Photo of Bernhard Tittmann

Bernhard Tittmann

Schell Professor Emeritus


  • Engineering Science and Mechanics
  • Acoustics

Research Areas:

Dynamic Systems, Acoustics, and Vibrations; Optoelectronics, Photonics, and Lasers; Structural and Human Health Monitoring

Interest Areas:

Materials science and characterization, nondestructive evaluation techniques and applications, scanning acoustic microscopy/spectroscopy, physical acoustics, and ultrasonic characterization.





Journal Articles

  • Bernhard R Tittmann and Sahar Maghsoudy-Louyeh, 2016, "Nano mechanical behavior of bio composites", International Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 1, (2)
  • Kyle M. Sinding, Alison Orr, Luke Breon and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2016, "Effect of sintering temperature on adhesion of spray-on piezoelectric transducers", 5, pp. 113-123
  • Cliff Searfass, Christine Pheil, Kyle Sinding, Bernhard R Tittmann, Atsushi Baba and Dinesh Kumar K Agrawal, 2016, "Bismuth Titanate Fabricated by Spray-on Deposition and Microwave Sintering For High Temperature Ultrasonic Transducers", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 63, (1), pp. 139-146
  • Xiaoning Xi, Seong H Kim and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2015, "Atomic force microscopy based nanoindentation study of onion abaxial epidermis walls in aqueous environment", Journal of Applied Physics, 117
  • Reginald Felix Hamilton, A Lanba, O. E. Ozbulut and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2015, "Shape memory effect in cast versus deformation-processed NiTiNb alloys", Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 1, (2), pp. 6
  • J MS Sakamoto, G M Pacheco, C Kitano and B R Tittmann, 2014, "Geometrical parameter analysis of a high-sensitivity fiber optic angular displacement sensor", Applied Optics, 53, (36), pp. 8436-8443
  • D A Parks and B R Tittmann, 2014, "Radiation tolerance of piezolectric bulk single crystal aluminum nitride", Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, IEEE Transactions, 61, (7), pp. 1216-1222
  • K Kafle, X Xi, C Lee, Bernhard R Tittmann, D Cosgrove, Y Park and S Kim, 2014, "Cellulose microfibril orientation in onion (Allium cepa L.) epidermis studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and vibrational sum frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy", Cellulose, 21, (2), pp. 1075-1086
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, C. Miyasaka, E. Maeva and D. Shum, 2013, "Fine Mapping of Tissue Properties on Excised Samples of Melanoma and Skin Without the Need for Histological Staining", IEEE Transactions on -UFFC, 60, (2)
  • D. A. Parks, S. Zhang and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2013, "High Temperature (>500°C) Ultrasonic Transducers: An Experimental Comparison among Three Candidate Piezoelectric Materials", IEEE UFFC Transactions, 60, (5), pp. 1010-1015
  • X. Xi, X. Li, C. Miyasaka, M. Kropf and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2013, "High Frequency Scanning Acoustic Microscopy as Diagnostic Tool in Tissue Science", Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials
  • Sahar Maghsoudy-Louyeh, Jeong Kim, Matthew Kropf and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2013, "Subsurface Image Analysis of Plant Cell Wall with Atomic Force Microscopy", Journal of Advanced Microscopy Research, 8, pp. 1-5
  • Tian Zhang, Sahar Mahgsoudy-Louyeh, Bernhard R Tittmann and Daniel Cosgrove, 2013, "Visualization of the nanoscale pattern of recently-deposited cellulose microfibrils and matrix amaterials in never-dried primary wall of the onion epidermis", Journal of Cellulose
  • M. Bezdek, K. Joseph and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2012, "Low Attenuation Waveguide for Structural Health Monitoring with Leaky Surface Waves", Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Evaluation, 32, (3), pp. 241-262
  • S. Iyer, S. K. Sinha, M. K. Pedrick and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2012, "Evaluation of ultrasonic inspection and imaging systems for concrete pipes", Automation in Construction, 22, pp. 149-164
  • S. Iyer, S. K. Sinha, Bernhard R Tittmann and M. K. Pedrick, 2012, "Ultrasonic signal processing methods for detection of defects in concrete pipes", Automation in Construction, 22, pp. 135-148
