- Richard Sheridan and Charles E Bakis, 2018, Road Mapping Workshop Report on Overcoming Barriers to Adoption of Composites in Sustainable Infrastructure, National Institute for Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, pp. 47
- ACI Committee 440 and Charles E Bakis, 2015, Guide to Accelerated Conditioning Protocols for Durability Asessment of Internal and External Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 10
- ACI Committee 440 and Charles E Bakis, 2015, Guide for the Design and Construction of Structural Concrete Reinforced with FRP Bars, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 83
- Charles E Bakis, 2013, Proc. 28th Technical Conference, DEStech Publications, Lancaster, PA, pp. 2010
- J. A. Todd and Charles E Bakis, 2010, Proc. 16th US National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Penn State University, University Park, PA
Journal Articles
- Adam B. Sacherich*, Seyed Hamid Reza Sanei and Charles E Bakis, 2024, "Biomimetic 3D-Printed Composites: Ballistic Impact Resistance with Nacre-Inspired and Tubulane Structures", SAMPE Journal, 60, (5), pp. 50-59
- Rudy T. Haluza*, Robert K. Goldberg, Trent M. Ricks, Michael J. Pereira, Kevin L. Koudela and Charles E Bakis, 2024, "Modeling Dynamic Crush Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Structures Using MAT213", Composite Structures, 338, pp. 14
- Md. Fazlay Rabbi, James Ertter III* and Charles E Bakis, 2024, "Tensile Fatigue Behavior of Short and Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Additively Manufactured Thermoplastic Multiscale Composite", J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Online first
- Jaeha Lee, Kivanc Artun, Charles E Bakis, Maria M. Lopez and Thomas E. Boothby, 2023, "Changes in Fracture Energy at FRP-Concrete Interfaces Following Indoor and Outdoor Exposure with Sustained Loading", Construction and Building Materials, 392, pp. 15
- Avery D. Brown*, Charles E Bakis and Edward C. Smith, 2022, "Effect of Carbon Nanotube Surface Treatment on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of a Hybrid Carbon/Epoxy Laminate", Composites Science and Technology, 231, pp. 10
- R. T. Haluza*, K. L. Koudela, Charles E Bakis, D. O. Adams and J. M. Pereira, 2022, "Shear Strain Measurement Techniques in Composite V-notch Shear Testing", Experimental Mechanics, 62, pp. 1655-1671
- S. Nagrale*, A. D. Brown*, Charles E Bakis and R. F. Hamilton, 2022, "Augmentation of Low Frequency Damping via Hydrogen Doping in a Hybrid Shape Memory Alloy Composite", J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, (33), pp. 1018-1027
- M. D. Waller*, Charles E Bakis, K. L. Koudela and S. M. McIntyre, 2022, "Properties and Processing of Low-Temperature Cure Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Bismaleimide Composite", J. Composite Materials, 56, (8), pp. 1191-1209
- R. T. Haluza*, C. R. Ruggeri, J. M. Pereira, S. G. Miller, Charles E Bakis and K. L. Koudela, 2022, "Novel Crash Sled with a Translating Support Mass", Experimental Mechanics, 62, pp. 715-728
- J. Theim, D. P. Cole, U. Dubey, A. Srivastava, C. Ashraf, T. C. Henry, Charles E Bakis and A. Vashisth, 2021, "Using Physics Informed Data Science to Locate Spherical Nanosilica Particles in a Polymer Matrix Composite", Composites Science and Technology, 218, pp. 11
- M. D. Waller*, Charles E Bakis and K. L. Koudela, 2021, "Fatigue Resistance of Ultra-High-Modulus Pitch-based Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composites under Tensile Loading", J. Composite Materials, 56, (2), pp. 167-179
- R. T. Haluza*, Charles E Bakis and K. L. Koudela, 2021, "Comparison of Woven and Stitched Out-of-Autoclave E-glass/Epoxy Composites Subjected to Quasi-static and Cyclic Tensile Loads", J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 40, (19-20), pp. 714-725
- J. Lee, J. Kim*, Charles E Bakis and T. E. Boothby, 2021, "Durability Assessment of FRP-Concrete Bond after Sustained Load for up to Thirteen Years", Composites Part B: Engineering, 224, pp. 10
- D. R. Hetrick*, S.H. R. Senei, O. Ashour and Charles E Bakis, 2021, "Charpy Impact Energy Absorption of 3D Printed Continuous Kevlar Reinforced Composites", J. Composite Materials, 55, (12), pp. 1705-1713
- D. R. Hetrick*, S.H. R. Senei, Charles E Bakis and O. Ashour, 2021, "Evaluating the Effect of Variable Fiber Content on Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Continuous Carbon Fiber Composites", J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 40, (9-10), pp. 365-377
- K. Prakash*, E. C. Smith and Charles E Bakis, 2021, "Structural Damping Model for Composite Rotorcraft Blades with Carbon Nanotube Interlayers", AIAA Journal, 59, (5), pp. 1539-1547
- Jeffrey J. Kim*, Avery D. Brown*, Charles E Bakis and Edward C. Smith, 2021, "Hybrid carbon nanotube - carbon fiber composites for high damping", Composites Science and Technology, 207, pp. 7
- Vanessa Benzecry, Ali F. Al-Khafaji, Rudy T. Haluza*, Charles E Bakis, John J. Myers and Antonio Nanni, 2021, "Durability Assessment of 15- to 20-Year-Old GFRP Bars Extracted from Bridges in the US. I: Selected Bridges, Bar Extraction, and Concrete Assessment", Journal of Composites for Construction, 25, (2), pp. 9
- Ali F. Al-Khafaji, Vanessa Benzecry, Rudy T. Haluza*, Charles E Bakis, John J. Myers and Antonio Nanni, 2021, "Durability Assessment of 15- to 20-Year-Old GFRP Bars Extracted from Bridges in the US. II: GFRP Bar Assessment", Journal of Composites for Construction, 25, (2), pp. 13
- Yoseok Jeong, Maria M. Lopez and Charles E Bakis, 2020, "Effects of Sustained Loading and Temperature on a Concrete-Epoxy Bonded Interface", J. Materials in Civil Engineering, 32, (3), pp. 13
- Ganesh Venkatesan*, Maximilian Ripepi* and Charles E Bakis, 2020, "Transverse Young’s Modulus of Unidirectionally Reinforced Glass/Carbon Hybrid Fiber Composites", J. Composite Materials, 54, (7), pp. 947-960
