Photo of Corina Drapaca

Corina Drapaca

Associate Professor


  • Engineering Science and Mechanics

203C Earth and Engineering Sciences Building


Research Areas:

Multiscale and Multiphysics Modeling, Computational Analysis

Interest Areas:

brain biomechanics, continuum mechanics, mathematical medicine, computational mechanics, medical image processing, elastography, inverse problems, tumor growth.




  • BS, Mathematics-Mechanics, University of Bucharest, 1995
  • MS, Applied Mathematics, University of Bucharest, 1996
  • Ph D, Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo, 2002



  • Corina S Drapaca and Sivabal Sivaloganathan, 2019, Mathematical Modeling and Biomechanics of the Brain, Springer

Book Reviews

  • Corina S Drapaca, 2019, 'Mathematical Methods in Continuum Mechanics of Solids' by M. Kruzik and T. Roubícek
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2018, ‘Essential Mathematics for Engineering Scientists’ by Thomas Pence and Indrek Wichman
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2018, ‘Variational Continuum Multiphase Poroelasticity: Theory and Applications’, by Roberto Serpieri and Francesco Travascio
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2018, ‘Non-Local Partial Differential Equations for Engineering and Biology: Mathematical Modeling and Analysis’, by Nikos I. Kavallaris and Takashi Suzuki
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2016, ‘Numerical Methods in Computational Mechanics’ by Jamshid Ghaboussi and Xiping Steven Wu
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2013, ‘Computational Viscoelasticity’ by Severino P.C. Marques and Guillermo J. Creus