  • S. Palit Sager, C. Miyasaka, M. Ghosh and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2012, "NDE of Friction Stir Welds of Al Alloys Using High-Frequency Acoustic Microscopy", Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 27, (4), pp. 375-389
  • C. Miyasaka, K. L. Telschow, Bernhard R Tittmann, J. T. Sadler and I. K. Park, 2012, "Direct Visualization of Acoustic Waves Propagating Within a Single Anisotropic Crystalline Plate with a Hybrid Acoustic Imaging System", Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 23, (4), pp. 197-206
  • S.-C. Lin, Bernhard R Tittmann and T. J. Huang, 2012, "Design of Acoustic Beam Aperture Modifier Using Gradient-Index Phononic Crystals", Journal of Applied Physics, 111, (12)
  • J. M. S. Sakamoto, C. Kitano, . M. Pacheco and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2012, "High sensitivity fiber optic angular displacement sensor and its application for detection of ultrasound", Applied Optics, 51, (20), pp. 4841-4851
  • X. Zhao and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2010, "In Situ Guided Wave Structural Health Monitoring System", NASA Tech Briefs, 34, (10), pp. 26
  • H. S. Ju, E. Gottlieb, D. Augenstein, G. Brown and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2010, "An Empirical Method to Estimate the Viscosity of Mineral Oil by Means of Ultrasonic Attenuation", Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 57, (7), pp. 1612-1620
  • J. Du, Bernhard R Tittmann and H. S. Ju, 2010, "Evaluation of Film Adhesion to Substrates by Means of Surface Acoustic Wave Dispersion", Thin Solid Films, 516, (29), pp. 5786-5795
  • A. Baba, C. T. Searfass and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2010, "High Temperature Ultrasonic Transducer up to 1000 Degrees C Using Lithium Niobate Single Crystal", Applied Physics Letters, 97, pp. 232901-1 - 232901-3
  • S.-C. S. Lin, Bernhard R Tittmann, J.-H. Sun, T.-T. Wu and T. J. Huang, 2009, "Acoustic Beamwidth Compressor Using Gradient-Index Phononic Crystals", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42, pp. 185502
  • H. S. Ju and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2009, "Recent Advances in Scanning Acoustic Microscopy for Adhesion Evaluation of Thin Films", Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing, 29, (6), pp. 534-549
  • M. Pedrick, Bernhard R Tittmann and J. Seliga, 2009, "Design and Performance of a Broadband 10 MHz Transducer for Elevated Temperature, Leave-In-Place Applications", Materials Evaluation, 67, (2), pp. 149-153
  • E. Maev, F. Severin, C. Miyasaka, Bernhard R Tittmann and R. Gr Maeva, 2009, "Acoustic Imaging of Thick Biological Tissue", IEEE Transaction on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 56, (7), pp. 1354-1358
  • S. Maghsoudy-Louyeh and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2008, "Assessment of Hydrous Affinity of Selected Material", Colloids and Surfaces A, 331, (3), pp. 268-274
  • M. Bezdek and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2008, "Dispersion Analysis of a Three-Layered Waveguide with Finite Element and Matrix Methods", Acta Acoustica, 94, (1), pp. 792-806
  • J. S. Sandman and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2008, "Towards an Ultrasonic Sensor for Pressure Vessels", Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 130, (2), pp. 02501-1 - 02501-05
  • Bernhard R Tittmann and C. E. Yen, 2008, "Acoustic Emission Technique for Monitoring the Pyrolysis of Composites for Process Control", Ultrasonics, 48, (6-7), pp. 621-630
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, C. Miyasaka, A. M. Mastro and R. R. Mercer, 2007, "Study of Cellular Adhesion with Scanning Acoustic Microscopy", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Special Issue on High Resolution Ultrasonic Imaging in Industrial, Material and Biomaterial Applications, 54, (8), pp. 1502-1513
  • M. Pedrick, S. Iyer, Bernhard R Tittmann and S. Sinha, 2007, "Ultrasonic Discontinuity Detection in Thin-Walled Concrete", Materials Evaluation, 65, (9), pp. 923-928
  • A. Ebert, Bernhard R Tittmann, J. Du and W. Scheuchenzuber, 2006, "Technique for Rapid in Vitro Single-Cell Elastography", Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 32, (11), pp. 1687-1702
  • Kyle Sinding, Corina S Drapaca and Bernhard R Tittmann, , "Digital Signal Processing Methods for Ultrasonic Echoes", IEEE-UFFC Transactions, 63, (8), pp. 139-146

