Journal Articles
- Haoyang Chen, Shubham Mirg, Prameth Gaddale, Sumit Agrawal, Menghan Li, Van Nguyen, Tianbao Xu, Qiong Li, Jinyun Liu, Wenyu Tu, Xiao Liu, Patrick Drew, Nanyin Zhang, Bruce Gluckman and Sri-Rajasekhar Kothapalli, 2024, "Multiparametric Brain Hemodynamics Imaging Using a Combined Ultrafast Ultrasound and Photoacoustic System", Advanced Science, 11, (31)
- Richa Tripathi and Bruce Gluckman, 2022, "Development of Mechanistic Neural Mass (mNM) Models that Link Physiology to Mean-Field Dynamics", Frontiers in Network Physiology, 2
- Rammah M. Abohtyra, Christine L. Chan, David J. Albers and Bruce Gluckman, 2022, "Inferring Insulin Secretion Rate from Sparse Patient Glucose and Insulin Measures", Frontiers in Physiology, 13
- Philip P. Graybill, Bruce Gluckman and Mehdi Kiani, 2022, "Optimization of an unscented Kalman filter for an embedded platform", Computers in Biology and Medicine, 146, pp. 105557
- Shubham Mirg, Haoyang Chen, Kevin L. Turner, Kyle W. Gheres, Jinyun Liu, Bruce Gluckman, Patrick Drew and Sri-Rajasekhar Kothapalli, 2022, "Awake mouse brain photoacoustic and optical imaging through a transparent ultrasound cranial window", Optics Letters, 47, (5), pp. 1121
- Mark Quigg, Carl W. Bazil, Melanie Boly, Erik St Louis, Judy Liu, Louis Ptacek, Rama Maganti, Frank Kalume, Bruce Gluckman, Jay Pathmanathan, Milena K. Pavlova and Gordon F. Buchanan, 2021, "Proceedings of the Sleep and Epilepsy Workshop: Section 1 Decreasing Seizures: Improving Sleep and Seizures, Themes for Future Research", Epilepsy Currents, 21, (3), pp. 204-209
- Gordon F. Buchanan, Bruce Gluckman, Franck K. Kalume, Samden Lhatoo, Rama K. Maganti, Jeffrey L. Noebels, Kristina A. Simeone, Mark S. Quigg and Milena K. Pavlova, 2021, "Proceedings of the Sleep and Epilepsy Workshop: Section 3 Mortality: Sleep, Night, and SUDEP", Epilepsy Currents, 21, (3), pp. 215-219
- F. Bahari, J. Kimbugwe, Kevin D Alloway and Bruce Gluckman, 2021, "Model-based analysis and forecast of sleep–wake regulatory dynamics: Tools and applications to data", Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31, (1), pp. 013139-1:20
- Stephanie Cutler, Yu Xia, Clifford J Lissenden, Francesco Costanzo, Bruce Gluckman and Thomas Litzinger, 2020, "Work in progress - A problem-based curriculum in support of structured learning experiences to prepare ph.d. candidates for independent research", ASEE Annu. Conf. Expo. Conf. Proc., 2020-June
- Ravi Kedarasetti, Kevin Lawrence Turner, Christina Echagarruga, Bruce Gluckman, Patrick Drew and Francesco Costanzo, 2019, "Functional hyperemia drives fluid exchange in the paravascular space", bioRxiv, pp. 838813
- Andrew J. Whalen, Ying Xiao, Herve Kadji, Markus A. Dahlem, Bruce Gluckman and Steven Schiff, 2018, "Control of Spreading Depression with Electrical Fields", Scientific Reports, 8, (1)
- D J Albers, M E Levine, A Stuart, L Mamykina, Bruce Gluckman and G Hripcsak, 2018, "Mechanistic machine learning: how data assimilation leverages physiologic knowledge using Bayesian inference to forecast the future, infer the present, and phenotype.", Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA, 25, (10), pp. 1392-1401
- Fatemeh Bahari, Paddy Ssentongo, Steven Schiff and Bruce Gluckman, 2018, "A Brain–Heart Biomarker for Epileptogenesis", The Journal of Neuroscience, 38, (39), pp. 8473-8483
- Myles W. Billard, Fatemeh Bahari, John Kimbugwe, Kevin D Alloway and Bruce Gluckman, 2018, "The systemDrive: a Multisite, Multiregion Microdrive with Independent Drive Axis Angling for Chronic Multimodal Systems Neuroscience Recordings in Freely Behaving Animals", eneuro, 5, (6), pp. ENEURO.0261-18.2018