- A. J. Thomas, J. J. Kim*, T. N. Tallman and Charles E Bakis, 2019, "Damage Detection in Self-Sensing Composite Tubes via Electrical Impedance Tomography", Composites Part B: Engineering, 177, pp. 9
- Charles E Bakis, R. T. Haluza*, J. Bartolai, J. J. Kim* and T. W. Simpson, 2019, "Assessment of Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of a 3D Printed Carbon Whisker Reinforced Composite", Advanced Composite Materials, 28, (5), pp. 545-560
- C. Ashraf, A. Vashisth*, Charles E Bakis and A. C. T. van Duin, 2019, "Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Atomic Oxygen Impact on Epoxies with Different Chemistries", J. Physical Chemistry C, 123, pp. 15145-15156
- Carol Shield, Vicki Brown, Charles E Bakis and Shawn Gross, 2019, "A Recalibration of the Crack Width Bond-Dependent Coefficient for GFRP-Reinforced Concrete", J. Composites for Construction, 23, (4), pp. 8
- A. Vashisth* and Charles E Bakis, 2019, "Multi-Scale Characterization and Modeling of Nanosilica Reinforced Filament Wound Carbon/Epoxy Composite", J. Materials Performance and Characterization, 8, (1), pp. 21
- A. Vashisth*, C. Ashraf, Charles E Bakis and A. C. T. van Duin, 2018, "Effect of Chemical Structure on Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Polymers: Comparison of Accelerated ReaxFF Simulations and Experiments", Polymer, 158, pp. 354-363
- A. Vashisth*, C. Ashraf, W. Zhang, Charles E Bakis and A. C. T. van Duin, 2018, "Accelerated ReaxFF Simulations for Describing the Reactive Cross-linking of Polymers", Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 122, (32), pp. 6633-6642
- Aniruddh Vashisth*, Charles E Bakis, Charles R. Ruggeri, Todd C. Henry and Gary D. Roberts, 2018, "Ballistic Impact Response of Carbon/Epoxy Tubes with Variable Nanosilica Content", Journal of Composite Materials, 52, (12), pp. 16
- Jiho Seo, Abhen Singh**, Yancheng Zhang, Jun Ma, Charles E Bakis, Christopher D. Rahn and Michael A. Hickner, 2018, "Electrolyte Resistant Epoxy for Bonding Batteries Based on Sandwich Structures", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 135, (15), pp. 9
- T. N. Tallman, S. Gungor*, S. Koo and Charles E Bakis, 2017, "On the Inverse Determination of Displacements, Strains, and Stresses in a Carbon Nanofiber/Polyurethane Nanocomposite from Conductivity Data Obtained via Electrical Impedance Tomography", J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 28, (18), pp. 2617-2629
- Todd C. Henry and Charles E Bakis, 2016, "Compressive Strength and Stiffness of Filament Wound Cylinders", J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 35, pp. 1543-1553
- Yoseok Jeong, Maria M. Lopez and Charles E Bakis, 2016, "Effects of Temperature and Sustained Loading on the Mechanical Response of CFRP Bonded to Concrete", Construction and Building Materials, 124, pp. 442-452
- Todd C. Henry*, Charles E Bakis and Jaret C. Riddick, 2016, "Three-Dimensional Elastic Behavior of Undulating Laminas in Fiber Composites", J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 35, (2), pp. 151-164
- Abhen Singh**, Lei Cao, Jun Ma, Jiho Seo, Charles E Bakis, Yancheng Zhang, Michael A Hickner and Christopher Rahn, 2015, "Design, Manufacture and Test of a Novel Structural Battery Based on Sandwich Construction", J. Sandwich Structures and Materials, 17, (6), pp. 666-690
- T. N. Tallman, S. Gungor*, K. W. Wang and Charles E Bakis, 2015, "Tactile Imaging and Distributed Strain Sensing in Highly Flexible Carbon Nanofiber/Polyurethane Nanocomposites", Carbon, 95, pp. 485-493
- Andrew Makeev, Charles E Bakis, Eric Strauch, Mark Chris, Peter Holemans, Gina Miller, Dean Nguyen, Don Spencer and Nicolas Patz, 2015, "Advanced Composites Materials Technology for Rotorcraft Through the Use of Nanoadditives", J. American Helicopter Society, 60, (3), pp. 10
- Todd C Henry*, Charles E Bakis, Simon W Miller and Edward C Smith, 2015, "Multi-Objective Optimal Design of Composite Rotorcraft Driveshaft Including Strain Rate and Temperature Effects", Composite Structures, 128, pp. 42-53
- Simon W Miller*, Eric J Little, Michael A Yukish, Charles E Bakis and Edward Smith, 2015, "Rate Effects and Environmental Sensitivity of Textile Energy Absorbers", Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 60, (2), pp. 10
- Sila Gungor* and Charles E Bakis, 2015, "Anisotropic Networking of Carbon Black in Glass/Epoxy Composites using Electric Field", J. Composite Materials, 49, (5), pp. 535-544
- Bin Zhu*, Christopher Rahn and Charles E Bakis, 2015, "Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Damping Treatment for a Cantilever Beam", J. Sound and Vibration, 340, pp. 80-94
- L W Kohlman, Charles E Bakis, T S Williams, J C Johnston, M A Kuczmarski and G D Roberts, 2014, "Engineered Polymer Composites Through Electrospun Nanofiber Coating of Fiber Tows", pp. 32
- T N Tallman, S Gungor, K W Wang and C E Bakis, 2014, "Damage Detection and Conductivity Evolution in Carbon Nanofiber Epoxy via Electrical Impedance Tomography", Smart Materials and Structures, 23, pp. 9
- T N Tallman, S Gungor*, K W Wang and Charles E Bakis, 2014, "Damage Detection via Electrical Impedance Tomography in Glass Fiber/Epoxy Laminates with Carbon Black Filler", 14, (1), pp. 10
- T C Henry*, Charles E Bakis and E C Smith, 2014, "Determination of Effective Ply-Level Properties of Filament Wound Composite Tubes Loaded in Compression", J. Testing and Evaluation, 43, (1), pp. 12
- Chandrashekhar Tiwari, Todd C Henry, E C Smith and Charles E Bakis, 2014, "Experimental Evaluation of Novel Foam Filled Energy Absorbing Composite Tubes", 59, (3), pp. 10
- M S Nelson, A Z Fam, J P Busel, C E Bakis, A Nanni, L C Bank, M Henderson, M L Porter and J P Hanus, 2014, "Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Stay-in-Place Structural Forms for Concrete Bridge Decks: State-of-the-Art Review", 111, (5), pp. 1069-1079
