho Choi, Matthew Lindsey and Clifford J Lissenden, 2016, "Electromagnetic acoustic transducers for nondestructive inspection of dry storage canisters for used nuclear fuel", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, ASA, 140, (4), pp. 3211–3211
  • Xiaochu Yao, Hao Zhang, Wei Han, Quming Zhou and Clifford J Lissenden, 2016, "Formation porosity evaluation using nonlinear acoustic second harmonic generation", Society of Exploration Geophysicists, pp. 764–767
  • Jinling Zhao, Vamshi Chillara, Hwanjeong Cho, Jinhao Qiu, Clifford J Lissenden, and , , 2016, "Evaluation of fatigue damage accumulation in composites via linear and nonlinear guided wave methods", 1706, (1), pp. 120007
  • Baiyang Ren and Clifford J Lissenden, 2016, "Multi-Element Lamb Wave Transducers to Classify Damage Type and Characterize Size Based on Modal Content", pp. V06AT06A015–V06AT06A015
  • Baiyang Ren, Clifford J Lissenden, and , , 2016, "PVDF array sensor for Lamb wave reception: Aircraft structural health monitoring", 1706, (1), pp. 030011
  • Clifford J Lissenden, S Choi, H Cho, Arthur T Motta, K Hartig, X Xiao, S Le Berre, Sean N Brennan, Karl M Reichard, R Leary and Igor Jovanovic, 2016, "Robotic inspection of dry storage casks for spent nuclear fuel", pp. V06BT06A063–V06BT06A063
  • Sungho Choi, Hwanjeong Cho, Clifford J Lissenden and Matthew S Lindsey, 2016, "Surface crack detection in welded stainless steel canisters using shear horizontal waves", pp. V06BT06A062–V06BT06A062
  • Clifford J Lissenden, Arthur T Motta, Sean N Brennan, Karl M Reichard, I Jovanovic, T Knight and J Popovics, 2016, "Development of robotic multisensory inspection system for used nuclear fuel canisters", 115, (1), pp. 201-204
  • G Choi and Clifford J Lissenden, 2016, "Third harmonic generation from guided shear waves for early damage characterization in plates and pipes"
  • Baiyang Ren and Clifford J Lissenden, 2015, "Health monitoring of adhesively bonded joints using multiple ultrasonic guided wave modes for improved sensitivity"
  • Gloria Choi, Clifford J Lissenden and Yang Liu, 2015, "Higher harmonic ultrasonic guided waves for structural integrity assessment of dry storage canisters"
  • Clifford J Lissenden and Baiyang Ren, 2015, "PVDF array sensor for Lamb wave reception: aircraft structural health monitoring"
  • Clifford J Lissenden and Jinling Zhao, 2015, "Evaluation of Fatigue Damage Accumulation in Composites via Linear and Nonlinear Guided Waves Methods"
  • Baiyang Ren and Clifford J Lissenden, 2015, "Adhesive defect detection in composite adhesive joints using phased array transducers", 1650, pp. 640–648
  • Jinling Zhao, Vamshi K Chillara, Hwanjeong Cho, Jinhao Qiu and Clifford J Lissenden, 2015, "Cumulative Second Harmonics in a Nonlinear Transversely Isotropic Plate", pp. V001T03A022–V001T03A022
  • Gloria Choi, Yang Liu, Xiaochu Yao and Clifford J Lissenden, 2015, "Effect of localized microstructural evolution on higher harmonic generation of guided wave modes", 1650, pp. 1592–1598
  • Gloria Choi, Yang Liu and Clifford J Lissenden, 2015, "Nonlinear guided waves for monitoring microstructural changes in metal structures", pp. V007T07A002–V007T07A002
  • Vamshi Krishna Chillara and Clifford J Lissenden, 2015, "Nonlinear guided waves in plates undergoing localized microstructural changes", 1650, pp. 1561–1569
  • Vamshi Krishna Chillara and Clifford J Lissenden, 2015, "Towards a micro-mechanics based understanding of ultrasonic higher harmonic generation", pp. 94380R–94380R
  • VK CHILLARA, H CHO, M HASANIAN and Clifford J Lissenden, 2015, "Effect of Load and Temperature Changes on Nonlinear Ultrasonic Measurements: Implications for SHM", Structural Health Monitoring 2015
  • B REN and Clifford J Lissenden, 2015, "Modal Based Damage Indicators for Monitoring of Delamination and Disbond in Composite Structures Using Linear Array Transducers", Structural Health Monitoring 2015
  • Cliff J Lissenden, Yang Liu, Vamshi K Chillara, Gloria W Choi and Xiaochu Yao, 2014, "Nonlinear guided waves for continuous material microstructure state awareness", ASME International, pp. Paper IMECE2014-39699 (8 pages)