Conference Proceedings

  • Andrew Suprock and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2017, "Development of high temperature capable piezoelectric sensors", AIP Publishing, Melville, NY, USA, 1806
  • Brian T. Reinhardt, Andrew Suprock and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2017, "Testing piezoelectric sensors in a nuclear reactor environment", AIP Publishing, Melville, NY, USA, 1806
  • Manton J. Guers and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2017, "In-situ creep specimen monitoring: A comparison of guided wave and local transducer techniques", AIP Publishing, Melville, NY, USA, 1806
  • Brian Reinhardt, Bernhard R Tittmann, Joy Rempe, J Daw, G. Kohse, D. Carpenter, M. Ames, Y. Ostrovsky, P. Ramuhalli, H. Montgomery, H. Chien and B. Wernsman, 2015, "Progress Towards Developing Neutron Tolerant Magnetostrictive and Piezoelectric Transducers", AIP Publishing, Melville, NY, USA, 1650, pp. 1512-1520
  • Brian T. Reinhardt, Bernhard R Tittmann and Andrew Suprock, 2015, "Nuclear Radiation Tolerance of Single Crystal Aluminum Nitride Ultrasonic Transducer", Physics Procedia, 70, pp. 609-613
  • B R Tittmann, D Parks and S Zhang, 2014, "High Temperature (>500°C) Ultrasonic Transducers: An Experimental Comparison among Three Candidate Piezoelectric Materials", pp. 4
  • K Sinding, C Searfass, N Malarich, B Reinhardt and B R Tittmann, 2014, "High Temperature Ultrasonic Transducers for Generation of Guided Waves for Non-Destructive Evaluation of Pipes", 33A, pp. 302-307
  • B. T. Reinhardt, D. A. Parks and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2012, "Measurement of Irradiation Effects in Precipitate Hardened Aluminum Using Nonlinear Ultrasonic Principles (In-Situ)", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 31A, pp. 1648-1654
  • D. A. Parks, B. T. Reinhardt and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2012, "Piezoelectric Material for Use in a Nuclear Reactor Core", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 31A, pp. 1633-1639
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, C. Miyasaka, C. Ishiyama and I. K. Park, 2012, "Toward a More Quantitative Evaluation for Nano-Scaled Thin Film System with Scanning Acoustic Microscopy", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 31A, pp. 793-797
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, C. Miyasaka, Y. Tian, E. Maeva and D. Shum, 2011, "Study of Thinly Sectioned Melanoma Skin Tissues with Mechanical Scanning Acoustic Reflection Microscopy", Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2011, 7984, pp. 798417-1-12
  • M. J. Guers and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2011, "Magnetostrictive Sleeve Transducer for In-Situ Monitoring of Specimens", SPIE Smart Structres/Nondestructive Evaluation: Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems, 7984, pp. 798417-1-12
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, C. Miyasaka, E. Maev and R. Gr. Maev, 2011, "Technique for Visulationzation of Anisotropy of Biomedical Tissue by Shear Wave Acoustic Microscopy", 30th International Acoustical Imaging Symposium, 30, pp. 113-117
  • J. M. S. Sakamoto, G. M. Pacheco, A. Baba, Bernhard R Tittmann, J. Mulry and M. Kropf, 2010, "Nondestructive Inspection of a Composite Material Sample Using a Laser Ultrasonics System with a Beam Homogenizer", AIP Conference Proceedings, 1335, pp. 935-941
  • A. Baba, C. T. Searfass and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2010, "Development of High Temperature Ultrasonic Transducer for Structural Health Monitoring", AIP Conference Proceedings, 1335, pp. 793-799
  • D. A. Parks and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2010, "Piezoelectric Material for Use in Harsh Environments", AIP Conference Proceedings, 1335, pp. 1671-1675
  • J. M. S. Sakamoto, Bernhard R Tittmann, A. Baba and G. M. Pacheco, 2010, "Directivity Measurements in Aluminum Using a Laser Ultrasonics System", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 278, pp. 012001
  • C. Miyasaka, Bernhard R Tittmann, Y. Juntarapaso, R. L. Tutwiler, Y. Tian, E. Maeva and D. Shum, 2010, "Systemic Approach to Study of Thinly and Thickly Sectioned Melanoma Tissues with Scanning Acoustic Microscopy", SPIE Smart Structures/Nondestructive Evaluation Conference, 7650, pp. 76502U-1 - 76501O-12
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, 2010, "Quantitative Acoustic Model for Adhesion Evaluation of PMMA/Silicon Film Structures", 36th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 29B, pp. 1182-1189
  • S. H. Maghsoudy-Louyeh, S. Ju and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2010, "Surface Roughness Study of Selected Materials Using Atomic Force Microscopy", 36th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 29B, pp. 1487-1492
  • M. J. Guers and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2010, "Modeling of Wave Propagation and Defect Detection in Rectangular Bar Specimens", 36th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 29A, pp. 97-103
  • C. T. Searfass, A. Baba, Bernhard R Tittmann and D. Agrawal, 2010, "Fabrication and Testing of Microwave Sintered Sol-Gel Spray-on Bismuth Titanate-Lithium Niobate Based Piezoelectric Composite for Use as a High Temperature (>500° C) Ultrasonic Transducer", 36th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 29A, pp. 1035-1042
  • B. T. Reinhardt, K. Boudreau, M. Kropf and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2010, "Dislocation Detection Through Harmonic Generation", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 29B, pp. 1391-1396
