Journal Articles
- Manik Kumar, Nilay Upadhyay, Shishir Barai, Wesley Reinhart and Christian Peco, 2025, "A bio-lattice deep learning framework for modeling discrete biological materials", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, TBD
- Shishir Barai, Manik Kumar and Christian Peco, 2024, "Neural network-driven framework for efficient microstructural modeling of particle-enriched composites", Materials Today Communications, 42, pp. 111278
- K C Wells, F Simonetti, Christian Peco and Andrea Paola Arguelles, 2024, "Ice matrix composites for Cryo-ultrasonic testing", NDT & E International, 147, pp. 103215
- Manik Kumar, Joe Sgarrella and Christian Peco, 2024, "Neural networks for emergent behavior in biological microstructures", Engineering Computations, 0264-4401
- Yuanxin Xiao, Nathan Halforth, Fariborz Tavangarian and Christian Peco, 2024, "Nested structure role in the mechanical response of spicule inspired fibers", Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 19, (4), pp. 046008
- Tokimasa Shimada, Koji Nishiguchi, Christian Peco, Shigenobu Okazawa and Makoto Tsubokura, 2024, "Eulerian finite volume method using Lagrangian markers with reference map for incompressible fluid–structure interaction problems", Computers&Fluids, 274, pp. 106210
- Farshad Ghanbari, Eduardo Rodriguez, Andrea Paola Arguelles and Christian Peco, 2023, "Modeling of wave propagation in polycrystalline ice with hierarchical density gradients", Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 217, pp. 103916
- Farshad Ghanbari and Christian Peco, 2023, "Eulerian Finite-strain Elasticity with Phase-?eld and the Reference Map Technique", Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science, 27, pp. 8-13
- Joe Sgarrella, Farshad Ghanbari and Christian Peco, 2022, "I-STL2MOOSE: from STL data to integrated volumetrical meshes for MOOSE", SoftwareX, 21, pp. 101273
- Tokimasa Shimada, Koji Nishiguchi, Christian Peco, Shigenobu Okazawa and Makoto Tsubokura, 2022, "Eulerian unified formulation for fluid-structure interaction problems using marker particles with Reference map", Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science, 2022, 20220002
- Farshad Ghanbari, Francesco Costanzo, David Hughes and Christian Peco, 2020, "Phase-field modeling of constrained interactive fungal networks", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 145, pp. 104160
- C Peco, Yingjie Liu, C Rhea and JE Dolbow, 2019, "Models and Simulations of Surfactant-Driven Fracture in Particle Rafts", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 156–157, pp. Pages 194-209
- Yingjie Liu, C Peco and John E Dolbow, 2019, "A fully coupled mixed finite element method for surfactants spreading on thin liquid films", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 345, pp. 429-453
- C Peco, Wei Chen, Yingjie Liu, MM Bandi, John E Dolbow and Eliot Fried, 2017, "Influence of surface tension in the surfactant-driven fracture of closely-packed particulate monolayers", Soft Matter, 13, (35), pp. 5832-5841
- F Greco, L Filice, C Peco and M Arroyo, 2015, "A stabilized formulation with maximum entropy meshfree approximants for viscoplastic flow simulation in metal forming", International Journal of Material Forming, 8, (3), pp. 341-353
- C Peco, Millan, Daniel, Adrian Rosolen and Marino Arroyo, 2015, "Efficient implementation of Galerkin meshfree methods for large-scale problems with an emphasis on maximum entropy approximants", Computers & Structures, 150, pp. 52-62
- Amir Abdollahi, C Peco, Millan, Daniel, Marino Arroyo, Gustau Catalan and Irene Arias, 2015, "Fracture toughening and toughness asymmetry induced by flexoelectricity", Physical Review B, 92, (9), pp. 094101
- Bin Li, C Peco, Millan, Daniel, Irene Arias and Marino Arroyo, 2015, "Phase-field modeling and simulation of fracture in brittle materials with strongly anisotropic surface energy", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 102, (3-4), pp. 711-727
- Amir Abdollahi, Millan, Daniel, C Peco, Marino Arroyo and Irene Arias, 2015, "Revisiting pyramid compression to quantify flexoelectricity: A three-dimensional simulation study", Physical Review B, 91, (10), pp. 104103
