Journal Articles
- Olivia J Cook, Foster K Feni, Mique A Gonzales, Reginald Felix Hamilton and Andrea Paola Arguelles, 2024, "Ultrasonic scattering behavior in austenitic NiTi with varying grain size and precipitate characteristics", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155, (3), pp. 3
- Asheesh R Lanba, Reginald Felix Hamilton, Adrien N Melanson, Emma S Perry and Richard F Gordon, 2024, "Multifunctional metallic nano composite for overcoming the strength-ductility trade-off", Scientific Reports, 14, pp. 8
- Shashank Nagrale, Avery D Brown, Charles E Bakis and Reginald Felix Hamilton, 2021, "Augmentation of low frequency damping in a hybrid shape memory alloy composite via hydrogen doping", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
- Beth A Bimber, Reginald Felix Hamilton and Todd Palmer, 2019, "Ni-Concentration Dependence of Directed Energy Deposited NiTi Alloy Microstructures", Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 5, (2), pp. 182--187
- Jovana Jovanova, Mary I Frecker, Reginald Felix Hamilton and Todd Palmer, 2019, "Target shape optimization of functionally graded shape memory alloy compliant mechanisms", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 30, (9), pp. 1385--1396
- Reginald Felix Hamilton, Beth A Bimber and Todd Palmer, 2018, "Correlating microstructure and superelasticity of directed energy deposition additive manufactured Ni-rich NiTi alloys", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 739, pp. 11
- Reginald Felix Hamilton, Beth A Bimber, Mohsen Taheri and Mohammad Elahinia, 2017, "Multi-scale Shape Memory Effect Recovery in NiTi Alloys Additive Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting and Laser Directed Energy Deposition", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, pp. 26
- S. Dilibal, Reginald Felix Hamilton and A. Lanba, 2017, "The effect of employed loading mode on the mechanical cyclic stabilization of NiTi shape memory alloys", Intermetallics, 89, pp. 10
- Huilong Hou, Yuan Tang, Reginald Felix Hamilton and Mark W Horn, 2017, "Functional fatigue of submicrometer NiTi shape memory alloy thin films", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, pp. 5
- Huilong Hou, Mark W Horn and Reginald Felix Hamilton, 2016, "Biased Target Ion Beam Deposition and Nanoskiving for Fabricating NiTi Alloy Nanowires", Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 2, (4), pp. 330-336
- Huilong Hou, Reginald Felix Hamilton and Mark W Horn, 2016, "Crystallization of nanoscale NiTi alloy thin films using rapid thermal annealing", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 34, pp. 6
- Mohammad Elahinia, Narges Shayesteh Moghaddam, Mohsen Taheri Andani, Amirhesam Amerinatanzi, Beth A. Bimber and Reginald Felix Hamilton, 2016, "Fabrication of NiTi through additive manufacturing: A review", Progress in Materials Science, 83, pp. 630-663
- Huilong Hou, Reginald Felix Hamilton and Mark W Horn, 2016, "Narrow thermal hysteresis of NiTi shape memory alloy thin films with submicrometer thickness", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 34, (5), pp. 5
- Beth A Bimber, Reginald Felix Hamilton, Todd Palmer and Jayme S Keist, 2016, "Anisotropic microstructure and superelasticity of additive manufactured NiTi alloy bulk builds using laser directed energy deposition", Materials Science and Engineering A, 674, pp. 10
- H. Jung, A. Pena-Francesch, Alham Saadat, A. Sebastian, D. H. Kim, Reginald Felix Hamilton, Istvan Albert, Benjamin D Allen and Melik C Demirel, 2016, "Molecular tandem repeat strategy for elucidating mechanical properties of high-strength proteins", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113, (23), pp. 6478-83
- Huilong Hou, Reginald Felix Hamilton and Mark W Horn, 2016, "Crystallization and microstructure evolution of nanoscale NiTi thin films prepared by biased target ion beam deposition", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 34, (1), pp. 8
- Osman E Ozbulut, Reginald Felix Hamilton, Muhammad Sherif and Asheesh Lanba, 2015, "Feasibility of self-prestressing concrete members using shape memory alloys", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 26, (18), pp. 15