Journal Articles

  • Pavan Kumar, Albert E Segall and Corina S Drapaca, 2025, "Evolution of Thermoelastic Stresses in a Finite-Width Slab or Thick Cylinder With a Growing or Receding Boundaryrowing or Receding Boundary", Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, pp. 35
  • C. S. Drapaca, 2024, "Mathematical Modeling of Alzheimer’s Drug Donepezil Hydrochloride Transport to the Brain after Oral Administration", Fractal and Fractional, 8, (9), pp. 496
  • C. S. Drapaca, 2024, "A Mathematical Study of Effects of Alzheimer’s Drug Donepezil Hydrochloride on Neuronal Viscoelasticity and Action Potentials", Math. Comput. Appl., 29, pp. 117
  • P. Kumar, A. E. Segall and C. S. Drapaca, 2024, "Semi-Analytical Solution for a Single-Phase Conduction Problem of a Finite-Slab with a Growing or Receding Boundary", ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 146, pp. 061001
  • P. Kumar, A. E. Segall and C. S. Drapaca, 2024, "Semi-Analytical Solution for a Single-Phase Thermal Conduction Problem of a Finite-Hollow-Cylinder with a Growing or Receding Boundary", ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 146, pp. 081401
  • N. Wilson, Corina S Drapaca, H. Enderling, J. J. Caudell and K. P. Wilkie, 2023, "Modelling Radiation Cancer Treatment with a Death-Rate Term in Ordinary and Fractional Differential Equations", Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 85, (47)
  • Xi Chen and Corina S Drapaca, 2023, "A novel stabilized P1 × P0 finite element formulation for the time-dependent incompressible Navier-Stokes equations", AIP Advances 13, 075311, 13, 075311
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2022, "A Mathematical Investigation of Sex Differences in Alzheimer’s Disease", Fractal and Fractional, 6, (8: 457)
  • Xi Chen and Corina S Drapaca, 2022, "On the dissipation of conforming and discontinous Galerkin schemes for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations", AIP Advances, 12, (075004)
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2021, "A Nitric Oxide–Modulated Variable-Order Fractional Maxwell Viscoelastic Model of Cerebral Vascular Walls", Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 7:674860, pp. 13
  • Xi Chen and Corina S Drapaca, 2021, "On the Dissipation of H(div)-Conforming Schemes for Incompressible Flows", Physics of Fluids, 33, (8, 087111.)
  • Andrew Tamis and Corina S Drapaca, 2021, "Modeling NO Biotransport in Brain using a Space-Fractional Reaction- Diffusion Equation", Frontiers in Physiology, section Computational Physiology and Medicine, 25, (12:644149)
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2021, "The Impact of Anomalous Diffusion on Action Potentials in Myelinated Neurons", Fractal and Fractional, 5, (1), pp. 20
  • Xi Chen, Y. Li, Corina S Drapaca and John M Cimbala, 2021, "Some Continuous and Discontinuous Galerkin Methods and Structure Preservation for Incompressible Flows", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 93, (7), pp. 2155-2174
  • Xi Chen, Yuwen Li, Corina S Drapaca and John M Cimbala, 2020, "A unified framework of continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods for solving the incompressible Navier–Stokes equation", Journal of Computational Physics, 422, pp. 23
  • Xi Chen and Corina S Drapaca, 2020, "H(div) Conforming Methods for the Rotation Form of the Incompressible Fluid Equations", Calcolo, 57, pp. 26
  • Corina S Drapaca, Sahin Ozdemir and Elizabeth Anne Proctor, 2020, "A Non - local Model of the Propagation of Action Potentials in Myelinated Neurons", Emerging Science Journal, 4, (3), pp. 17
  • Bugra Ayan, Dong Nyoung Heo, Zhifeng Zhang, Madhuri Dey, Adomas Povilianskas, Corina S Drapaca and Ibrahim Ozbolat, 2020, "Aspiration-assisted bioprinting for precise positioning of biologics", Sciences Advances, 6, (10), pp. 17
  • R Meng, D Yin and Corina S Drapaca, 2019, "A variable order fractional constitutive model of the viscoelastic behavior of polymers", International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 113, pp. 171-177
  • R Meng, D Yin and Corina S Drapaca, 2019, "Variable-order fractional description of compression deformation of amorphous glassy polymers", Computational Mechanics, 64, (1), pp. 163-171
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2018, "Mathematical Modeling of a Brain-on-a-Chip: A Study of the Neuronal Nitric Oxide Role in Cerebral Microaneurysms", Emerging Science Journal
  • Z Zhang, Corina S Drapaca, D Gritsenko and J Xu, 2018, "Pressure of a Viscous Droplet Squeezing through a Short Circular Constriction: An Analytical Model", Physics of Fluids
  • Z Zhang, J Xu and Corina S Drapaca, 2018, "Particle Squeezing in Narrow Confinements: A Review", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2018, "Brain-on-a-Chip: Design and Modelling", Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications & Algorithms
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2018, "Poiseuille Flow of a Non-local Non-Newtonian Fluid with Wall Slip: A First Step in Modelling Cerebral Microaneurysms", Fractal and Fractional, 2, (9), pp. 20
  • Z Zhang, Corina S Drapaca, Z Zhang, S Zhang, S Sun and H Liu, 2017, "Leakage evaluation by virtual entropy generation (VEG) method", Entropy, 20, (14), pp. 10
  • A Burazin, Corina S Drapaca, G Tenti and S Sivaloganathan, 2017, "A poroelasticity theory approach to study the mechanisms leading to elevated interstitial fluid pressure in solid tumours", Bull. Math. Biol. Special Issue: Mathematical Oncology, pp. 23