- Paddy Ssentongo, Anna E. Robuccio, Godfrey Thuku, Derek G Sim, Ali Nabi, Fatemeh Bahari, Balaji Shanmugasundaram, Myles W. Billard, Andrew Geronimo, Kurt W. Short, Patrick Drew, Jennifer Baccon, Steven L. Weinstein, Frank G. Gilliam, Jose A. Stoute, Vernon M. Chinchilli, Andrew F Read, Bruce Gluckman and Steven Schiff, 2017, "A Murine Model to Study Epilepsy and SUDEP Induced by Malaria Infection", SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7
- David J. Albers, Matthew Levine, Bruce Gluckman, Henry Ginsberg, George Hripcsak and Lena Mamykina, 2017, "Personalized glucose forecasting for type 2 diabetes using data assimilation", PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 13, (4)
- Myles Billard, , Mark W Horn and Bruce Gluckman, 2016, "A Flexible Vanadium Oxide Thermistor Array for Localized Temperature Field Measurements in Brain", IEEE Sensors Journal
- Bruce Gluckman and Catherine A. Schevon, 2015, "Seizure Prediction 6: From Mechanisms to Engineered Interventions for Epilepsy.", Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology
- Malenka Mader, Wolfgang Mader, Bruce J Gluckman, Jens Timmer and Björn Schelter, 2014, "Statistical evaluation of forecasts"
- Insoo Kim, Po-Hsiang Lai, R Lobo and Bruce Gluckman, 2014, "Challenges in wearable personal health monitoring systems.", Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2014, pp. 5264-7
- Giorgio la Corte, Y Wei, N Chernyy, Bruce Gluckman and Steven Schiff, 2014, "Frequency dependence of behavioral modulation by hippocampal electrical stimulation.", Journal of neurophysiology, 111, (3), pp. 470-80
- M Sedigh-Sarvestani, G I Thuku, S Sunderam, A Parkar, S L Weinstein, S J Schiff and B J Gluckman, 2014, "Rapid Eye Movement Sleep and Hippocampal Theta Oscillations Precede Seizure Onset in the Tetanus Toxin Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy", Journal of Neuroscience, 34, (4), pp. 1105-1114
- Julia Berzhanskaya, Nick Chernyy, Bruce Gluckman, Steven J. Schiff and Giorgio A. Ascoli, 2013, "Modulation of hippocampal rhythms by subthreshold electric fields and network topology", J Comput Neurosci, 34, (3), pp. 369-89
- Madineh Sedigh-Sarvestani, Steven J. Schiff and Bruce Gluckman, 2012, "Reconstructing mammalian sleep dynamics with data assimilation", PLOS Computational Biology, 8, (11), pp. e1002788
- Ying Xiao, Xiao-Ying Huang, Stephen Van Wert, Ernest Barreto, Jian-Young Wu, Bruce Gluckman and Steven J. Schiff, 2012, "The role of inhibition in oscillatory wave dynamics in cortex", European Journal of Neuroscience, 36, (2), pp. 2201-2212
- Bruce Gluckman, 2010, "Experimental nonlinear dynamics", Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci., 368, (1918), pp. 2143-2146
- Sridhar Sunderam, Bruce Gluckman, Davide Reato and Marom Bikson, 2010, "Toward rational design of electrical stimulation strategies for epilepsy control", Epilepsy & Behavior, 17, pp. 6-22
- Sridhar Sunderam, Nick Chernyy, Nathalia Peixoto, Jonathan P. Mason, Steven L. Weinstein, Steven J. Schiff and Bruce Gluckman, 2009, "Seizure entrainment with polarizing low frequency electric fields in a chronic animal epilepsy model", J Neural Eng., 6, (4), pp. 046009
- Sridhar Sunderam, Nick Chernyy, Nathalia Peixoto, Jonathan P. Mason, Steven L. Weinstein, Steven J. Schiff and Bruce Gluckman, 2007, "Improved Sleep-Wake and Behavior Discrimination Using MEMS Accelerometers", Journal of Neuroscience Methods
- E. H. Park, E. Barreto, Bruce Gluckman, S. J. Schiff and P. So, 2005, "A Model of the Effects of Applied Electric Fields on Neuronal Synchronization", Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 19, (1), pp. 53-70
- K. A. Richardson, Bruce Gluckman, S. L. Weinstein, C. E. Glosch, J. B. Moon, R. P. Gwinn, K. Gale and S. J. Schiff, 2003, "In Vivo Modulation of Hippocampal Epileptiform Activity with Radial Electric Fields", Epilepsia 2003, 44, (6), pp. 768-777
