Photo of Albert Segall

Albert Segall



  • Engineering Science and Mechanics

403B Earth and Engineering Sciences Building


Research Areas:

Additive Manufacturing; Advanced Coating Methods; Applied Mechanics; High Temperature Materials; Tribology

Interest Areas:

Thermal Shock and Stresses, Laser Machining, Active Stressing for Fatigue and Fracture Mitigation, Inverse Methods in Thermal Conduction, Wear, Friction, and Self-Lubricating Coatings, Cold-Spray methods, Forensic Failure Analysis, Realistic Test Methods for Wear and Ceramic Strength/Reliability, Engineering Education




  • BS, Mechanical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 1982
  • MS, Engineering Mechanics, The Pennsylvania State University, 1986
  • Ph D, Engineering Science and Mechanics, The Pennsylvania State University, 1992



  • Albert E Segall and R. A. Queeny, 2010, Mechanical Response of Engineering Materials
  • Albert E Segall and R. A. Queeny, 2010, Experiments in the Determination of Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials

Journal Articles

  • Pavan Kumar, Albert Segall and Corina S Drapaca, 2024, "Semi-Analytical Solution for a Single-Phase Thermal Conduction Problem of a Hollow-Cylinder with a Growing or Receding Inner Radius", ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
  • Pavan Kumar, Albert E Segall and Corina Drapaca, 2024, "Evolution of Thermoelastic Stresses in a Finite-Width Slab or Thick Cylinder with a Growing or Receding Boundary"
  • Pavan Kumar, Albert Segall and Corina S Drapaca, 2024, "Semi-Analytical Solution for a Single-Phase Conduction Problem of a Finite-Slab with a Growing or Receding Boundary", ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
  • Karthik Venkataraman, Albert Segall, Koki Urita, Cira Feeney, Ron Sherant, Chiharu Urita, Ben Madden, Fernando Vallejos-Burgos and Matthew Krohn, 2022, "Friction and wear behavior of graphene and graphite-oxide reinforced epoxy composites", STLE Tribology Transactions, 65, (4), pp. 11
  • Ian Weitech-Reiman, Albert Segall, X. Zhao and Todd Palmer, 2022, "Combining Fractal and Topological Analyses to Quantify Fracture Surfaces in Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Corresponding", International Journal of Fatigue, 166, pp. 12
  • Albert E Segall, Craig Schoof and Dan Yastishock, 2020, "Thermal Solutions for a Plate with an Arbitrary Temperature Transient on One Surface and Convection on the Other: Direct and Inverse Formulations", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel technology
  • Albert E Segall, Rajesh Rangarajan, Richard Martukanitz and Frederic Lia, 2019, "A Method for Thermal History Prediction During Additive Manufacturing Using Far-Field Temperature Measurements", Journal of Modern Mechanical Engineering and Technology, (6)
  • Amar Kamat, Albert E Segall, Stephen M Copley and Judith Todd, 2019, "Laser-Sustained Plasma (LSP) Nitriding of Titanium: a Review", Coatings: Special Issue on Laser Surface Engineering, 9, (283), pp. 22
  • Amar Kamat, Albert E Segall, Stephen M Copley and Judith Todd, 2017, "Enhancement of CP-Titanum Wear Resistance Using a Two-Step CO2 Laser-Sustained Plasma Nitriding Process", Surface and Coatings Technology, 325, pp. 9
  • F A Sohag, F R Beck, Fan-Bill B Cheung, Albert E Segall, Timothy J Eden and J Potter, 2017, "EFFECTS OF SUBCOOLING ON DOWNWARD FACING BOILING HEAT TRANSFER WITH MICRO-POROUS COATING FORMED BY COLD SPRAY TECHNIQUE", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 106, pp. 13
  • Albert E Segall, F A Sohag, F R Beck, Fan-Bill B Cheung, Timothy J Eden and J Potter, 2017, "Micro-Porous Coatings and Enhanced CHF for Downward Facing Boiling During Passive Emergency Reactor Cooling", 139, (5), pp. 9
  • Amar Kamat, Albert E Segall, Judith Todd and Stephen M Copley, 2017, "Laser-Sustained Plasma (LSP) Nitriding of Titanium: a Review", MDPI