- M S Nelson, A Z Fam, J P Busel, C E Bakis, A Nanni, L C Bank, M Henderson, M L Porter and J P Hanus, 2014, "Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Stay-in-Place Structural Forms for Concrete Bridge Decks: State-of-the-Art Review", ACI Structural Journal, 111, (5), pp. 1069-1079
- B Zhu*, C D Rahn and Charles E Bakis, 2014, "Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Vibration Absorber for a Cantilever Beam", J. Vibration and Acoustics, 137, (2), pp. 11
- T C Henry*, Charles E Bakis and E C Smith, 2014, "Viscoelastic Characterization and Self-Heating Behavior of Laminated Fiber Composite Driveshafts", J. Materials and Design, 66, pp. 10
- T. C. Henry, J. C. Riddick, R. P. Emerson and Charles E Bakis, 2013, "Measurement of Full Field Strains in Filament Wound Composite Tubes Under Axial Compressive Loading by the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Technique", pp. 22
- G. Portnov, Charles E Bakis, E. Lackey and V. Kulakov, 2013, "FRP Reinforcing Bars--Designs and Methods of Manufacture (Review of Patents)", Mechanics of Composite Materials, 49, (4), pp. 381-400
- X. He, J. Yang and Charles E Bakis, 2013, "Tensile Strength Characteristics of GFRP Bars in Concrete Beams with Work Cracks under Sustained Loading and Severe Environments", Materials Science, 28, (5), pp. 934-937
- B. Zhu*, C. D. Rahn and Charles E Bakis, 2012, "Actuation of Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composites in Structural Media", J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 23, (3), pp. 269-278
- Y. Zhu*, Charles E Bakis and J. H. Adair, 2012, "Effects of Carbon Nanofiller Functionalization and Distribution on Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Multi-Scale Reinforced Polymer Composites", Carbon, 50, (3), pp. 1316-1331
- A. Zinno, A. Prota, E. Di Maio and Charles E Bakis, 2011, "Experimental Characterization of Phenolic-Impregnated Honeycomb Sandwich Structures for Transportation Vehicles", Composite Structures, 93, (11), pp. 2910-2924
- A. Liu, K. W. Wang and Charles E Bakis, 2011, "Effect of Functionalization of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs) on the Damping Characteristics of SWNT-Based Epoxy Composites via Multiscale Analysis", Composites: Part A, 42, (11), pp. 1748-1755
- D. Zindel and Charles E Bakis, 2011, "Nonlinear Micromechanical Model of Filament-Wound Composites Considering Fiber Undulation", Mechanics of Composite Materials, 47, (1), pp. 73-94
- G. G. Portnov, Charles E Bakis and V. L. Kulakov, 2011, "Assessment of Transmission of the Shear Stress in Potted Anchors for Composite Rods: 4. Non-Linear Bond Behaviour Between FRP Rod and Potting Material", Mechanics of Composites Materials, 47, (3), pp. 285-300
- C. Roos and Charles E Bakis, 2011, "Multi-Physics Design and Optimization of Flexible Matrix Composite Driveshafts", Composite Structures, 93, pp. 2231-2240
- G. Murray, F. Gandhi and Charles E Bakis, 2010, "Flexible Matrix Composite Skins for One-dimensional Wing Morphing", J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 21, (17), pp. 1771-1781
- A. Liu, K. W. Wang and Charles E Bakis, 2010, "Multiscale Damping Model for Polymeric Composites Containing Carbon Nanotube Ropes", J. Composite Materials, 44, (19), pp. 2301-2323
- A. Sharma, Charles E Bakis and K. W. Wang, 2010, "Effect of Electrostatic and Electro-Hydrodynamic Forces on the Chaining of Carbon Nanofibers in Liquid Epoxy", J. Physics D: Applied Physics, 43, pp. 10
- G. G. Portnov, Charles E Bakis and V. L. Kulakov, 2010, "Assessment of Transmission of the Shear Stress in Potted Anchors for Composite Rods: 3. Bipotted Anchor", Mechanics of Composite Materials, 46, (2), pp. 133-146
- Charles E Bakis, 2009, "Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composites for Autonomous Structural Tailoring", Defense Tech Briefs
- A. Gullapalli, J. H. Lee, M. M. Lopez and Charles E Bakis, 2009, "Sustained Loading and Temperature Response of FRP-Reinforced-Polymer-Concrete Bond", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2131, pp. 155-162
- J. H. Lee, M. M. Lopez and Charles E Bakis, 2009, "Slip Effects in Reinforced Concrete Beams with Mechanically Fastened FRP Strip", Cement and Concrete Composites, 31, pp. 496-504
- Y. Shan, M. K. Philen, A. Lotfi, S. Li, Charles E Bakis, C. D. Rahn and K. W. Wang, 2009, "Variable Stiffness Structures Utilizing Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composites", J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 20, pp. 443-456
- G. G. Portnov, Charles E Bakis and V. L. Kulakov, 2009, "Assessment of Transmission of the Shear Stress in Potted Anchors for Composite Rods: 1. Sleeve of Constant Thickness", Mechanics of Composite Materials, 45, (3), pp. 217-234
- G. G. Portnov, Charles E Bakis and V. L. Kulakov, 2009, "Assessment of Transmission of the Shear Stress in Potted Anchors for Composite Rods: 2. Sleeve of Variable Thickness", Mechanics of Composite Materials, 45, (4), pp. 381-398
- Y. Shan and Charles E Bakis, 2009, "Viscoelastic Characterization and Self-Heating Behavior of a Flexible Matrix Composite Driveshaft", J. Composite Materials, 43, pp. 1335-1360
- M. P. Manoharan, A. Sharma, A. V. Desai, M. A. Haque, Charles E Bakis and K. W. Wang, 2009, "The Interfacial Strength of Carbon Nanofiber Epoxy Composite using Single Fiber Pullout Experiments", Nanotechnology, 20, (29), pp. 5
- G. Portnov and Charles E Bakis, 2008, "Analysis of Stress Concentration during Tension of Round Pultruded Composite Rods", Composite Structures, 83, pp. 100-109
- A. Sharma, Charles E Bakis and K. W. Wang, 2008, "New Method of Chaining Carbon Nanofibers in Epoxy", Nanotechnology, 19, pp. 5
- Charles E Bakis, T. E. Boothby and J. Jia, 2007, "Bond Durability of GFRP Bars Embedded in Concrete Beams", J. Composites for Construction, 11, pp. 269-278