  • Cliff J Lissenden, Yang Liu and Joseph L Rose, 2014, "Use of nonlinear ultrasonic guided waves for early damage detection", Proceedings of the NDT 2014 Conference, British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing
  • Yang Liu, Cliff J Lissenden and Joseph L Rose, 2014, "Nonlinear ultrasonic guided waves for microstructure characterization of hollow cylinders", 13th International Symposium on Nondestructive Characterization of Materials (NDCM-XIII), 13th International Symposium on Nondestructive Characterization of Materials (NDCM-XIII)
  • Shahriar Quayyum, Mainak Sengupta, Gloria Choi, Clifford J Lissenden and Tasnim Hassan, 2014, "High Temperature Multiaxial Creep-Fatigue and Creep-Ratcheting Behavior of Alloy 617", Springer International Publishing, pp. 83–97
  • Joseph L Rose and Clifford J Lissenden, 2014, "Guided wave mode and frequency selection tips", 1581, pp. 358–364
  • Vamshi Krishna Chillara and Clifford J Lissenden, 2014, "Guided wave mode conversions across waveguide transitions: A study using frequency domain finite element method", 1581, (1), pp. 308–315
  • A Lesky and Clifford J Lissenden, 2014, "Guided wave structural health monitoring with an array of novel piezoelectric transducers", 1581, (1), pp. 224–231
  • Gloria Choi, Yang Liu, Clifford J Lissenden and Joseph L Rose, 2014, "Influence of localized microstructure evolution on second harmonic generation of guided waves", 1581, (1), pp. 631–638
  • Yang Liu, Clifford J Lissenden and Joseph L Rose, 2014, "Microstructural characterization in plates using guided wave third harmonic generation", 1581, (1), pp. 639–645
  • Xiaochu Yao, Yang Liu and Clifford J Lissenden, 2014, "Nonlinear acoustics experimental characterization of microstructure evolution in Inconel 617", 1581, (1), pp. 733–738
  • B Ren and Clifford J Lissenden, 2014, "Ultrasonic guided wave transmission through a geometry transition and NDE of composite-to-adhesive bond", 1581, (1), pp. 1165–1172
  • M. Soorgee, A. Yousefi-Koma and Clifford J Lissenden, 2013, "Damage detection in bounded fluid loaded plates using piezoelectric fiber composite generated Lamb waves", 3rd International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration
  • Y. Liu, G. Choi, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2013, "Effect of localized plastic deformation on higher harmonic guided wave mode generation in plate", Destech, Lancaster, PA, pp. 1992-1999
  • Y. Liu, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2013, "Nonlinear ultrasonic guided waves for microstructure characterization of hollow cylinders", 13th International Symposium on Nondestructive Characterization of Materials proceedings
  • V. K. Chillara and Clifford J Lissenden, 2013, "Higher harmonic guided waves in isotropic weakly non-linear elastic plates", American Institute of Physics Proc. 1511, 32, pp. 145-150
  • Y. Liu, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2013, "Higher harmonic generation of guided waves in plate: power flux density and synchronism co-analysis for mode selection", American Institute of Physics Proc. 1511, 32, pp. 151-158
  • P. Puthillath, B. Ren, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2013, "Guided wave mode pairs for transmissibility in adhesively bonded metal plates", American Institute of Physics Proc. 1511, 32, pp. 199-206
  • H. Kannajosyula, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2013, "Preferential guided wave mode generation and beam steering using amplitude controlled transducer arrays", American Institute of Physics Proc. 1511, 32, pp. 215-222
  • M. H. Soorgee, Clifford J Lissenden, J. L. Rose and A. Yousefi-Koma, 2013, "Planar guided waves for SHM of plate structures using piezoelectric fiber transducers", American Institute of Physics Proc. 1511, 32, pp. 223-229
  • M. H. Soorgee, Clifford J Lissenden, J. L. Rose and A. Yousefi-Koma, 2013, "Planar shear horizontal guided wave inspection of a plate using piezoelectric fiber transducers", American Institute of Physics Proc. 1511, pp. 254-261
  • Y. Liu, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2013, "Cumulative second harmonics in weakly nonlinear plates and shells", Proceedings of SPIE, 8695, pp. 12