  • Nicholas LaBarbera and Corina S Drapaca, 2017, "Anisotropically varying conductivity in irreversible electroporation simulations", Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, 14, (20)
  • Zhifeng Zhang, Corina S Drapaca, X Chen and J Xu, 2017, "Droplet Squeezing through a Narrow Constriction: Minimum Impulse and Critical Velocity", Physics of Fluids, 29, (7), pp. 9
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2017, "Fractional Calculus in Neuronal Electromechanics", 12, (1), pp. 35-55
  • K M Sinding, Corina S Drapaca and B Tittmann, 2016, "Digital Signal Processing Methods for Ultrasonic Echoes", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 63, (8), pp. 1172-1176
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2015, "An electromechanical model of neuronal dynamics using Hamilton's principle.", Frontiers in cellular neuroscience, 9, pp. 271
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2015, "Corrigendum: An electromechanical model of neuronal dynamics using Hamilton's principle.", Frontiers in cellular neuroscience, 9, pp. 1
  • Albert E Segall, D Engels, Corina S Drapaca and J Harris, 2014, "An Inverse Method for Determining Temperature Dependent Thermophysical Properties based on a Remotely Measured Temperature History.", Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 22, (4), pp. 672-681
  • K P Wilkie, Corina S Drapaca and S Sivaloganathan, 2012, "Aging Impact on Brain Biomechanics with Applications to Hydrocephalus.", Mathematical medicine and biology : a journal of the IMA, 29, (2), pp. 145-61
  • K P Wilkie, Corina S Drapaca and S Sivaloganathan, 2012, "A Mathematical Investigation of the Role of Intracranial Pressure Pulsations and Small Gradients in the Pathogenesis of Hydrocephalus", International journal of numerical analysis & modeling. Series B, 3, (1), pp. 36-51
  • Corina S Drapaca and Jason Fritz, 2012, "A Mechano-Electro Chemical Model of Brain Neuro- Mechanics: Application to Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus", Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. B,, 3, (1), pp. 82-93
  • Corina S Drapaca and S Sivaloganathan, 2012, "The Fractional Model of Continuum Mechanics", Journal of Elasticity, 107, pp. 105-123
  • Corina S Drapaca, Albert E Segall and D Engels, 2012, "Inverse Determination of Thermal Boundary Conditions from Transient Surface Temperatures and Strains in Slabs and Tubs", Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27, pp. 860-868
  • A Palocaren and Corina S Drapaca, 2012, "Biomechanical Modeling of Tumor Growth: Its’ Relevance to Glioma Research", Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. B, 3, (1), pp. 94-108
  • K Wilkie, Corina S Drapaca and S Sivaloganathan, 2011, "A Nonlinear Viscoelastic Fractional Derivative Model of Infant Hydrocephalus", Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217, (21), pp. 8693-8704
  • J. G. Mandell, T. Neuberger, Corina S Drapaca, A. G. Webb and S. J. Schiff, 2010, "The Dynamics of Brain and CSF Growth in Normal versus Hydrocephalic Mice: Laboratory Investigation", Journal of Neurosurgery Pediatrics, 6, pp. 1-10
  • K Wilkie, Corina S Drapaca and S Sivaloganathan, 2010, "A Theoretical Study of the Effect of Intraventricular Pulsations on the Pathogenesis of Hydrocephalus", Applied Mathematics and Computation, 215, pp. 3181-3191
  • Raluca Rosca and Corina S Drapaca, 2010, "Direct and Inverse Problems for the Eversion of a Spherical Shell", Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A, 11, (1), pp. 33-40
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2010, "A Novel Mechanical Model for Magnetic Resonance Elastography", Revue Roumanie des Sciences Techniques serie de Mechanique Apliquee, 55, (1), pp. 3-18
  • Corina S Drapaca and A Palocaren, 2010, "Biomechanical Modeling of Tumor Classification and Growth", Revue Roumanie des Sciences Techniques serie de Mechanique Apliquee, 55, (2), pp. 15-124
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2010, "Brain Neuro-Mechanics", 11, (1), pp. 16-17
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2009, "A nonlinear total variation-based denoising method with two regularization parameters.", IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering, 56, (3), pp. 582-6
  • D. Aruliah, R. D. Donaldson, Corina S Drapaca, G. Lewis, A. Sanchez and V. Takeva-Volkov, 2009, "Constitutive Models for Tumor Classification"
  • Corina S Drapaca, S Sivaloganathan and G Tenti, 2007, "Non-Linear Constitutive Laws in Viscoelasticity", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 12, (5), pp. 475-501
  • Corina S Drapaca, G Tenti, K Rohlf and S Sivaloganathan, 2006, "A Quasilinear Viscoelastic Constitutive Equation for the Brain: Application to Hydrocephalus", Journal of Elasticity, 85, (1), pp. 65-83
  • Colin Studholme, Corina S Drapaca, B Iordanova and V Cardenas, 2006, "Deformation Based Mapping of Volume Change from Serial Brain MRI in the Presence of Local Tissue Contrast Change", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 25, (5), pp. 626-639
  • Corina S Drapaca, V Cardenas and C Studholme, 2005, "Segmentation of Tissue Boundary Evolution from Brain MR Image Sequences using Multi-phase Level Sets,", Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 100, (3), pp. 312-329
  • Corina S Drapaca, G Tenti, S Sivaloganathan and J M Drake, 2005, "Dynamical Morphology of the Brain’s Ventricular Cavities in Hydrocephalus", Journal of Theoretical Medicine, 6, (3), pp. 151-160
  • Corina S Drapaca, 1997, "The Motion of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid with Free Surface through an Elastic Pipe", Annals of the University of Bucharest, Mathematics, XLVI, pp. 21-26