- M. K. Philen, Y. Shan, P. Prakash, K. W. Wang, C. D. Rahn, A. L. Zydney and Charles E Bakis, 2007, "Fibrillar Network Adaptive Structure with Ion Transport Actuation", J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 18, pp. 323-334
- A. Sharma and Charles E Bakis, 2006, "C-Shape Specimen for Tensile Radial Strength of Thick, Filament Wound Rings", J. Composite Materials, 40, pp. 97-117
- A. Liu, J. H. Huang, K. W. Wang and Charles E Bakis, 2006, "Effects of Interfacial Friction on the Damping Characteristics of Composites Containing Randomly Oriented Carbon Nanotube Ropes", J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 17, pp. 217-229
- Y. Shan, M. P. Philen, Charles E Bakis, K. W. Wang and C. D. Rahn, 2006, "Nonlinear-Elastic Finite Axisymmetric Deformation of Flexible Matrix Composite Membranes under Internal Pressure and Axial Force", Composites Science and Technology, 66, pp. 3053-3063
Conference Proceedings
- Jonathan K. Trimpey*, Maxwell T. Myers, David B. Beevers, Charles E Bakis and Adam S. Hollinger, 2024, "Modeling Electrical Conductivity of Injection-Molded Polymer Composite Bipolar Plates", IOP, Bristol, UK, 114, (5), pp. 10
- Avery D. Brown*, Bhavya K. Patel*, Noah P. Robertson, Charles E Bakis, Edward C. Smith, Ben S. Beck, Micah R. Shepherd and Nicholas A. Vlajic, 2024, "Circular Acoustic Black Holes Integrated into Carbon/Epoxy Stiffened Panels for Noise Control", Vertical Flight Society, Fairfax, VA, USA, pp. 16
- Adam B. Sacherich*, Seyed Hamid Reza Sanei and Charles E Bakis, 2024, "Utilizing Nature-Inspired Designs in 3D-Printed Materials for Enhanced Resistance to High Velocity Impacts", Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering, Covina, CA, USA, pp. 15
- Jaeha Lee, Kivanc Artun, Charles E Bakis, Maria M. Lopez and Thomas E. Boothby, 2024, "Fracture Energy of GFRP-Concrete Bonded Interface after Sustained Loading in Natural Environments", American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, United States, SP-360, pp. 96-105
- Abubakar S. Ishaq, Maria M. Lopez, Charles E Bakis and Yoseok Jeong, 2024, "Evaluation of the Bond Performance of Concrete-Epoxy Interface using Segmentation-Based Image Processing Techniques", American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, United States, SP-360, pp. 36-49
- R. B. N Branco, J. Sprague, T. N. Barkauskas, N. Yamamoto, Charles E Bakis, J. Schwarz* and D. Nguyen, 2024, "Process Development for Carbon/Epoxy Prepreg Laminates with Magnetically Aligned CNT Interlayers", American Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, USA, pp. 11
- Yao Yao, Karel M. Ziminsky, Charles E. Bakis, Sven G. Bilen and Xin Ning, 2024, "Bonding Glass Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites using Localized Embedded Ultrathin Heaters for On-Orbit Assembly", American Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, USA, pp. 13
- A. D. Brown*, Charles E Bakis and E. C. Smith, 2023, "Improvement of Damping in Carbon/epoxy Beams with Externally Bonded, Aligned Carbon Nanotubes", DEStech, Lancaster, PA, US, pp. 13
- J. A. Schwarz*, R. B. N. Branco, Charles E Bakis and Y. Yamamoto, 2023, "Effect of Fabric Stabilization Medium on the Interlaminar Shear Strength of Unidirectional Carbon/Epoxy Laminates", DEStech, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 16
- R. T. Haluza*, J. M. Pereira, T. M. Ricks, R. K. Goldberg, Charles E Bakis and K. L. Koudela, 2023, "Simulation of dynamic crushing behavior of simulated carbon/epoxy stanchions using MAT58 and MAT213 in LS-DYNA", DEStech, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 15
- Avery D. Brown*, Anna M. Moorehouse, Charles E Bakis, Edward C. Smith, Ben S. Beck and Micah R. Shepherd, 2023, "Design, Fabrication, and Testing of Stiffened Composite Panels with Acoustically Tailored Stiffeners", Vertical Flight Society, Fairfax, VA, USA, pp. 14
- W. H. Dyer* and Charles E Bakis, 2022, "Damping Behavior of Dry and Epoxy-Impregnated Carbon Nanotube Yarn", DesTech, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 13
- J. Theim, D. P. Cole, U. Dubey, A. Srivastava, C. Ashraf, T. C. Henry, Charles E Bakis and A. Vashisth, 2021, "Using Data Science to Evaluate Nano-Reinforced Epoxy Surfaces", DEStech, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 15
- C. R. Ruggeri, R. T. Haluza*, J. M. Pereira, S. G. Miller, Charles E Bakis and K. L. Koudela, 2021, "Crash Sled Testing of Triaxially-Braided CFRP for Improved Vehicular Crashworthiness", American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, USA, pp. 14
- C. Chandraprakash, A. Vashisth*, T. Bhuvana and Charles E Bakis, 2020, "Optical Characterization of Nanosilica-Filled Bisphenol-F Epoxy and Carbon Fiber Composites", DEStech, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 12
- R. T. Haluza*, J. M. Pereira, C. R. Ruggeri, J. D. Littell, Charles E Bakis and K. L. Koudela, 2020, "Experimental Evaluation of Axial Crush Behavior of Woven Tubular Laminates with a Moving Support Condition", DEStech, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 14
- S. Pauliuc*, A. Barakati and Charles E Bakis, 2020, "Effect of Moisture on the Tensile Properties of Composites with Bio-based Fibers and Matrix", DEStech, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 10
- A. D. Brown*, Charles E Bakis and E. C. Smith, 2020, "Interlaminar Shear Strength of Carbon/Epoxy Composite with Aligned Carbon Nanotube Yarn Interlayers", DEStech, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 11
- R. T. Haluza*, K. L. Koudela, Charles E Bakis, D. O. Adams, M. A. Perl and J. M. Pereira, 2020, "Out-of-Plane Shear Properties of IM7/8552 Carbon/Epoxy by V-notched Shear Testing", American Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, USA, pp. 18