- Huilong Hou and Reginald Felix Hamilton, 2015, "Free-standing NiTi alloy nanowires fabricated by nanoskiving", Nanoscale, 7, (32), pp. 6
- Reginald Felix Hamilton, Asheesh Lanba, Osman E Ozbulut and Bernhard R Tittmann, 2015, "Shape Memory Effect in Cast versus Deformation-Processed NiTiNb Alloys", Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 1, (2), pp. 8
- Reginald Felix Hamilton and Asheesh Lanba, 2015, "The Impact of Martensite Deformation on Shape Memory Effect Recovery Strain Evolution", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 46, (8), pp. 8
- Huilong Hou, Reginald Felix Hamilton and Mark W Horn, 2015, "Structure and interfacial analysis of nanoscale TiNi thin film prepared by biased target ion beam depositio", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, pp. 13
- Reginald Felix Hamilton, Todd A Palmer and Beth A Bimber, 2015, "Spatial characterization of the thermal-induced phase transformation throughout as-deposited additive manufactured NiTi bulk builds", Scripta Materialia, 101, pp. 4
- Huilong Hou, Reginald Felix Hamilton, M. W. Horn and Y. Jin, 2014, "NiTi thin films prepared by biased target ion beam depositionco-sputtering from elemental Ni and Ti targets", Thin Solid Films 570 Part A, pp. 1-6
- A. Lanba and Reginald Felix Hamilton, 2014, "Elastic and Irreversible Energies of a Two-Stage Martensitic Transformation in NiTi utilizing Calorimetric Measurements", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 45, (14-Jun), pp. 2732-2740
- Garrett J Pataky, Michael D Sangid, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Reginald Felix Hamilton, Hans J Maier and Petros Sofronis, 2012, "Full field measurements of anisotropic stress intensity factor ranges in fatigue", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 94, pp. 16
- Michael D Sangid, Garrett J Pataky, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Reginald Felix Hamilton and Hans J Maier, 2011, "High resolution analysis of opening and sliding in fatigue crack growth", International Journal of Fatigue, 37, pp. 12
- Reginald Felix Hamilton, Savas Dilibal, Huseyin Sehitoglu and Hans J Maier, 2011, "Underlying mechanism of dual hysteresis in NiMnGa single crystals", Materials Science and Engineering A, 528, (3), pp. 5
- Savas Dilibal, Huseyin Sehitoglu, Reginald Felix Hamilton, Hans J Maier and Yuri Chumlyakov, 2010, "On the volume change in Co-Ni-Al during pseudoelasticity", Materials Science and Engineering A, 528, (6), pp. 7
Conference Proceedings
- Catherine Berdanier, Julio Urbina, Reginald Hamilton, Catherine Cohan, Cynthia Reed and Tonya Peeples, 2024, "Capturing First-and Second-Year Master’s Engineering Students’ Perceptions of Support in Their Transitions to Graduate School", ASEE Conferences
- Tomé Seichi da Nóbrega Guenka, Reginald Felix Hamilton, Christopher Greer, Sven G Bilén, Bed Poudel, Alexander Rattner, Ryan Overdorff, Bilal Bomani and William Sixel, 2024, "Additive Manufacturing and Experimental Characterization of Nickel-Titanium Shape-Memory Alloy Wick Structures and Heat Pipes for Spacecraft Thermal Control", pp. 12
- Reginald Felix Hamilton, Mary I Frecker, Todd Palmer and Jovana Jovanova, 2016, "Target Shape Optimization of Functionally Graded Shape Memory Alloy Compliant Mechanism", American Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp. 10
- Muhammad Sherif, Osman Ozbulut and Reginald Felix Hamilton, 2015, "Self-post-tensioning for concrete elements using shape memory alloys", Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting, TRB committee AFF30 Concrete Bridges, Washington, DC, pp. 15
- Muhammad Sherif, Osman Ozbulut, Asheesh Lanba and Reginald Felix Hamilton, 2014, "Self-post-tensioning for concrete beams using shape memory alloys", ASME, pp. 8
- Asheesh Lanba and Reginald Felix Hamilton, , "NiTi-based SMAs for Self-Post-Tensioned Bridge Girders", DEStech Publications, Inc, pp. 10
- Reginald Felix Hamilton, Mary I Frecker, Todd Palmer and Jovana Jovanova, 2017, "Target Shape Optimization of Functionally Graded Shape Memory Alloy Compliant Mechanism", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, pp. 12