Photo of Mark Horn

Mark Horn



  • Engineering Science and Mechanics

305C Earth and Engineering Sciences Building


Interest Areas:

Plasma etching, thin film deposition, lithography, planarization, MEMS, gas sensors, and engineered thin films





Journal Articles

  • Akash Das, Soumen Mandal, Ricardo Fiallo, Mark W Horn, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Manik Pradhan, 2023, "Geometric phase and photonic spin Hall effect in thin films with architected columnar morphology", Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 40, (9)
  • Ricardo Fiallo, Chengzhi Li, Mark W Horn and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2023, "On temporally periodic physical vapor deposition on random rough surfaces", Journal of Nanophotonics, 17, (3)
  • Mark W Horn, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Ricardo Fiallo, 2022, "Polarization-universal bandgaps realized with columnar thin films", Journal of Nanophotonics, 16, (4)
  • Ricardo Fiallo, Mark W Horn and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2022, "Polarization-universal bandgaps realized with chiral sculptured thin films", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics., 39, 10, p. 2697-2704 8 p., (10), pp. 8
  • Yunju Liu, Chen-Chin Lee, Mark W Horn and Hyeonseok Lee, 2021, "Toward efficient photocatalysts for light-driven CO2 reduction: TiO2 nanostructures decorated with perovskite quantum dots", Nano Express, 2
  • H.A.E Omr, Mark W Horn and Hyeonseok Lee, 2021, "Low-Dimensional Nanostructured Photocatalysts for Efficient CO2 Conversion into Solar Fuels.", Catalysts, 11
  • Joseph R Nasr, Nicholas Simonson, Aaryan Oberoi, Mark W Horn, Joshua Robinson and Saptarshi Das, 2020, "Low-Power and Ultra-Thin MoS2 Photodetectors on Glass", ACS Nano, 14, pp. 9
  • Joseph Nasr, Daniel Schulman, Amritran Sebastian and Saptharshi Dasw, 2019, "Mobility Deception in Nanoscale Transistors: An Untold Contact Story", Advanced Materials
  • Hyeonseok Lee, Yu-Ting Huang, Mark W Horn and Shien-Ping Feng, 2018, "Engineered optical and electrical performance of rf-sputtered undoped nickel oxide thin films for inverted perovskite solar cells", Nature Scientific Reports
  • Huilong Hou, Yuan Tang, Reginald F Hamilton and Mark W Horn, 2017, "Functional fatigue of submicrometer NiTi shape memory alloy thin films", JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A, 34, (4)
  • Joseph Nasr, Jacob Cordell, Ramya urunathan, Jefferey RS Brownson and Mark W Horn, 2017, "Phase Control of RF Sputtered SnSx with Post-Deposition Annealing for a Pseudo-Homojunction Photovoltaic Device", JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, 46, (2), pp. 7
  • Rona Banai, Jefferey Brownson and Mark W Horn, 2016, "A Review of Tin (II) Monosulfide and its Potential as a Photovoltaic Absorber", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 150, pp. 112-129
  • Myles Billard, Hitesh Basantani, Mark W Horn and Bruce Gluckman, 2016, "A Flexible Vanadium Oxide Thermistor Array for Localized Temperature Field Measurements in Brain", IEEE Sensors Journal, 16, (8)
  • Huilong Hou, Reginald Felix Hamilton and Mark W Horn, 2015, "Crystallization and microstructure evolution of nanoscale NiTi thin films prepared by biased target ion beam deposition", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 34, pp. 010601
  • Rona Banai, Jacob Cordell, G Lindwall, Nicolas J Tannen, S L Shang, Josef R Nasr, Z K Liu, J R Brownson and Mark W Horn, 2015, "Control of Phase in Tin Sulfide Thin Films Produced via RF-Sputtering of SnS2 Target with Post-deposition Annealing", Journal of Electronic Materials
  • Huilong Hou, Reginald Felix Hamilton, Mark W H andrn, , 2015, "Structure and interfacial analysis of nanoscale TiNi thin film prepared by biased target ion beam deposition", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 33, pp. 040601
  • Jin Yao, Adem Ozelik, Mark W Horn and Thomas N Jackson, 2014, "Potential for reactive pulsed-dc magnetron sputtering of nanocomposite VOx microbolometer thin films", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 32, (6)