- Keerti Prakash*, Edward C. Smith and Charles E Bakis, 2020, "Damping of a Laminated Carbon/Epoxy Beam with Carbon Nanotube Interlayers", American Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, USA, pp. 18
- A. Vashisth*, T. C. Henry, B. T. Mills, J. Lee and Charles E Bakis, 2019, "Oblique Ballistic Impact Testing of Carbon/Epoxy Torsion Tubes", DEStech, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 16
- R. T. Haluza*, Charles E Bakis, K. L. Koudela and J. M. Pereira, 2019, "Direction-Dependent Mechanical Properties of a Triaxially Braided Quasi-Isotropic Carbon/Epoxy Composite", DEStech, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 21
- Vanessa Benzecry, Janna Brown, Ali Al-Khafaji, John Myers, Rudy Haluza*, Charles E Bakis and Antonio Nanni, 2019, "GFRP Bars Extracted from Bridges in Service for 15 to 20 Years", International Institute for FRP in Construction, Kingston, ON, Canada, pp. 5
- Vanessa Benzecry, Janna Brown, Nelson Yee, Ali Al-Khafaji, John Myers, Rudy Haluza*, Charles E Bakis and Antonio Nanni, 2019, "Durability Evaluation of Bridge-Extracted GFRP Bars", International Institute for FRP in Construction, Kingston, ON, Canada, pp. 5
- K. Prakash*, E. C. Smith and Charles E Bakis, 2019, "Modeling of Laminated Reinforced Composite with Carbon Nanotube Interlayers to Estimate Structural Damping in a Rotorcraft Blade", AIAA, pp. 14
- Yoseok Jeong, Maria M. Lopez and Charles E Bakis, 2018, "Quantitative Image Analysis of Concrete-Epoxy Fracture", American Concrete Institute International, Farmington Hills, MI, USA, SP-327, pp. 46.1-46.14
- A. Vashisth*, T. C. Henry and Charles E Bakis, 2018, "Quantitative Microscopic Investigation of Mode I Fracture Surfaces of Nanosilica-Filled Epoxies", DEStech, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 13
- A. Vashisth*, C. Ashraf, Charles E Bakis and A. C. T. van Duin, 2018, "Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Accelerated Cross-linking and Disintegration of Bisphenol F/DETDA Polymer using ReaxFF", DEStech, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 12
- J. Kim*, Charles E Bakis and E. C. Smith, 2018, "Experimental Evaluation of Carbon Nanotubes for High-Stiffness Damping Augmentation in Carbon/Epoxy Composites", DEStech, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 15
- K. Prakash*, E. C. Smith and Charles E Bakis, 2018, "Modeling of Polymer/ Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite to Estimate Structural Damping in a Rotorcraft Blade", DEStech, Lancaster, PA, USA, pp. 20
- T. Russell Gentry and Charles E Bakis, 2018, "ASTM Specification for Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars for Concrete Reinforcement", International Institute for Fiber Reinforced Polymers in Construction, 1, pp. 105-111
- Jeffrey J. Kim*, Aniruddh Vashisth* and Charles E Bakis, 2017, "Testing of Nanoparticle-Toughened Carbon/Epoxy Composites using the Short Beam Strength Method", DEStech, pp. 15
- Charles E Bakis, Maria M. Lopez, Thomas E. Boothby, Kivanc Artun and Marcus B. Whitaker, 2017, "Behavior of Carbon and Glass FRP Bonded to Concrete Following Sustained Loading for Six Years", University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, pp. 8
- Aniruddh Vashisth*, Charles E Bakis, Charles R. Ruggeri, Todd C. Henry and Gary D. Roberts, 2017, "Effects of Nanosilica Filler on the Ballistic Impact Tolerance of Carbon/Epoxy Tubes Loaded in Torsion", pp. 9
- Aniruddh Vashisth and Charles E Bakis, 2016, "Characterization of Nanosilica Filled Bis F Epoxide with Diamino Diphenyl Sulfone Curing Agents", DEStech, pp. 15
- Charles E Bakis, Rudy T. Haluza*, Joseph Bartolai, Jeffrey J. Kim* and Timothy W. Simpson, 2016, "Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Carbon Whisker Reinforced PLA Composite Material", Japan Society for Composite Materials, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 12
- Charles E Bakis, Maria M. Lopez and Thomas E. Boothby, 2015, "Epoxy and its Role in the Long-Term Performance of Bonded FRP Material Systems", Southeast University, Nanjing, China, pp. 7
- Bin Zhu*, Matthew J Krott, Christopher D Rahn and Charles E Bakis, 2015, "Experimental Characterization of a Cantilever Beam with a Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Vibration Treatment", ASME, pp. 6
- S N Nampy, E C Smith and Charles E Bakis, 2014, "Advanced Grid-Stiffened Composite Shells for Heavy-Lift Helicopter Blade Spars", pp. 15
- T C Henry, C E Bakis, J C Riddick, E C Smith, H Kim, D Whisler, Z M Chen, C Bisagni, M Kawai and R Krueger, 2014, "Full-Field Strain Analysis of Compressively Loaded Flat Composite Laminates with Undulated Fibers", DEStech Publications, Lancaster, PA, pp. 19
- C E Bakis, L A Bisby, M M Lopez, S E Witt and T Alkhrdaji, 2014, "Interlaboratory Evaluation of Tg of Ambient-Cured Epoxies used in Civil Infrastructure", pp. 6
- B. Zhu, C.D. Rahn and Charles E Bakis, 2013, "Vibration Damping of a Cantilever Beam Utilizing Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composites", SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8688, pp. 12
- K. R. Chiu, T. Duenas, Y. Dzenis, J. Kaser, Charles E Bakis, J. K. Roberts and D. Carter, 2013, "Comparative Study of Nanomaterials for Interlaminar Reinforcement of Fiber-Composite Panels", SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8689, pp. 10
- S. Dash, Y. Jeong, M. M. Lopez and Charles E Bakis, 2013, "Experimental Characterization of Moisture, Temperature and Sustained Loading on Concrete-FRP Bond Performance", Proc. 11th Intl. Symp. on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, FRPRCS-11, pp. 7
- S. Gungor and Charles E Bakis, 2013, "Electrical Anisotropy of Unidirectional Glass Fiber Reinforced Composites Containing Carbon Black", Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering, Covina, CA, 58, pp. 2091-2099
- B. Zhu, C. D. Rahn and Charles E Bakis, 2013, "Design of a Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Damping Treatment for a Cantilever Beam", DEStech Publications, Lancaster, PA, pp. 19