  • X. Xi, J. Shi, S. Maghsoudy-Louyeh and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2010, "Characterization of Silicon Wafer Surfaces after Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Treatments by Atomic Force Micrscopy", 36th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 29B, pp. 1493-1498
  • K. B. Boudreau, D. A. Parks, B. T. Reinhardt, M. M. Kropf and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2010, "Progress Towards the Development of an Environment Controlled Automated Ultrasonic Non-Linear Measurement System", 36th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 29B, pp. 2100-2106
  • M. J. Guers and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2010, "Magnetostrictive Sleeve Transducer for In-Situ Monitoring of Specimens", SPIE Smart Structures/Nondestructive Evaluation Conference, 7650, pp. 76501O-1 - 76501O-7
  • M. J. Guers and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2008, "Finite Element Analysis of In-Situ Ultrasonic Creep Monitoring Methods", Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, 28B, pp. 1394-1401
  • D. A. Parks and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2008, "Stepped Ultrasonic Array for Inspection of Submersed Plates in Harsh Environment", Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, 28B, pp. 1743-1750
  • C. T. Searfass, Bernhard R Tittmann and D. K. Agrawal, 2008, "Sol-Gel Deposited Thick Film Bismuth Titanate Transducer Achieves Operation up to 600°C", Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, 28B, pp. 1751-1758
  • S. Fladischer, S. Jayaraman and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2008, "Simulation of Acoustic Emissions from Delaminations and cracks in Plates of Aluminum and Graphite", SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 6934, pp. 6934OG-1 - 69340G-9
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, 2008, "Structural Health Monitoring and Nondestructive Evaluation of Double Wall Structures", SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 6935, pp. 693516-1 - 693516-10
  • Daniel R. Zilinskis, Manton J. Guers and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2008, "Continuous, Noninvasive Level Measurement with a PVDF Strip", 34th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, 27A, pp. 904-909
  • M. J. Guers, C. J. Fontana and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2008, "A Noninvasive Pressure Measurement Technique and the Potential for Integrated Calibration", Thirty-Fourth Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 27B, pp. 1500-1504
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, 2007, "High Temperature Broadband BAW Contact Transducer", 2007 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, pp. 2389-2392
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, 2007, "Ultrasonic Sensors for Health Monitoring of Pressure Vessels: A Survey", 2007 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference
  • S. Maghsoudy-Louyeh and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2007, "Qualitative Assessment of Hydrophilicity/Hydrophobicity of Material Using Atomic Force Microscopy", Seeing at the Nanoscale V
  • S. Jayaraman, D. Pellkofer, I. Lucas, M. Bezdek and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2007, "Progress in Air-Coupled Ultrasound", SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 6531, pp. V-1 - V-10
  • M. M. Kropf and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2007, "Ultrasonic Magnetostrictive Transducers for Guided Ultrasonic Waves in Thin Wires", SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 6532, pp. L-1 - L-8
  • M. K. Pedrick and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2007, "Sensitivity Comparisons of Layered Rayleigh Wave and Love Wave Acoustic Devices", SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 6532, pp. O-1 - O-12
  • M. Bohenick, E. Blickley, Bernhard R Tittmann and M. Kropf, 2007, "Investigating a Stepped Ultrasonic Phased Array Transducer for the Evaluation and Characterization of Defects", SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, 6532, pp. 15-1 - 15-7
  • Derek Doroski, Bernhard R Tittmann and C. Miyasaka, 2007, "Study of Biomedical Specimens Using Acoustic Microscopy", 28th International Acoustical Imaging Symposium, 28, pp. 13-20
  • J. S. Sandman and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2006, "Ultrasonic Sensor for High Temperature Gas Filled Vessels", 2006 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY
  • Michael Pedrick and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2006, "Charged Particle Detection: Potential of Love Wave Acoustic Devises", Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, 25B, pp. 1476-1483
  • Subash Jayaraman, Michael Pedrick and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2006, "Measurement of Absolute Acoustic Strain by Non-Contact Technique", Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, 25B, pp. 1469-1475
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, 2006, "Remote High Temperature Thermography Using Ultrasonic Guided Waves in Thin Wires", Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, 25B, pp. 1570-1576
  • J. Du and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2006, "Acoustic Evaluation of the Integrity of Thin Film Structures", Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, 25B, pp. 1090-1097
  • I. Lucas and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2006, "High Amplitude Studies of Natural Dome Salt and Hydrostatically Pressed Salt", 17th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics, American Institute of Physics, Mellville, NY, pp. 83-86