  • S. Quayyum, M. Sengupta, G. Choi, Clifford J Lissenden and T. Hassan, 2013, "Fatigue and ratcheting experimental responses of Alloy 617 under high temperature multiaxial loading", Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference
  • H. Kanajosyula*, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2012, "Non-linearly phased 2-D array transducers arranged on a cylindrical-polar grid for real time guided wave mode control and steering", American Institute of Physics Proc. 1430, 31, pp. 945-952
  • H. Kannajosyula and Clifford J Lissenden, 2011, "Lamb-like wave mode selection algorithm for multilayer plate NDE", American Institute of Physics Proc. 1335, 30, pp. 191-198
  • H. Cho and Clifford J Lissenden, 2011, "Monitoring fatigue cracks in aluminum joints with ultrasonic guided waves", American Institute of Physics Proc. 1335, 30, pp. 145-152
  • M. S. Lindsey, E. Khajeh, J. K. Van Velsor, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2011, "In-line corrosion inspection using circumferential and longitudinal ultrasonic guided waves", American Institute of Physics Proc. 1335, 30, pp. 231-238
  • Clifford J Lissenden, C. B. Masters, S. A. Suliman and R. Toto, 2011, "Supplemental learning tools for statics and strength of materials", Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference, pp. 17
  • Clifford J Lissenden, S. Li and J. L. Rose, 2010, "Continuous piezoelectric health monitoring systems based on ultrasonic guided waves", Proceedings of SPIE, 7647, pp. 12
  • Clifford J Lissenden, R. B. Then, S. Li, C. Xiao, M. Lopez and J. L. Rose, 2010, "Rayleigh surface waves for characterization of the air void system in fresh concrete", Proceedings of SPIE, 7650, pp. 11
  • H. Kannajosyula, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2010, "Inhomogeneous interface waves in a thin layer between half spaces and their relationship to Lamb waves", American Institute of Physics, 29, pp. 104-110
  • Clifford J Lissenden, H. Cho and C. S. Kim, 2010, "Fatigue crack growth monitoring of an aluminum joint structure", American Institute of Physics, 29, pp. 1868-1875
  • Clifford J Lissenden, P. Van Meter and N. J. Salamon, 2010, "Effectiveness of engineering design focus in strength of materials", 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, pp. 6
  • P. K. Puthillath, H. Kannajosyula, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2009, "Ultrasonic guided wave inspection of adhesive joints: a parametric study for a step-lap joint", American Institute of Physics, 28, pp. 1127-1133
  • Clifford J Lissenden, J. L. Blackshire and P. K. Puthillath, 2009, "Structural health monitoring of composite laminates with embedded piezoelectric fibers", American Institute of Physics, 28, pp. 974-981
  • Clifford J Lissenden, 2009, "Yield criterion verification for a laminated metal matrix composite from axial-torsional loading", Neat Press., pp. 121-123
  • F. Yan, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2009, "Directivity profiles of ultrasonic guided wave phased array for multilayer composite plates", Proceedings of SPIE, 7295, pp. 11
  • Clifford J Lissenden, P. K. Puthillath and J. L. Rose, 2008, "Guided wave feature identification for monitoring structural damage in joints between composite plates", Materials Australia, 33, pp. 279-285
  • Clifford J Lissenden, N. J. Salamon and A. J. Miller, 2008, "Design project design for an elementary strength of materials course", 2008 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, AC 2008-1350
  • Clifford J Lissenden, J. L. Blackshire and P. K. Puthillath, 2008, "Integrated structural health monitoring with guided waves from piezoelectric fibers", ASME Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures, Intelligent Systems Conference Proceedings, SMASIS08-325
  • P. K. Puthillath, F. Yan, Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2008, "Ultrasonic guided waves for the inspection of adhesively bonded joints", American Institute of Physics, 27, pp. 200-206
  • Clifford J Lissenden, F. Yan, E. T. Hauck, D. M. Noga and J. L. Rose, 2007, "Internal damage detection in a laminated composite plate using ultrasonic guided waves", American Institute of Physics, 26B, pp. 1029-1035