- Amir Abdollahi, C Peco, Daniel Millan, Marino Arroyo and Irene Arias, 2014, "Computational evaluation of the flexoelectric effect in dielectric solids", Journal of Applied Physics, 116, (9), pp. 093502
- A Rosolen, C Peco and M Arroyo, 2013, "An adaptive meshfree method for phase-field models of biomembranes. Part I: Approximation with maximum-entropy basis functions", Journal of Computational Physics, 249, pp. 303-319
- C Peco, A Rosolen and M Arroyo, 2013, "An adaptive meshfree method for phase-field models of biomembranes. Part II: A Lagrangian approach for membranes in viscous fluids", Journal of Computational Physics, 249, pp. 320-336
- Alex Guevel, Yue Meng, Christian Peco, Ruben Juanes and John Dolbow, , "A Darcy–Cahn–Hilliard model of multiphase fluid-driven fracture", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 181, pp. 105427
- Farshad Ghanbari, Joe Sgarrella and Christian Peco, , "Emergent Dynamics in Slime Mold Networks", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 179, pp. 105387
- Christian Peco Regales, , "Energy-based machine learning algorithm for plastic response"
- Feihong Liu, Andrea Paola Arguelles and Christian Peco, , "Numerical dispersion and dissipation in 3D wave propagation for polycrystalline homogenization", Finite elements in Engineering Design, 240, pp. 104212
- Shishir Barai, Joe Sgarrella and Christian Peco, , "Machine learning-based biomimetic optimization models for engineered materials", ACEX
Conference Proceedings
- Eduardo G Rodriguez, Christian Peco and Daniel Millan, 2024, "Effect of Alumina Volume Fraction and Temperature on the Ultrasonic Ice Properties", XL Congreso Argentino de Mecánica Computacional
- Farshad Ghanbari, Joe Sgarrella and Christian Peco, 2023, "Coding soft matter with bionetworks-inspired emergent principles", Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication XIII, 12481, pp. 5-14
- Olivia Lowe, Christian Peco and Fariborz Tavangarian, 2023, "Modeling of the Bending Behavior to Study Nested-Cylinder Structure in Spicules", TMS 2023 152nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings, pp. 1215-1221
- Eduardo G. Rodriguez, Christian Peco and Daniel Millan, 2022, "The Influence of Material Properties Distribution of Waves in 1D: Application to Cryoultrasonics", Mecánica Computacional, 39, (7), pp. 217-217
- Tokimasa Shimada, Koji Nishiguchi, Christian Peco, Shigenobu Okazawa and Makoto Tsubokura, 2021, "Eulerian Formulation Using Lagrangian Marker Particles with Reference Map Technique for Fluid-structure Interaction Problem", 9th edition of the International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, 2022, pp. 1-7
- Amir Abdollahi, C Peco, Millan, Daniel, Marino Arroyo and Irene Arias, 2014, "A computational study of flexoelectricity in nanostructures.", 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 1, pp. 2
- C Peco, A Rosolen and M Arroyo, 2013, "Simulation of the dynamics of bio-membranes in a viscous fluid with a phasefield variational lagrangian approach", XI International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications COMPLAS XI, 1, pp. 13
- Adrian Rosolen, C Peco and Marino Arroyo, 2010, "Stabilized, multiscale, and multiphysics modeling in fluid mechanics.", Mecanica Computacional 2010, 29(81), pp. 8001-8008
- Benjamin W Spencer, Wen Jiang, John E Dolbow and C Peco, 2016, "Pellet cladding mechanical interaction modeling using the extended finite element method", Idaho National Laboratory, INL/CON-16-37676
- Benjamin W Spencer, Wen Jiang, John E Dolbow and C Peco, 2016, "Evaluation of relocation effects modeled using discrete fracture models", CASL FY16 letter report, Idaho National Laboratory
- C Peco, 2014, "Approximation of phase-field models with meshfree methods: exploring biomembrane dynamics", Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech
- Farshad Ghanbari and Christian Peco, , "Analysis and Guidelines for Integration of Phase-field and FFT Techniques for Fracture Simulations", Fluor Marine Propulsion Laboratory