  • H Hou, R F Hamilton, Mark W Horn and Y Jin, 2014, "NiTi thin films prepared by biased target ion beam deposition co-sputtering from elemental Ni and Ti targets", Thin Solid Films, 570, (A), pp. 1-6
  • Rona E. Banai, Hyeonseok Lee, Michael A. Motyka, Ramprasad Chandrasekharan, Nikolas J. Podraza, Jeffrey R.S. Brownson and Mark W Horn, 2013, "Optical Properties of Sputtered SnS Thin Films for Photovoltaic Absorbers", IEEE Journal for Photovoltaics
  • Hyeonseok Lee and Mark W Horn, 2013, "Sculptured platinum nanowire counter electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells", Thin Solid Films
  • M. A. Motyka, B. D. Gauntt, Mark W Horn and N. J. Podraza, 2012, "Microstructural Evolution of Thin Film Vanadium Oxide Prepared by Pulsed-DC Magnetron Sputtering", JAP, 112, (9)
  • Adem Ozcelik, Orlando Cabarcos, David L. Allara and Mark W Horn, 2012, "Vanadium oxide thin films alloyed with Ti, Zr, Nb, and Mo for uncooled infrared imaging applications", Journal of Electronic Materials
  • H. A. Basantani, S. Kozlowski, Myung-Yoon Lee, J. Li, S. S. N. Bharadwaja, E. C. Dickey, T. N. Jackson and Mark W Horn, 2012, "Enhanced electrical and noise properties of nanocomposite vanadium oxide thin films by reactive pulsed-dc magnetron sputtering", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, (26)
  • N. J. Podraza, B. D. Gauntt, M. A. Motyka, E. C. Dickey and Mark W Horn, 2012, "Electrical and optical properties of sputtered amorphous vanadium oxide thin films", JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, (7)
  • Chandrasekaran Venkatasubramanian, Orlando M. Cabarcos, William R. Drawl, Dave Allara, S. Ashok, Mark W Horn and S. S. N. Bharadwaja, 2011, "Process-structure-property correlations in pulsed dc reactive magnetron sputtered vanadium oxide thin films", JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A, 29, (6), pp. 061504
  • Guneet Seth, Brian Bontempo, Eugene Furman, Mark W Horn, Michael T. Lanagan, S. S. N. Bharadwaja and Jing Li, 2011, "Impedance analysis of amorphous and polycrystalline tantalum oxide sputtered films", JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 26, (6), pp. 745-753
  • Shih-To Fei, Seung-Hyun Anna Lee, Sean M. Pursel, James Basham, Andrew Hess, Craig A. Grimes, Mark W Horn, Thomas E. Mallouk and Harry R. Allcock, 2011, "Electrolyte infiltration in phosphazene-based dye-sensitized solar cells", Journal of Power Sources, 196, pp. 5223-5230
  • Seung-Hyun Anna Lee, Anne-Martine S. Jackson, Andrew Hess, Shih-To Fei, Sean M. Pursel, James Basham, Craig A. Grimes, Mark W Horn, Harry R. Allcock and Thomas E. Mallouk, 2010, "Influence of Different Iodide Salts on the Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Containing Phosphazene-Based Nonvolatile Electro-lyte", J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, (35), pp. 15234-15242
  • S. S. N. Bharadwaja, C. Venkatasubramanyam, N. Fieldhouse, B. Gauntt, Myung Yoon Lee, S. Ashok, E. C. Dickey, T. N. Jackson and Mark W Horn, 2010, "Processing Issues in Pulse Dc Sputtering of Vanadium Oxide Thin Films for Uncooled Infrared De-tectors", Advances in Electroceramic Materials II, Ceramic Transactions, 221, pp. p. 177
  • G. Sethi, R. Sahul, C. Min, P. Tewari, E. Furman, Mark W Horn and M. T. Lanagan, 2009, "Dielectric Response of Tantalum Oxide Deposited on Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Film by Low-Temperature Pulsed-DC Sputtering for Wound Capacitors", IEEE Trans. Comp. Pack. Tech., 32, (4), pp. 915
  • P. Tewari, G. Sethi, Mark W Horn and M. T. Lanagan, 2009, "Enhanced polarization in zirconia-P(VDF-TrFE) laminar composite dielectrics", J. Mat. Sci.-Mat. Elec., 20, (10), pp. 1001-1007
  • G. Sethi, P. Sunal, Mark W Horn and M. T. Lanagan, 2009, "Influence of reactive sputter deposition conditions on crystallization of zirconium oxide thin films", J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A, 27, (3), pp. 577-583
  • S. S. N. Bharadwaja, C. Venkatasubramanian, N. Fieldhouse, S. Ashok, Mark W Horn and T. N. Jackson, 2009, "Low temperature charge carrier hopping transport me-chanism in vanadium oxide thin films grown using pulsed dc sputtering", Appl. Phys. Lett., 94, pp. 3