- T. C. Henry, Charles E Bakis, R. P. Emerson and J. C. Riddick, 2013, "Characterization of Compressively Loaded Filament Wound Composite Cylinders using Digital Image Correlation", DEStech Publications, Lancaster, PA, pp. 18
- A. Makeev, Charles E Bakis, E. Strauch, M. Chris, P. Holemans, G. Miller, D. Spencer and N. Patz, 2013, "Advanced Composites Materials Technology for Rotorcraft", Proc. 39th European Rotorcraft Forum, Russian Helicopters, pp. 11
- A. Vashisth, B. Zhu, B. Wimmer, Charles E Bakis and C. D. Rahn, 2013, "Evaluation of Millimeter-Size Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Tubes", SMASIS2013, pp. 9
- Y. Zhu* and Charles E Bakis, 2012, "CAI Strength of Filament Wound Glass Fiber Composites Toughened with Carbon Nanofillers", Proc. SAMPE 2012 Conference and Exposition, Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering, pp. 15
- B. M. Wimmer*, B. Zhu*, Charles E Bakis and C. D. Rahn, 2012, "Actuation Behavior of Multi-layer Flexible Matrix Composite Tubes with Internal Pressurization", Proc. SAMPE 2012 Conference and Exposition, Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering, pp. 15
- A. Jaipuriar*, Charles E Bakis and M. M. Lopez, 2012, "Cure Kinetics and Physical Aging of an Ambient-Curing Epoxy Resin", Proc. 6th Intl. Conf. on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, CICE 2012, pp. 9
- Y. Zhu* and Charles E Bakis, 2012, "Damage Detection in Glass Fiber Composites using Carbon Nanofillers and Electrical Resistance Method", Proc. 2012 SAMPE Intl. Technical Conference, Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering, pp. 15
- Y. Jeong, A. Jaipuriar, M. M. Lopez and Charles E Bakis, 2011, "Evaluation of Time and Temperature Dependent Deformation of FRP Bonded to Concrete", American Concrete Institute International,, Farmington Hills, MI, pp. 17
- A Jaipuriar, Y Jeong, C E Bakis and M M Lopez, 2011, "Temperature and Sustained Load Effects on Structural Bonded Repairs in Civil Infrastructure: Part II", pp. 6
- R. Gentry, Charles E Bakis, K. Harries, J. Brown, A. Prota and R. Parretti, 2011, "Test Method Development for Infrastructure Composites Applications", Proc. SAMPE Fall 2001 Technical Conference, Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering, pp. 17
- C. Tiwari, E. C. Smith and Charles E Bakis, 2010, "Innovative Energy Absorbing Composite Tubes Incorporating Extension-Torsion Coupling, Stitch Ripping, and Foam Crushing", Springer, New York, NY, pp. 269-278
- A. Jaipuriar, J. Flood, Charles E Bakis, M. M. Lopez and X. He, 2010, "Glassy-Rubbery Transition Behavior of Epoxy Resins used in FRP Structural Strengthening Systems", Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China, 1, pp. 397-400
- Charles E Bakis, 2010, "Durability of GFRP Reinforcement Bars", Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China, pp. 33-36
- G. Portnov, Charles E Bakis and V. Kulakov, 2009, "Maximum Shear Stress Control in Potted Anchors for Composite Rods", Proc. 9th Intl. Symp. on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, FRPRCS-9, pp. 4
- J. H. Lee, A. Gullapalli, M. M. Lopez and Charles E Bakis, 2009, "Stress Transfer and Pull-Off Strength of Externally Bonded CFRP: Sustained Load and Temperature Effects", Proc. 9th Intl. Symp. on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, FRPRCS-9, pp. 4
- W Kong, C Tiwari, M J Hagon, C E Bakis, E C Smith and M A Yukish, 2008, "Innovative Energy Absorbing Mounting Systems for High Mass Rotorcraft Payloads", pp. 8
- T. E. Boothby, Charles E Bakis and J. Jia, 2007, "Fracture-Based Analysis of Bond Durability of GFRP Bars in Concrete Beams", Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on Durability and Field Applications of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites for Construction, pp. 25-32
- J. H. Lee, M. Lopez and Charles E Bakis, 2007, "Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Mechanically Fastened FRP Strip", Proc. 8th Intl. Symp. on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, FRPRCS-8, pp. 10
- C. E. Ospina and Charles E Bakis, 2007, "Indirect Crack Control of Concrete Beams and One-Way Slabs Reinforced with FRP Bars", Proc. 8th Intl. Symp. on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, FRPRCS-8, pp. 9
- Charles E Bakis, R. S. Engel, D. R. Zurovcik and S. M. Karnes, 2007, "Bond Stiffness of FRP Orthogrids Embedded in Concrete", Proc. 8th Intl. Symp. on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, FRPRCS-8, pp. 8
- Charles E Bakis, C. Ospina, T. Bradberry, B. Benmokrane, S. Gross, J. Newhook and G. Thiagarajan, 2006, "Evaluation of Crack Widths in Concrete Flexural Members Reinforced with FRP Bars", Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, CICE 2006, pp. 307-310
- C. E. Ospina and Charles E Bakis, 2006, "Indirect Flexural Crack Control Procedure for FRP-reinforced Concrete Beams and One-way Slabs", Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, CICE 2006, pp. 535-538
- Ricardo B. N. Branco, Namiko Yamamoto, Jackson A. Schwarz* and Charles E Bakis, , "Maximum Load from Short Beam Strength Testing: the Case of CNT-Reinforced CFRPs", American Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, USA, pp. 6
- Namiko Yamamoto, Ricardo B. N. Branco, Olivia Cook, Grace Mu, Andrea P. Arguelles and Charles E Bakis, 2023, "Control and Evaluation of Heterogeneous CNT Nanofiller Distribution Across Composites", pp. 1
- Aniruddh Vashisth and Charles E Bakis, 2022, "Soft Adaptive Structures with Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Tubes", pp. 1
- Namiko Yamamoto, Ricardo B.N. Branco, Arya K. Roessler*, Grace Mu and Charles E Bakis, 2022, "An Out-of-Autoclave Method for Manufacturing Composite Laminates with Interlaminar Nanofiller Reinforcement Aligned by Magnetic Fields", pp. 1