  • F A Sohag, F R Beck, Fan-Bill B Cheung, Albert E Segall, Timothy J Eden and J Potter, 2017, "Enhancement of Downward Facing Boiling Heat Transfer by the Cold Spray Technique", Nuclear Engineering and Technology Journal, 49, (1), pp. 9
  • M Neshastehriz, I Smid, Albert E Segall and Timothy J Eden, 2016, "On the Bonding Mechanism in Cold Spray of Deformable hex-BN-Ni Clusters", ASM Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 25, (5), pp. 10
  • Albert Segall, 2016, "Closed-Form Inverse Determination of Force Excitations For Undamped And Damped Linear-Systems Using A Least-Squares Approach", Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 4, (2), pp. 5
  • J. T. Harris, Albert E Segall, D. Robinson and R. Carter, 2015, "Cohesive Zone Property Measurement by a Hybrid Experimental and Numerical Method using Ball Indentations", ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 43, (4), pp. 20
  • M Neshastehriz, I Smid and A E Segall, 2014, "In-Situ Agglomeration, and De-Agglomeration by Milling of Nano-Engineered Lubricant Particulate Composites for Cold-Spray Deposition", pp. 7
  • Albert E Segall, D Engels, C Drapaca and J Harris, 2014, "An Inverse Method for Determining Temperature Dependent Thermophysical Properties based on a Remotely Measured Temperature History", Inverse Problems in Engineering and Science, 22, (4), pp. 9
  • J Harris, A E Segall, D Robinson and R Carter, 2014, "Interfacial Flaw Evolution of Coatings Under Severe Thermal and Pressure Transients", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel technology, 136, (6), pp. 061205-1-061205-8
  • P. J. Blau, K. M. Cooley, D. Bansai, I. Smid, T. J. Eden, M. Neshastehriz, J. K. Potter and Albert E Segall, 2013, "Spectrum Loading Effects on the Running-in of Lubricated Bronze and Surface Treated Titanium against Alloy Steel", Wear, 302, pp. 1064-1072
  • I. Smid, Albert E Segall, G. Agrawal, P. Walia, J. Weyant, T. Eden, J. Potter and C. Hager, 2012, "Cold-Sprayed Ni-hBN Self-Lubricating Coatings", STLE Tribology Transactions, pp. 599-605
  • Albert E Segall, 2012, "Inverse Determination of Interfacial Wear Temperatures with a Receding Boundary and the Implications for Tribotesting", Tribology Transactions, 55, (1), pp. 130-139
  • J. Harris, Albert E Segall and R. Carter, 2012, "Severe Thermal and Pressure Transients on the Survival of Internally Coated Tubes with Interface Defects", Journal of Materials, and Manufacturing Processes, 27, pp. 852-859
  • Albert E Segall, C. Drapaca and D. Engels, 2012, "Inverse Determination of Thermal Boundary Conditions from Transient Surface Temperatures and Strains in Slabs and Tubes", Journal of Materials, and Manufacturing Processes, 27, pp. 860-868
  • Albert E Segall, C. Drapaca, D. Engels, T. Zhu and H. Yang, 2012, "Direct and Inverse Solutions for Thermal- and Stress-Transients and the Analytical Determination of Boundary Conditions Using Remote Temperature or Strain Data", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel technology, 134, pp. 041011-1-041011-9
  • L. Stark, I. Smid, Albert E Segall, T. Eden and J. Potter, 2012, "Self-lubricating Cold-Sprayed Coatings Utilizing Micro-Scale Nickel Encapsulated, Hexagonal-Boron-Nitride", Tribology Transactions, 55, pp. 624-630
  • J. Harris, Albert E Segall, J. R. Hellman, B. Scheetz, R. Koseski and J. Boyce, 2011, "Experimental and Finite-Element Analysis of the API RP60 Test", ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 39, (3), pp. 436-441
  • Albert E Segall and J. Meeker, 2011, "Boundary-Conditions, Temperatures, and Stress-Intensity Factors under Arbitrary Thermal Transients via the Inverse Route", Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design (SMiRT 19 Special Issue), 241, pp. 625-629
  • J. Meeker, Albert E Segall and V. V. Semak, 2010, "Surface Effects of Alumina Ceramics Machined with Femto-Second Lasers", Journal of Laser Applications, 22, (1), pp. 7-12