  • Clifford J Lissenden and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2015, "Temperature Resistant Spray-on Piezoelectric Transducers for Materials Characterization with Ultrasonic-Guided Waves", Advanced Sensors and Instrumentation, (3), pp. 4


  • Bernhard R Tittmann, C. Miyasaka, E. Maeva and D. Shum, , "Study of Contrast Mechanism in Acoustic Image for Thickly Sectioned Melanoma Skin Tissues with Acoustic Microscopy", Advances in Acoustic Microscopy and High Resolution Ultrasonic Imaging: From Principles to New Applications
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, S. Louyeh-Maghsoudy, J. Kim and X. Li, , "Imaging of Biological Nano-Composite Plant Cell Wall at the Micro- and Nano-Scales"
  • J. Daw, Bernhard R Tittmann, B. Reinhardt, G. Kohse, P. Ramuhali, R. Montgomery, H.-T. Chien, J.-F. Villard, J. Palmer and J. Rempe, , "Irradiation Testing of Ultrasonic Transducers", pp. 4
  • K. Oliver, Bernhard R Tittmann and M. Kropf, , "Ultrasonic Stair Case Array for NDE"
  • K. Joseph, Bernhard R Tittmann, M. Pedrick and M. Kropf, , "Low Attenuation Waveguide for Leaky Surface Waves"