  • C. Venkatasubramanian, Mark W Horn and S. Ashok, 2009, "Ion implantation studies on VOx films prepared by pulsed dc reactive sputtering", Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 267, pp. 1476-1479
  • N. Fieldhouse, S. M. Pursel, Mark W Horn and S. S. N. Bharadwaja, 2009, "Electrical properties of vanadium oxide thin films for bolometer applications: processed by pulse dc sputtering", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 42, pp. 6
  • N. Fieldhouse, S. M. Pursel, R. Carey, Mark W Horn and S. S. N. Bharadwaja, 2009, "Vanadium oxide thin films for bolometric applications deposited by reactive pulsed dc sputtering", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 27, (4), pp. 951-955
  • C. Venkatasubramanian, O. M. Cabarcos, D. L. Allara, Mark W Horn and S. Ashok, 2009, "Correlation of temperature response and structure of annealed VOx thin films for IR detector applications", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 27, (4), pp. 956-961
  • B. D. Gauntt, Elizabeth C. Dickey and Mark W Horn, 2009, "Stoichiometry and micro-structural effects on electrical conduction in pulsed dc sputtered vanadium oxide thin films", J. Mater. Res., 24, (4), pp. 1590-1599
  • T. J. Mullen, C. Srinivasan, M. J. Shuster, Mark W Horn, A. M. Andrews and P. S. Weiss, 2008, "Hy-brid approaches to nanometer-scale patterning: Exploiting tailored intermolecular interactions", JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH, 10, (8), pp. 1231-1240
  • T. J. Mullen, P. Zhang, C. Srinivasan, Mark W Horn and P. S. Weiss, 2008, "Combining electrochemical desorption and metal deposition on patterned self-assembled mono-layers", Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 621, (2), pp. 229-237
  • C. Srinivasan, J. N. Hohman, M. E. Anderson, P. S. Weiss and Mark W Horn, 2008, "Sub-30-nm pat-terning on quartz for imprint lithography templates", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 93, (8)
  • N. J. Podraza, J. Li, C. R. Wronski, E. C. Dickey, Mark W Horn and R. W. Collins, 2008, "Analysis of Si1-xGex : H thin films with graded composition and structure by real time spectro-scopic ellipsometry", PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, 205, (4), pp. 892-895
  • F. Zhang, J. Xu, A. Lakhtakia, T. Zhu, S. M. Pursel and Mark W Horn, 2008, "Circular polarization emission from an external cavity diode laser", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 92, (11)
  • N. J. Podraza, J. Li, C. R. Wronski, Mark W Horn, E. C. Dickey and R. W. Collins, 2008, "Analysis of Compositionally and Structurally Graded Si:H and Si1-xGex:H Thin Films by Real Time Spectroscopic Ellipsometry"
  • S. Pursel, J. Petrilli, Mark W Horn and B. A. Shaw, 2008, "Effect of alloy addition and growth conditions on the formation of Mg-based bioabsorbable thin films", 7041, pp. 704113
  • J. Xu, F. Zhang, A. Lakhtakia, S. M. Pursel and Mark W Horn, 2008, "Circular polarization emis-sion from an external cavity diode laser", 7041, pp. 70410S
  • N. J. Podraza, S. M. Pursel, C. Chen, Mark W Horn and R. W. Collins, 2008, "Analysis of the Optical Properties and Structure of Serial Bi-Deposited TiO2 Sculptured Thin Films using Mueller Matrix Ellipsometry", Journal of Nano-Photonics, 2, pp. 021930
  • Sean M. Pursel, Mark W Horn and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2007, "Tuning of sculptured-thin-film spectral-hole filters by post-depostion etching", Optical Engineering, 46, (4)
  • J. Ravi Prakash, A. H. McDaniel, Mark W Horn, L. Pilone, P. Sunal, R. Messier, R. T. McGrath and F. K. Schweighardt, 2007, "Hydrogen sensors: Role of palladium thin film morphology", Sensors and Actuators, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 120, (2), pp. 439-446
  • T. J. Mullen, C. Srinivasan, J. N. Hohman, S. D. Gillmor, M. J. Shuster, Mark W Horn, A. M. Andrews and P. S. Weiss, 2007, "Microcontact insertion printing", Applied Physics Letters