Conference Proceedings

  • K. Boatman, L Davis, Corina S Drapaca, F. Pahlevani and T. Rajan, 2025, "Time Filtered Finite Difference Schemes for Linear Hyperbolic Problems", Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary International Conference in Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science (AMMCS 2023)
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2025, "Modeling Patterns of Sex-Dependent Neuroprotection Loss in Alzheimer's Disease", Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science (AMMCS 2023)
  • Pavan Kumar, Albert E Segall and Corina S Drapaca, 2024, "Evolution of Thermoelastic Stresses in a Finite-Width Slab or Thick Cylinder with a Growing or Receding Boundary", Proceedings of the ASME 2024 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference PVP2024, pp. 8
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2022, "A Theoretical Investigation of the Impact of Blood-Endothelium Mechanical Interactions on the Cerebral Nitric Oxide Biotransport", Challenges in Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials & Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials, Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, 2, pp. 25--32
  • Corina S Drapaca and Andrew Tamis, 2021, "Mathematical Modeling of the Steady-State Behavior of Nitric Oxide in Brain", pp. 511-520
  • Andrew Tamis and Corina S Drapaca, 2021, "A Mathematical Model of Nitric Oxide Mechanotransduction in Brain", pp. 29-34
  • Davis Evans, Corina S Drapaca and Joseph P Cusumano, 2017, "A Piecewise-Linear Model of Intracranial Pressure Dynamics", X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017, 199, pp. 595-600
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2017, "A Study of a Fractional Order Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow Between Infinite Parallel Plates", 5th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering - CMBE2017, pp. 602-605
  • Corina S Drapaca, D Evans and J Cusumano, 2016, "Dynamics and Bifurcations in Low-Dimensional Models of IntracranialPressure", pp. 223-232
  • D Evens, Corina S Drapaca and J Cusumano, 2016, "A Mechano-Hydraulic Model of Intracranial Pressure Dynamics", 6, pp. 111-118
  • D Evans, Corina S Drapaca and J Cusumano, 2015, "Dynamics and Bifurcations in Low- Dimensional Models of Intracranial Pressure"
  • Corina S Drapaca and Mehedi Hasan, 2015, "A Poroelastic-Viscoelastic Limit for Modeling Brain Biomechanics", 1753
  • Corina S Drapaca and J Kauffman, 2015, "A Study of Brain Biomechanics using Hamilton’s Principle: Application to Hydrocephalus", Interdisciplinary Topics in Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 117, pp. 191-197
  • Corina S Drapaca and A. J. Palocaren, 2010, "A Novel Mechanical Model for Tumors Classification", Proceedings of SISOM 2010 and Session of the Commission of Acoustics, pp. 15-18
  • C. Antonio Sanchez, Corina S Drapaca, Sivabal Sivaloganathan and Edward R. Vrscay, 2010, "Elastography of Biological Tissue: Direct Inversion Methods that Allow for Local Shear Modulus Variations", Proceedings to ICIAR 2010, LNCS 6112, pp. 195-206
  • D. Engels, A. E. Segall and Corina S Drapaca, 2009, "Inverse Analysis of Thermal States from Transient Histories with Nonlinear Thermo-Physical Properties", Proceedings of the 2009 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, pp. PVP2009-77049
  • R. Rosca and Corina S Drapaca, 2009, "Direct and Inverse Problems for the Eversion of a Spherical Shell", Proceedings of SISOM 2009
  • J. S. Fritz and Corina S Drapaca, 2009, "A Study of the Effect of the Pulsatile Ventricular Pressure in the Development of Hydrocephalu", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference in Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering COMEC2009, 1, pp. 254-259
  • J. S. Fritz and Corina S Drapaca, 2009, "A Triphasic Mechano-Electrochemical Model of Brain Neuro-Mechanics: Application to Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference in Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering COMEC2009, 1, pp. 260-265
  • D. L. Andre, B. Shanmugasundaram, Corina S Drapaca and B. Gluckman, 2009, "Mechanisms Determining Safety and Performance of Brain Stimulating Electrodes", Proceedings of the 31st Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2009 IEEE EMBS, pp. 689-692
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2008, "A New Multi-Scale Model for Magnetic Resonance Elastography", Proceedings of SISOM 2008, pp. 66-70
  • C. Studholme, Corina S Drapaca and V. A. Cardenas, 2005, "Intensity robust viscous fluid deformation based morphometry using regionally adapted mutual information", Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 470-473
  • C. Studholme, Corina S Drapaca, V. Cardenas and M. Weiner, 2004, "Challenges and Progress Toward Quantitative Deformation Morphometry of Gyral Anatomy", ISBI 2004, pp. 599-602
  • Corina S Drapaca, V. Cardenas and C. Studholme, 2004, "Robust Space-Time Extraction of Ventricular Surface Evolution using Multi-Phase Level Sets", Medical Imaging 2004: Image Processing, Proceedings of SPIE, 5370, pp. 538-548
  • Corina S Drapaca and Nicholas LaBarbera, , "Anisotropic conductivity tensor for irreversible electroporation simulations", 4, pp. 29-36