- J. T. Francis, Bruce Gluckman and S. J. Schiff, 2003, "Sensitivity of Neurons to Weak Electric Fields", Journal of Neuroscience, 23, (19), pp. 7255-7261
- E. H. Park, P. So, E. Barreto, Bruce Gluckman and S. J. Schiff, 2003, "Electric Field Synchronization in Neuronal Networks", Neurocomputing, 52-54, pp. 169-175
- J. T. Francis, P. So, Bruce Gluckman and S. J. Schiff, 2001, "Differentiability Imiplies Continuity in Neuronal Dynamics", Physica D, 148, pp. 175-181
- Bruce Gluckman, H. Nguyen, S. L. Weinstein and S. J. Schiff, 2001, "Adaptive Electric Field Control of Epileptic Seizures", Journal of Neuroscience, 21, pp. 590-600
- J. Chubb, E. Barreto, P. So and Bruce Gluckman, 2001, "The Breakdown of Synchronization in Systems of Non-identical Chaotic Oscillators: Theory and Experiment", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 11, pp. 2705-2713
Conference Proceedings
- Philip Graybill, Bruce Gluckman and Mehdi Kiani, 2019, "Toward a Wearable Data Assimilation Platform", pp. 1--4
- H Sun, J Liu, K L Wolkowicz, X Zhang and Bruce Gluckman, 2018, "Low-Cost, USB Connected and Multi-Purpose Biopotential Recording System.", Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2018, pp. 4359-4362
- Fatemeh Bahari, Camila Tulyaganova, Myles Billard, Kevin D Alloway and Bruce Gluckman, 2017, "The neural basis for sleep regulation—Data assimilation from animal to model", pp. 1061–1065
- Bruce Gluckman and M. Sedigh-Sarvestani, 2013, "Observing the Sleep-Wake Regulatory System to Improve Prediction of Seizures", World Scientific
- M. Sedigh-Sarvestani, D. J. Albers and Bruce Gluckman, 2012, "Data Assimilation of Glucose Dynamics for Use in the Intensive Care Unit", Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc., 1, pp. 5437-5440
- I. Kim, H. H. Fok, Y. Li, T. N. Jackson and Bruce Gluckman, 2011, "Polymer substrate temperature sensor array for brain interfaces, 2011", Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2011, pp. 3286-3289
- A. Jain, I. Kim and Bruce Gluckman, 2011, "Low cost electroencephalographic acquisition amplifier to serve as teaching and research tool", Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2011, 2011, pp. 1888-1891
- B. Shanmugasundaram and Bruce Gluckman, 2011, "Micro-reaction chamber electrodes for neural stimulation and recordin", Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2011, pp. 656-659
- D. L. Andre, B. Shanmugasundaram, J. Mason, C. Drapaca and Bruce Gluckman, 2009, "Mechanisms determining safety and performance of brain stimulating electrodes", Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc., 1, pp. 689-692
- N. Chernyy, S. J. Schiff and Bruce Gluckman, 2009, "Time dependence of stimulation/recording-artifact transfer function estimates for neural interface systems", Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc., 1, pp. 1380-3
- N. Chernyy, S. J. Schiff and Bruce Gluckman, 2008, "Multi-taper transfer function estimation for stimulation artifact removal from neural recordings", Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc., 1, pp. 2772-2776
- M. Kamrunnahar, N. S. Dias, S. J. Schiff and Bruce Gluckman, 2008, "Model-based responses and features in Brain Computer Interfaces", Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc., 1, pp. 4482-4485
- S. Sunderam, N. Chernyy, J. Mason, N. Peixoto, S. L. Weinstein, S. J. Schiff and Bruce Gluckman, 2006, "Seizure Modulation with Applied Electric Fields in Chronically Implanted Animals", Proceedings of the 28th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference 2006, pp. 1612-1615
- Sun Han, Bruce Gluckman, Xiong Zhang, Yu Zhang, Xuefei Zhong and Zhaowen Fan, , "Optimal-channel Selection Algorithms in Mental Tasks based Brain-computer Interface"