  • C. Srinivasan, T. J. Mullen, J. N. Hohman, M. E. Anderson, A. A. Dameron, A. M. Andrews, E. C. Dickey, Mark W Horn and P. S. Weiss, 2007, "Scanning electron microscopy of nanoscale chemical patterns", ACS Nano, 1, pp. 191-201
  • Fan Zhang, Jian Xu, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Sean M. Pursel, Mark W Horn and Andrew Wang, 2007, "Circularly polarized emission from colloidal nanocrystal quantum dots confined in microcavities formed by chiral mirrors", Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, pp. 023102
  • C. Srinivasan, J. N. Hohman, M. E. Anderson, P. S. Weiss and Mark W Horn, 2007, "Nanostructures using self-assembled multilayers as molecular rulers and etch resists", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 24, pp. 1985-1988
  • S. M. Pursel and Mark W Horn, 2007, "Prospects for Nanowire Sculptured Thin Film Devices", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 25, pp. 2611-2615
  • S. Pursel, Mark W Horn and A. Lakhtakia, 2007, "Tailored circular Bragg phenomena in TiO2 sculptured thin films through post-deposition processing", 6645
  • C. Srinivasan, M. E. Anderson, E. M. Carter, J. N. Hohman, S. S. N. Bharadwaja, S. Trolier-McKinstry, P. S. Weiss and Mark W Horn, 2006, "Extensions of molecular ruler technology for nanoscale patterning", JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOG, pp. B1071-1023
  • Paul Sunal, Russell Messier and Mark W Horn, 2006, "Reactive co-deposition of TiNx/SiNx nanocomposites using pulsed direct current magnetron sputtering", Thin Solid Films, 515, (4), pp. 2185-2191
  • H. Tanaka, Mark W Horn and P. S. Weiss, 2006, "A method for the fabrication of sculptured thin films of periodic arrays of standing nanorods", JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 6, (12), pp. 3799-3802
  • C. Chen, Mark W Horn, S. Pursel, C. Ross and R. W. Collins, 2006, "The ultimate in real-time ellipsometry: Multichannel Mueller matrix spectroscopy", Applied Surface Science, 253, (1), pp. 38-46
  • S. M. Pursel, Mark W Horn and A. Lakhtakia, 2006, "Blue-shifting of circular Bragg phenomenon by annealing of chiral sculptured thin films", Optics Express, 14, (17), pp. 8001-8012
  • H. Tan, O. K. Ezekoye, J. van der Schalie, Mark W Horn, A. Lakhtakia, J. Xu and W. D. Burgos, 2006, "Biological reduction of nanoengineered iron(III) oxide sculptured thin films", Environ. Sci. Technol., 40, pp. 5490-5495
  • C. Srinivasan, M. E. Anderson, R. Jayaraman, P. S. Weiss and Mark W Horn, 2006, "Electrically isolated nanostructures fabricated using self-assembled multilayers and a novel negative-tone bi-layer resist stack", Microelectronic Engineering, 83, (4-9), pp. 1517-1520
  • M. E. Anderson, M. Mihok, H. Tanaka, L. P. Tan, Mark W Horn, G. S. McCarty and P. S. Weiss, 2006, "Hybrid approaches to nanolithography: Photolithographic structures with precise, controllable nanometer-scale spacings created by molecular rulers", Advanced Materials, 18, (8), pp. 1020-1022
  • S. Pursel, Mark W Horn, M. C. Demirel and A. Lakhtakia, 2005, "Growth of sculptured polymer submicronwire assemblies by vapor deposition", Polymer, 46, pp. 9544-9548
  • M. E. Anderson, C. Srinivasan, R. Jayaraman, P. S. Weiss and Mark W Horn, 2005, "Utilizing Self-Assembled Multilayers in Lithographic Processing for Nanostructure Fabrication: Initial Evaluation of the Electrical Integrity of Nanogaps", Microelectronic Engineering, 78-79, pp. 248-252
  • Fei Wang, Katherine E. Weaver, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Mark W Horn, 2005, "Electromagnetic modeling of near-field phase-shifting contact lithography with broadband ultraviolet illumination", Optik, 116, (1), pp. 1-9
  • Fei Wang, Katehrine E. Weaver, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Mark W Horn, 2005, "On contact lithography of high-aspect-ratio features with incoherent broadband ultraviolet illumination", Microelectronic Engineering, 77, (1), pp. 55-57
  • Yunju Liu, Chen-Chin Lee, Mark W Horn and Hyeonseok Lee, , ""Toward efficient photocatalysts for light-driven CO2 reduction: TiO2 nanostructures decorated with perovskite quantum dots", Nano Express