  • Corina S Drapaca, 2022, "A Theoretical Investigation of the Impact of Blood-Endothelium Mechanical Interactions on the Cerebral Nitric Oxide Biotransport"
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2022, "The Impact of Anomalous Diffusion on Action Potentials in Myelinated Neurons"
  • Corina S Drapaca and Andrew Tamis, 2019, "Mathematical Modeling of the Steady-State Behavior of Nitric Oxide in Brain"
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2018, "A Non-Local Constitutive Model of Blood: Application to Cerebral Microaneurysms"
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2018, "Modeling Cerebral Microaneurysms using a Non-Local Constitutive Law of Blood"
  • S Rothenberger, D Akbarian, D Cortes, T Neuberger and Corina S Drapaca, 2017, "High Frequency Magnetic Resonance Elastography in-vivo of the Spine"
  • D Evans, Corina S Drapaca and J Cusumano, 2016, "A Mechano-Hydraulic Model of Intracranial Pressure Dynamics", 6
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2015, "Mathematical Models of Neuronal Chemo-Mechanics"
  • D Evans, Corina S Drapaca and J Cusumano, 2015, "Dynamics and Bifurcations in Low- Dimensional Models of Intracranial Pressure"
  • S Shontz and Corina S Drapaca, 2015, "Computational Simulations of the Onset and Treatment of Hydrocephalus in Infants and Mice Based on a Novel Mesh Warping Algorithm"
  • Corina S Drapaca and M. Hasan, 2014, "A Poroelastic-Viscoelastic Limit for Modeling Brain Biomechanics"
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2014, "Mathematical Modeling of Brain Neuro-Mechanics"
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2014, "Neuro-Mechanical Models of Hydrocephalus"
  • Corina S Drapaca and M Hasan, 2014, "A Fractional Order Model of Electroporation"
  • Corina S Drapaca and B J Lapsansky, 2014, "A Model of Brain Neuro-Mechanics"
  • Corina S Drapaca and M Hasan, 2014, "A Fractional Order Model for Local Electric Fields in Tissues"
  • Corina S Drapaca and J Kauffman, 2013, "A Study of Brain Biomechanics using Hamilton’s Principle"
  • Corina S Drapaca, S. Shontz and D. McLaurin, 2013, "A Topology-Adaptive Level Set/Mesh Deformation Technique for Boundary Evolution Tracking: Applications to Brain Biomechanics"
  • Corina S Drapaca and J Kauffman, 2013, "A Fractional Pressure-Volume Model of Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics in Hydrocephalus"
  • Corina S Drapaca and S Shontz, 2013, "A Mesh Warping Algorithm for Brain Biomechanics Boundary Evolution Tracking"
  • Corina S Drapaca and J Kauffman, 2013, "A Multiscale Pressure-Volume Model of Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics: Application to Hydrocephalus"
  • S. Roy, L. Heltai, Corina S Drapaca and F. Costanzo, 2012, "An Immersed Finite Element Method Approach for Brain Biomechanics: An Application to Hydrocephalus"
  • J. Park, S. Shontz and Corina S Drapaca, 2012, "Tracking Brain and CSF Evolution via Level Set/Mesh Warping Algorithm during Hydrocephalus Treatment"
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2012, "Mathematical Modeling of Tumors’ Classification"
  • Corina S Drapaca, B. Johnson and T. Neuberger, 2012, "Magnetic Resonance Elastography of Brain in TBI"
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2012, "Mathematical Modeling of Magnetic Resonance Elastography"
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2012, "Biomechanical Models for Tumor Classification and Growth"
  • Corina S Drapaca, A. M. Yousefi, J. A. Minton, R. Ananth, T. Neuberger and M. T. Lanagan, 2011, "Tissue-Mimicking Gel Phantoms for Brain Tumour Detection using Magnetic Resonance Modalities"