  • Albert E Segall, D. Engels and A. Hirsh, 2009, "Transient Surface Strains and the Deconvolution of Thermoelastic States and Boundary Conditions", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 131, (1), pp. 011201-1 - 011201-9
  • C. H. Hager, Jr., J. Sanders, S. Sharma, A. Voevodan and Albert E Segall, 2009, "The Effect of Temperature on Gross-Slip Fretting Wear of Cold Sprayed Nickel Coatings on Ti6Al4V Interfaces", Tribology International, 42, pp. 491-502
  • R. Akarapu and Albert E Segall, 2008, "Active Stressing and the Micro-Manipulation of Stress-States for Delaying Fracture during Unsupported Laser Cutting", ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 130, (4), pp. 061004-1-061004-10
  • J. Meeker, Albert E Segall and E. Gondar, 2008, "An Inverse Method for the Determination of Thermal Stress-Intensity Factors for Semi-Infinite Slabs under Arbitrary Thermal-Shocks", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 130, (4), pp. 041206-1-041206-8
  • Albert E Segall and J. Meeker, 2007, "Mode-I Stress-Intensity Factors for a Cracked Slab under an Arbitrary Thermal-Shock", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 129, (2), pp. 306-312
  • Albert E Segall and R. Akarapu, 2007, "Approximate Direct and Inverse Relationships for Thermal and Stress-States in Thick-Walled Vessels under Thermal Shock", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 129, (1), pp. 52-57
  • O. M. Jadaan, N. N Nemeth and Albert E Segall, 2007, "Time-Dependent Reliability of Thermally Shocked SiC Tubes", ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 35, (1), pp. 75-84
  • C. Knepper and Albert E Segall, 2007, "Analytical Method for the Inverse Determination of Interfacial Wear Temperatures", STLE Tribology Transactions, 50, (4), pp. 523-530
  • S. E. Schoenberg, G. L. Messing, Albert E Segall, A. S. Grader, P. M. Halleck and D. J. Green, 2007, "Stresses and Distortion Due to Green Density Gradients, II: Density Characterization and Stress Analysis", Journal of the American Ceramic Society
  • Albert E Segall, G. Cai and R. Akarapu, 2006, "Studies on the use of Offset and an Angled Pres-cores for Fracture Control during Laser Machining of Alumina Ceramics", Journal of Laser Applications, 18, (4), pp. 325-329
  • R. Akarapu and Albert E Segall, 2006, "Investigation of an Active Stressing Technique for Delaying Fracture during Cutting of Alumina", ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 128, (4), pp. 921-927
  • Albert E Segall, 2006, "Thermoelastic Stresses in Thick-Walled Vessels under an Arbitrary Thermal Transient via the Inverse Route", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 128, (4), pp. 599-604
  • P. Brugan, G. Cai, R. Akarapu and Albert E Segall, 2006, "Controlled-Fracture of Thick Ceramics using Dual CO2 Beams", Journal of Laser Applications, 18, (3), pp. 236-241
  • J. E. McConnell, Albert E Segall and T. J. Eden, 2006, "The Dry Sliding Behavior of Al2O3 Transformed, Hypereutectic, 2xxx, and 7xxx, Aluminum Alloys under Simulated Wire-Rope Induced Wear", STLE Tribology Transactions, 49, (4), pp. 563-575
  • Albert E Segall, 2006, "Manufacturing Defects and the Evidence of Thermomechanical Fatigue in a Ceramic Vacuum Furnace Tube", Engineering Failure Analysis, 13, pp. 1184-1190
  • W. G. Luscher, J. R. Hellmann, Albert E Segall and D. L. Shelleman, 2006, "A Critical Review of the Diametral Compression Method for Determining the Tensile Strength of Spherical Aggregates", ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation
  • Pavan Kumar, Albert Segall and Corina S Drapaca, , "Finite-Width Slab and Hollow Cylinder Under an Arbitrary Temperature Transient on a Growing or Receding Boundary: Forward and Inverse Formulations", ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Paper accepted, but requiring modifications)