Conference Proceedings

  • Ricardo Fiallo, Mark W Horn and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2023, "Alteration of optical Bragg phenomenon by substrate roughness", Proceedings of SPIE, Surface Engineering and Forensics, (Proc. of SPIE Vol. 12490 1249004-1)
  • Ricardo Fiallo, Mark W Horn and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2023, "Architecting the Columnar Morphology of Sculptured Thin Films for Polarization-Universal Bandgaps", Proceedings of SPIE, International Workshop on Thin Films for Electronics, Electro-Optics, Energy and Sensors 2022,, (Proc. of SPIE Vol. 12477,)
  • Ricardo Fiallo, Mark W Horn and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2022, "Architecting the columnar morphology of sculptured thin films for polarization-universal bandgaps", Proceedings of SPIE, Event: International Workshop on Thin Films for Electronics, Electro-Optics, Energy and Sensors, 2022, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
  • Yao Jin, Hitesh A. Basantani, Adem Ozcelik, Tom N. Jackson and Mark W Horn, 2013, "High Resistivity and High TCR Vanadium Oxide Thin Films For Infrared Imaging Prepared by Bias Target Ion Beam Deposition", Proc. of SPIE, 8704, 87043C
  • Hitesh A. Basantani, Hang-Beum Shin, T. N. Jackson and Mark W Horn, 2013, "Vertically Integrated Pixel Microbolometers for IR Imaging Using High Resistivity VOx", Proc. of SPIE, 8704, 87041A
  • Rona E. Banai, Hyeonseok Lee, Sivan Zlotnikov, Jeffrey R. S. Brownson and Mark W Horn, 2013, "Phase Identification of RF-Sputtered SnS Thin Films Using Rietveld Analysis of X-ray Diffraction Patterns", IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference
  • Charan Srinivasan, J. Nathan Hohman, Mary E. Anderson, Pengpeng Zhang, Paul S. Weiss and Mark W Horn, 2007, "Molecular-ruler nanolithography", SPIE Conference on optical lithography


  • Y Jin, T N Jackson and Mark W Horn, 2015, "High TCR Molybdenum and Nickel Oxide Thin Films for Microbolometer Applications", Optical Engineering, 54, (3), pp. 037101
  • Y Jin, T N Jackson and Mark W Horn, 2014, "High TCR Molybdenum and Nickel Oxide Thin Films for Microbolometer Applications", Optical Engineering
  • Hyeonseok Lee, Suil In and Mark W Horn, , "Plasmonic Enhancement of CO2 Conversion to Methane using Sculptured Copper Thin Films Grown Directly on TiO2", Thin Solid Films, 565, pp. 105-110
  • N. Fieldhouse, S. M. Pursel, R. Carey, Mark W Horn and S. S. N. Bharadwaja, , "Va-nadium oxide thin films deposited by reactive pulse DC sputtering for bolometric applications", JVST B


  • R. E. Banai, H. Lee, M. Lewinsohn, M. A. Motyka, R. Chandrasekharan, N. J. Podraza, J. R. S. Brownson and Mark W Horn, 2012, "Investigation of the Absorption Properties of Sputtered Tin Sulfide Thin Films for PhotovoltaicApplications"
  • Orlando M. Cabarcos, Hitesh A. Basantani, S. S. N. Bharadwaja, Jing Li, Bryan D. Gauntt, Sami Antrazi, Elizabeth C. Dickey, David L. Allara and Mark W Horn, 2011, "Comparison of ion beam and magnetron sputtered vanadium oxide thin films for uncooled IR imaging", pp. 80121K pp1-9
  • B. D. Gauntt, J. Li, O. M. Cabarcos, H. A. Basantani, C. Venkatasubramanian, S. S. N. Bharadwaja, N. J. Podraza, T. N. Jackson, D. L. Allara, S. Antrazi, Mark W Horn and E. C. Dickey, 2011, "Microstructure of vanadium oxide used in microbolometers", pp. 80123T, pp 1-7

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


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The Penn State Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics (ESM) is an internationally distinguished department that is recognized for its globally competitive excellence in engineering and scientific accomplishments, research, and educational leadership.

Our Engineering Science program is the official undergraduate honors program of the College of Engineering, attracting the University’s brightest engineering students. We also offer graduate degrees in ESM, engineering mechanics, engineering at the nano-scale, and an integrated undergraduate/graduate program.

Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics

212 Earth and Engineering Sciences Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-4523