  • M Hasanian, G W Choi and Clifford J Lissenden, , "Guided wave mode selection for microstructure-sensitive mutual wave interactions", Structural Health Monitoring 2017, DEStech Publications, Lancaster PA, pp. 1685-1692
  • Clifford J Lissenden and Parisa Shokouhi, , "EMAT generated shear horizontal wave interactions with defects in welded steel plate structure", ASNT Annual Conference Proceedings, pp. 318-323
  • Vamshi K Chillara and Cliff J Lissenden, , "Nonlinear guided waves in plates undergoing localized micro-structural changes", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, American Institute of Physics
  • Baiyang Ren and Cliff J Lissenden, , "Adhesive defect detection in composite adhesive joints using phased array transducers", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, American Institute of Physics
  • Gloria W Choi, Yang Liu, Xiaochu Yao and Cliff J Lissenden, , "¬Effect of localized microstructural evolution on higher harmonic generation of guided wave modes", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, American Institute of Physics


  • Steven M. Arnold, Paria Naghipour Ghezeljeh and Clifford J Lissenden, 2024, "GVIPS Prediction of Cyclic Ratchetting Behavior and Cycles with Interrupted Relaxation Periods of TIMETAL 21S at 650 °C", NASA/TM-20240016491
  • Clifford J Lissenden, 2020, "Ultrasonic Guided Waves", Applied Sciences, 9, (3869)
  • Clifford J Lissenden, 2019, "Applied Sciences Special Issue: Ultrasonic Guided Waves", Applied Sciences, 9, pp. 3869
  • Clifford J Lissenden and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2015, "High Temperature Transducers for Online Monitoring of Microstructure Evolution"
  • Clifford J Lissenden, Tasnin Hassan and Vijaya Rangari, 2015, "Monitoring Microstructural Evolution of Alloy 617 with Non-Linear Acoustics for Remaining Useful Life Prediction; Multiaxial Creep-Fatigue and Creep-Ratcheting"
  • Tasnim Hassan, Clifford J Lissenden and others, 2015, "Multiaxial Creep-Fatigue and Creep-Ratcheting Failures of Grade 91 and Haynes 230 Alloys Toward Addressing Design Issues of Gen IV Nuclear Power Plants"
  • S. Li and Clifford J Lissenden, 2011, "Composite piezoelectric strip transducer development for structural health monitoring", 7984, pp. 12
  • Clifford J Lissenden, W. L. McGill and S. Li, 2011, "Ultrasonic guided wave SHM for probabilistic fatigue crack growth prognostics", pp. 1940-1947
  • S. Li and Clifford J Lissenden, 2010, "Modeling ultrasonic guided wave generation from piezoelectric fiber composite strip actuators", pp. SMASIS2010-3771
  • Clifford J Lissenden, 2009, "Experimental yield surface determination for metal matrix composites", pp. 173-186
  • H. Kannajosyula, P. Puthillath, C. J. Lissenden and Clifford J Lissenden, 2009, "Interface waves for SHM of adhesively bonded joints", pp. 247-254
  • Clifford J Lissenden and J. L. Rose, 2008, "Structural health monitoring of composite laminates through ultrasonic guided wave beam forming", pp. 13
  • P. Puthillath, F. Yan, H. Kannajosyula, Clifford J Lissenden, J. L. Rose and C. Xu, 2008, "Inspection of adhesively bonded joints using ultrasonic guided waves"
  • H. Gao, J. L. Rose and Clifford J Lissenden, 2007, "Ultrasonic guided wave mode selection and tuning in composites using a piezoelectric phased array", Structural Health Monitoring, pp. 1668-1675
  • J. L. Rose, J. Mu, L. Zhang and Clifford J Lissenden, 2006, "Long range focused ultrasonic guided waves for corrosion detection in tubular structures"

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Lifetime Achievement Award, SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, October 2024


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Service to External Organizations:




The Penn State Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics (ESM) is an internationally distinguished department that is recognized for its globally competitive excellence in engineering and scientific accomplishments, research, and educational leadership.

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