  • Bernhard R Tittmann, 2016, "Transducers for In-Pile Ultrasonic Measurements of Fuels and Materials Evolution", pp. 72-77
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, 2015, "Transducers for In-Pile Ultrasonic Measurement of the Evolution of Fuels and Materials", pp. 72-77
  • J Daw, J Palmer, P Ramuhalli, P Keller, R Montgomery, H-T Chien, Bernhard R Tittmann, B Reinhardt, G Kohse and J Rempe, 2014, "Ultrasonic Transducer Irradiation Test Results"
  • J E Daw, J L Rempe, J Palmer, B R Tittmann, B Reinhardt, G Kohse, P Ramuhalli and H T Chen, 2014, "Assessment of Survival or Ultrasonic Transducers under Neutron Irradiation", 4
  • J E Daw, J L Rempe, J Palmer, B R Tittmann, B Reinhardt, G Kohse, P Ramuhalli and H T Chien, 2014, "Assessment of Survival or Ultrasonic Transducers under Neutron Irradiation", 4
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, S Louyeh-Maghsoudy, J Kim and X Li, 2014, "Imaging of Biological Nano-Composite Plant Cell Wall at the Micro- and Nano-Scales", pp. 4
  • J Daw, J Rempe, B Reinhardt and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2014, "Ultrasonic Sensor Enablement for In-core Testing"
  • Bernhard R Tittmann and A. Ebert, 2013, "Application of Acoustic Techniques for Characterization of Biological Samples", pp. 471-483
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, C. Miyasaka, M. Guers, H. Kasano and H. Morita, 2013, "Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) of Aerospace Composites: Acoustic Microscopy", pp. 423-448
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, C. Miyasaka, E. Maeva and D. Shum, 2013, "Study of the Contrast Mechanism in an Acoustic Image for thickly Sectioned Melanoma Skin Tissues with Acoustic Microscopy", pp. 155-185
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, C. Miyasaka, E. Maeva and R. Gr. Maev, 2011, "Acoustic Imaging of Isotropic and Anisotropic Thick Tissue"
  • S. Maghsoudy-Louyeh and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2007, "Capillary Forces Studied with Atomic Force Microscopy"
  • Bernhard R Tittmann and C. E. Yen, 2007, "Ultrasonic Properties of Carbon/Carbon Composite and the Use of Guided Waves for the Structural Health Monitoring of Pyrolysis"
  • M. M. Kropf and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2006, "Investigation of Magnetostrictive Materials and Transducers for the Generation of Ultrasonic Waves"
  • M. K. Pedrick, Bernhard R Tittmann and S. Iyer, 2006, "Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation in Thin-Walled Concrete for Flaw Detection"
  • S. Maghsoudy-Louyeh, J. Du and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2006, "Capture of in Vivo Biological Images Below the Surface of Aqueous Media with Ultrasonic Atomic Force Microscopy"
  • J. Du and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2006, "Acoustic Microscopy Inspection of Layered Structures"
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, 2006, "High-Resolution Ultrasound: A Survey"
  • S. B. Jayaraman, M. A. Bohenick, V. Semak, Bernhard R Tittmann, J. R. Welsh and N. C. Nicholas, 2006, "Laser Pulse Impact Characterization Using Ultrasonic Transducers"
  • Bernhard R Tittmann, J. Du and I. Lucas, 2006, "Evaluation of New Techniques to Characterize Soft Rubber Materials and Used Tires", pp. 53-57
  • E. Blickley and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2006, "An Innovative Piezoelectric Force Sensor to Determine the Integrity of Electrical Sockets"

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


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The Penn State Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics (ESM) is an internationally distinguished department that is recognized for its globally competitive excellence in engineering and scientific accomplishments, research, and educational leadership.

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