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2011, "Constitutive Models of Brain Neuro-Mechanics"
  • Corina S Drapaca and K. I. Barber, 2011, "A Multiscale Triphasic Biomechanical Model for Brain Tumors’ Classification"
  • Corina S Drapaca and R. Shao, 2011, "A Study of Neuronal Volume Change Using the Wilson Cowan Model"
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2011, "A Generalized Continuum Mechanics Model based on Fractional Calculus"
  • Corina S Drapaca, A. M. Yousefi and J. Minton, 2011, "Towards Biomimetric Tissue Phantoms for Brain Tumor Detection using Magnetic Resonance Elastography"
  • Corina S Drapaca, 2010, "Modeling the Brain Neuro-Mechanics"
  • Corina S Drapaca, A. E. Segall and D. Engels, 2010, "The Inverse Determination of Boundary Conditions using a Least-Squares Approach for Both Linear and Nonlinear Problems"
  • Corina S Drapaca, K. P. Wilkie and S. Sivaloganathan, 2010, "A Nonlinear Viscoelastic Fractional Derivative Model of Infant Hydrocephalus"
  • Corina S Drapaca and A. Palocaren, 2010, "A Study of Elastography based on Image Mass Spectroscopy"
  • Corina S Drapaca, J. G. Mandell, T. Neuberger, A. G. Webb and S. J. Schiff, 2010, "The Dynamics of Brain and CSF Growth in Normal versus Hydrocephalic Development in a Mouse Model"
  • Corina S Drapaca and O. Veledar, 2010, "A Study of Chiari Malformations using Magnetic Resonance Elastography"
  • Corina S Drapaca and J. S. Fritz, 2009, "A Study of the Level Sets with Point Correspondence Approach to the Stress-Strain Analysis of Deformable Thin Elastic Membranes"
  • D. L. Andre, B. Shanmugasundaram, Corina S Drapaca and Bruce Gluckman, 2009, "In vitro Study of pH Dynamics Limiting Charge Passage in Neural Stimulation Electrodes"
  • Corina S Drapaca, M. Yin, A. Manduca, A. J. Romano, K. J. Glaser, D. S. Lake and R. L. Ehman, 2007, "3-D Local Frequency Estimation Inversion for Abdominal MR Elastography"
  • Corina S Drapaca, S. Sivaloganathan and G. Tenti, 2005, "Brain Biomechanics: Quasi-linear Viscoelastic Models for Short and Long Time Scale Brain Injuries"
  • Corina S Drapaca, J. Drake, S. Sivaloganathan and G. Tenti, 2001, "Dynamical Morphology of the Ventricular Wall in Shunted Hydrocephalus"
  • Corina S Drapaca, G. Tenti, S. Sivaloganathan and J. M. Drake, 2000, "Morphology of the Brain’s Ventricular Cavities in Hydrocephalus"
  • Corina S Drapaca, L. Groarke and L. R. Pazdernik, 1998, "Photon and Electron Interaction"
  • Corina S Drapaca, , "Modeling Neuronal Electromechanics using Fractional Operators of Variable Order"
  • D Evans, Corina S Drapaca and J Cusumano, , "A Mechano-Hydraulic Model of Intracranial Pressure Dynamics"
  • Corina S Drapaca and Andrew Tamis, , "Modeling nitric oxide mechanotransduction in brain: the effects of blood‘s non-locality"
  • Andrew Tamis and Corina S Drapaca, , "A Mathematical Model of Nitric Oxide Mechanotransduction in Brain"
  • Corina S Drapaca, , "Modeling Patterns of Sex-Dependent Neuroprotection Loss in Alzheimer's Disease", Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling, and Computational Science (AMMCS 2023)


  • Corina S Drapaca, Z Zhang and R Meng, 2018, "A Comparison of Constitutive Models of Blood", > physics > arXiv:1808.07977


  • Corina S Drapaca, 2021, "An Entangled Brain?"

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


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The Penn State Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics (ESM) is an internationally distinguished department that is recognized for its globally competitive excellence in engineering and scientific accomplishments, research, and educational leadership.

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