- A. D. Brown*, Charles E Bakis and E. C. Smith, 2021, "Experimental Evaluation of Carbon/Epoxy Laminates with Concentrated Carbon Nanotube Interlayers for High Damping", pp. 1
- C. R. Ruggeri, R. T. Haluza*, J. M. Pereira, S. G. Miller, Charles E Bakis and K. L. Koudela, 2020, "Crash Sled Testing of Triaxially-Braided CFRP for Improved Vehicular Crashworthiness", NASA/TM-20205000602, pp. 14
- Charles E Bakis, Heather Salasky*, Kivanc Artun, Maria M. Lopez, Marcus B. Whitaker and Thomas E. Boothby, 2015, "DIC Strain Analysis of FRP/Concrete Bond after Sustained Loading", 3, pp. 47-56
- Charles E Bakis and Maximilian Ripepi*, 2015, "Transverse Mechanical Properties of Unidirectional Hybrid Fiber Composites", pp. 12
- Charles E Bakis, Ambuj Sharma* and Kon-Well Wang, 2015, "Alignment of Carbon Nanotubes in Glass Fiber Composites using AC Electric Field", pp. 11
- Eric J Little, Charles E Bakis, Lindley W. Bark, Robert M. Willis, Simon W Miller*, Michael A Yukish and Edward Smith, 2015, "Laboratory and Field Evaluations of Textile Energy Absorbers for Crashworthy Cargo Restraints", 2, pp. 7
- Todd Henry*, Jaret Riddick, Ryan Emerson and Charles E Bakis, 2015, "Characterization of the Effect of Fiber Undulation on Strength and Stiffness of Composite Laminates", ARL-TR-7249, pp. 9
- T. C. Henry, Charles E Bakis, J. C. Riddick and E. C. Smith, 2013, "Full-Field Strain Analysis of Compressively Loaded Flat Composite Laminates Containing Undulated Fiber Architecture", pp. 25
- Charles E Bakis and M. M. Lopez, 2013, "Externally Bonded FRP Strengthening: Effects of Elevated Temperatures and Sustained Loads"
- Y. Zhu, M. J. Yoo, A. Sharma and Charles E Bakis, 2013, "Influence of Carbon Nanotubes on Fatigue Delamination Growth in Filament Wound Composites with Rigid and Flexible Matrix Materials", 3, (978-1-60595-085-3), pp. 170-184
- B. Zhu*, C. D. Rahn and Charles E Bakis, 2012, "Tailored Fluidic Composites for Stiffness or Volume Change", pp. 607-612
- C. Tiwari*, E. C. Smith and Charles E Bakis, 2012, "Non-linear Modeling of Extension-Twist Coupled Energy Absorbing Composite Tubes", pp. 17
- S. W. Miller*, E. J. Little, M. A. Yukish, Charles E Bakis and E. C. Smith, 2012, "Rate Effects and Environmental Sensitivity of Textile Energy Absorbers", 2, pp. 931-944
- Charles E Bakis, 2012, "Guide Test Methods for Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Reinforcing or Strengthening Concrete and Masonry Structures", pp. 23
- Y. Zhu* and Charles E Bakis, 2012, "Post-Indentation Compression Behavior of S2-Glass/Epoxy Composite Tubes with Nanofillers", pp. 18
- J. A. Vander Vennet, T. Duenas, Y. Dzenis, C. T. Peterson, Charles E Bakis, D. Carter, J and K. Roberts, 2011, "Fracture Toughness Characterization of Nanoreinforced Carbon-Fiber Composite Materials for Damage Mitigation", 7978, pp. 10
- A. Jaipuriar, J. Flood, Charles E Bakis and M. M. Lopez, 2011, "Effects of Aging on Glass Transition and Creep Behavior of Epoxy used in FRP Strengthening", pp. 401-408
- Y. Jeong, A. Jaipuriar, M. M. Lopez and Charles E Bakis, 2011, "Temperature and Curing Time Effects on the Creep Response of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites Bonded to Concrete", pp. 63-70
- Charles E Bakis, E. C. Smith and S. G. Sollenberger, 2011, "Development and Validation of a Self-Heating Model for Thick, Mixed Angle Ply Composite Shafts under Rotating Bending Load", pp. 19
- T. C. Henry, C. Tiwari, Charles E Bakis and E. C. Smith, 2011, "Manufacture and Test of Extension-Twist Coupled Energy Absorbing Composite Tubes", 2, pp. 895-905
- D. Carter, K. Roberts, J. VanderVennet, T. Duenas, Y. Dzenis, C. Peterson, Charles E Bakis, N. Lacevic and A. Jha, 2010, "Nanofiber Interlaminar Reinforcement for Impact Damage Mitigation in Carbon-Fiber Composite Missile Applications", pp. 12
- A. Liu, K. W. Wang and Charles E Bakis, 2010, "Damage Detection of Epoxy Polymer via Carbon Nanotube Fillers and External Circuitry", 7, (2), pp. Paper 358, 2
- A. Liu, K. W. Wang and Charles E Bakis, 2010, "Damping Characteristics of Carbon Nanotube-Epoxy Composites via Multiscale Analysis", pp. 8
- A. Liu, K. W. Wang and Charles E Bakis, 2010, "Multiscale Analysis of the Effect of Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Functionalization on Damping Characteristics of CNT-Based Composites", 7643, pp. 9
- Y. Jeong, A. Jaipuriar, M. M. Lopez and Charles E Bakis, 2010, "Effect of Sustained Load on Bond of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites to Concrete", pp. 1
- Charles E Bakis, 2010, "Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Unreinforced Masonry Structures", pp. 46
- D. Zindel and Charles E Bakis, 2010, "Micromechanical Model of Filament Wound Composites Considering Fiber Undulation", pp. 1
- G. G. Portnov, Charles E Bakis and V. L. Kulakov, 2010, "Assessment of Transmission of Shear Stress in Potted Anchors for Composite Rods. 4. Friction-Resistant Behaviour", pp. 1
- A. Zinno, D. Asprone, A. Prota and Charles E Bakis, 2010, "Experimental Characterization of Strain Rate Effects and Impact Behaviour of Phenolic Sandwich Structures", pp. 10
- S. G. Sollenberger, J. L. Bail, L. Kohlman, C. R. Ruggeri, Charles E Bakis, G. D. Roberts and E. C. Smith, 2010, "Ballistic Impact Tolerance of Filament-Wound Composite Tubes with Rigid and Flexible Matrix Material", pp. 12
- Y. Zhu and Charles E Bakis, 2010, "Effects of Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes on Mode I and Mode II Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of a Hybrid Glass Fiber/MWCNT/Epoxy Composite", pp. 19
- W. Kong, E. C. Smith, M. A. Yukish, G. M. Stump and Charles E Bakis, 2010, "Optimization Study of Energy Absorbing Cargo Restraint Systems", pp. 13
- Y. Zhu and Charles E Bakis, 2010, "Quasi-Static and Cyclic Interlaminar Cracking Behavior of Glass Fiber/MWCNT/Epoxy Hybrid Composites", 3, pp. 1851-1864
- Charles E Bakis, 2009, "Life Cycle Analysis Issues in the Use of FRP Composites in Civil Infrastructure", pp. 10
- W. Kong, E. C. Smith, Charles E Bakis and M. A. Yuksih, 2009, "Parametric Analysis of Energy Absorbing Cargo Restraint Systems"
- Charles E Bakis and M. M. Lopez, 2009, "Temperature and Sustained Load Effects on Structural Bonded Repairs in Civil Infrastructure", pp. 6
- Y. Zhu, M. J. Yoo, A. Sharma and Charles E Bakis, 2009, "Influence of Carbon Nanotubes on Fatigue Delamination Growth in Filament Wound Composites with Rigid and Flexible Matrix Materials", pp. 15
- G. G. Portnov, Charles E Bakis and V. L. Kulakov, 2009, "Assessment of Methods for Increasing the Bearing Capacity of Potted Anchors for Composite Rods", pp. 22
- M. J. Yoo, A. Sharma and Charles E Bakis, 2009, "Comparison of Interlaminar Fracture Toughening of Filament Wound Glass/Epoxy Composites by using MWCNTs or Flexible Resin", pp. 14
- P. J. Matthews, K. K. Koudela and Charles E Bakis, 2009, "Composite Laminate Delamination Analysis Using Finite Elements", pp. 18
- S. G. Sollenberger, Charles E Bakis and E. C. Smith, 2009, "Effect of Stress Concentrations in Flexible Matrix Composite Driveshafts", pp. 1055-1060
- C. Tiwari, E. C. Smith, Charles E Bakis and M. A. Yukish, 2009, "Energy Absorption and Load Limiting via Extension-Torsion Coupled Stitch Ripping Composite Tubes", pp. 14
- C. Tiwari, E. C. Smith and Charles E Bakis, 2009, "Multi-Mechanism Energy Absorption via Extension-Torsion Coupled Composite Tubes", 2, pp. 1533-1550
- A. Lotfi-Gaskarimahalle, Y. Shan, S. Li, C. D. Rahn, Charles E Bakis and K.-W. Wang, 2009, "Stiffness Shaping for Zero Vibration Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composites", pp. 9
- Charles E Bakis, 2008, "Elevated Temperature Capability of Epoxy Resins: Issues and Developments", pp. 4
- A. Zinno, Charles E Bakis and A. Prota, 2008, "Numerical Estimates of Composite Sandwich Response under Quasi-Static Indentation", pp. 10
- Charles E Bakis, 2008, "Durability of a GFRP Bar in Concrete: A Review", pp. 8
- A. Sharma, Charles E Bakis and K.-W. Wang, 2008, "Tailored Alignment of Functionalized Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes in Epoxy", pp. 11
- Charles E Bakis, 2008, "Review of Bond and Tensile Durability of a GFRP Reinforcement Bar in Concrete", pp. 9
- S. Li, A. Lotfi, Y. Shan, K. W. Wang, C. D. Rahn and Charles E Bakis, 2008, "A Variable Transverse Stiffness Sandwich Structure using Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite (F2MC)", 6928, pp. 12
- K. K. Bossenbroek and Charles E Bakis, 2008, "Damage Tolerance of Layer-wise Hybrid Laminates Consisting of Glass Reinforced Flexible and Rigid Epoxy Resins", pp. 7
- Charles E Bakis, 2008, "Specification for Construction with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcing Bars", pp. 5
- Charles E Bakis, 2008, "Specification for Construction with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcing Bars"
- Charles E Bakis, 2008, "Specification for Carbon and Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bar Materials for Concrete Reinforcement", pp. 6
- Charles E Bakis, 2008, "Specification for Carbon and Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bar Materials for Concrete Reinforcement", pp. 6
- Charles E Bakis, 2008, "Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures", pp. 76
- M. J. Hagon, W. Kong, Charles E Bakis, M. A. Yukish and E. C. Smith, 2008, "Energy-Absorbing Textile Devices for Heavy Cargo Restraints", pp. 20
- A. Zinno, Charles E Bakis and A. Prota, 2008, "Mechanical Characterization and Structural Behaviour of Composite Sandwich Structures for Train Applications", pp. 12
- Charles E Bakis and T. E. Boothby, 2008, "Experimental Evaluation of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Carbon and Aramid FRP Tendons", pp. 10
- G. G. Portnov, Charles E Bakis and V. L. Kulakov, 2008, "Assessment of Shear Stress Transmission in Grouted Anchors for Composite Rods", pp. p. 294
- Y. Shan, A. Lotfi, M. Philen, S. Li, Charles E Bakis, C. Rahn and K. W. Wang, 2007, "Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composites for Autonomous Structural Tailoring", 6525
- M. J. Hagon, Charles E Bakis, M. A. Yukish and E. C. Smith, 2007, "A New Look at Lightweight Energy Absorbing Devices for Heavy Cargo Restraints", pp. 1176-1186
- A. Sharma, Charles E Bakis and K. W. Wang, 2007, "Electrically Aligned Carbon Nanofiber/Epoxy Composites"
- M. Philen, Y. Shan, K. W. Wang, Charles E Bakis and C. D. Rahn, 2007, "Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composites for the Tailoring of Variable Stiffness Adaptive Structures"
- G. Murray, F. Gandhi and Charles E Bakis, 2007, "Flexible Matrix Composite Skins for One-Dimensional Wing Morphing"
- Charles E Bakis, 2007, "Report on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures", pp. ACI 440R-07
- Charles E Bakis and C. L. Shirey, 2007, "Effect of Vacuum on the Transverse Tensile Behavior of Filament Wound Composites for Flywheel Applications", pp. 1-5
- G. Portnov and Charles E Bakis, 2007, "Tensile Strength Analysis of Gripped Carbon/Epoxy Rods"
- Charles E Bakis and T. E. Boothby, 2006, "Local Bond-Slip Analysis of Loaded, Enviromentally Conditioned GFRP Reinforcement Bars in Concrete Beams", pp. p. 50
- M. Philen, Y. Shan, Charles E Bakis, K. W. Wang and C. D. Rahn, 2006, "Variable Stiffness Adaptive Structures utilizing Hydraulically Pressurized Flexible Matrix Composites with Valve Control"
- A. Liu, K. W. Wang, Charles E Bakis and J. H. Huang, 2006, "Analysis of Damping Characteristics of a Viscoelastic Polymer Filled with Randomly Oriented Single-Walled Nanotube Ropes", 6169, pp. 17
- Y. Shan and Charles E Bakis, 2006, "Damping and Self-Heating Behavior of Misaligned Rotating Flexible Matrix Composite Driveshafts", pp. 15