Conference Proceedings

  • Albert E Segall, Grant Klinger, Corina Drapaca and Matt Lear, 2024, "Generalized Analytical Solution for Inverse Thermal Problems Based on Cubic Splines"
  • Pavan Kumar, Albert E Segall and Corina Drapaca, 2024, "Evolution of Thermoelastic Stresses in a Finite-Width Slab or Thick Cylinder with a Growing or Receding Boundary"
  • Albert E Segall, 2023, "The Search for a Generalized Analytical Solution for the Inverse Problem; Some Surprisingly Simple Approximate Methods for Problems of Practical Importance"
  • Albert E Segall, F A Sohag, F R Beck, Fan-Bill B Cheung, Timothy J Eden and J Potter, 2016, "Micro-Porous Coatings and Enhanced CHF for Downward Facing Boiling During Passive Emergency Reactor Cooling", pp. 13
  • F A Sohag, F R Beck, Fan-Bill B Cheung, Albert E Segall, Timothy J Eden and J Potter, 2015, "Enhancement of Downward Facing Boiling Heat Transfer by the Cold Spray Technique"
  • J. Harris, Albert E Segall, D. Robinson and R. Carter, 2013, "Interfacial Blister Evolution of Coated Surfaces under Severe Thermal and Pressure Transients", Proceedings of the 2013 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference
  • J. Harris, Albert E Segall and R. Carter, 2012, "Defect Evolution on Coated Samples Under Severe Thermal Transients and Interfacial Characterization", Proceedings of the 2012 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, PVP2012-78358
  • J. Harris, Albert E Segall and R. Carter, 2011, "Defect Evolution in Coated Tubes Under Severe Thermal Transients Applied to the ID", Proceedings of the 2011 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference
  • J. Harris, Albert E Segall and R. Carter, 2011, "The Influence of Severe Transients on the Evolution of Blister Type Defects between Coating and Substrate", Proceedings of Gun Tubes 2011
  • Albert E Segall, C. Drapaca, D. Engels, T. Zhu and H. Yang, 2011, "Direct and Inverse Solutions for Thermal- and Stress-Transients and the Analytical Determination of Boundary Conditions Using Remote Temperature or Strain Data", Proceedings of Gun Tubes 2011
  • J. Harris, Albert E Segall and R. Carter, 2010, "The Effects of Severe Thermal and Pressure Transients on the Survival of Internally Coated Tubes", Proceedings of the 2010 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference
  • Albert E Segall, D. Engels and A. Hirsh, 2008, "Thoughts on the Deconvolution of Thermal- and Stress-States from Transient Histories", Proceedings of the 2008 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, PVP2008-61824
  • Albert E Segall, 2007, "Science Fiction in Engineering Instruction: The Final Frontier?", Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Engineering Education, ICEE 2007, pp. 5
  • Albert E Segall and R. Carter, 2007, "Finite-Element Simulations and Probabilistic Fracture Assessments of the Response of Alternate Rifling Geometries", Proceedings of the 2007 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, PVP2007-26081, pp. 11
  • Albert E Segall and R. Carter, 2006, "Finite-Element Modeling of the Thermal/Structural Response of a Rifled Silicon-Nitride Barrel Subjected to Thermal and Pressure Transients", Proceedings of the 2006 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, PVP2006-ICPVT11-93409
  • G. Aggarwal, P. Walia, Albert E Segall, I. Smid and T. Eden, 2006, "Development of Self-Lubricating Coatings for Ti-6Al-4V Dovetails using a High-Velocity Particle-Consolidation (HVPC) Process", International Thermal Spray Conference, Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference 2006
  • Albert E Segall, Craig Schoof and Dan Yastishock, , "Thermal Solutions for a Plate with an Arbitrary Temperature Transient on One Surface and Convection on the Other: Direct and Inverse Formulations"


  • J. Harris, R. Akarapu and Albert E Segall, , "Welding of Alumina Using a Pulsed Dual-Beam CO2 Laser", ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, pp. 16


  • Albert E Segall, 2010, "Advanced Materials and the Necessary Shift from Alloy-Centric Design Paradigms Required for Sustainable Development"
  • J. Weyant, Albert E Segall, I. Smid, T. Eden and J. Potter, 2008, "Nano-Engineered Encapsulated Particles for the Creation of Self-Lubricating Coatings and Alloys"
  • Albert E Segall and J. Meeker, 2007, "Boundary-Conditions, Temperatures, and Stress-Intensity Factors under Arbitrary Thermal Transients via the Inverse Route"
  • P. Walia, G. Aggarwal, Albert E Segall, I. Smid, T. Eden and J. Potter, 2006, "High-Velocity Particle-Consolidation (HVPC) for Nickel Based Self-Lubricating Composite Coatings on TI-6AL-4V"
  • G. Aggarwal, I. Smid and Albert E Segall, 2006, "Modeling of Deformation and Bonding of Com-posite Particle during Cold-Spray Deposition"

Research Projects

  • August 2019 - August 2020, "Manufacturing/Wear Optimization of Resin-Bonded Composites with Graphene Nanofillers," (Sponsor: PA Manufacturing Fellows Initiative and Morgan (cofunder)).
  • March 2019 - October 2020, "Tribological Evaluation of Candidate Materials," (Sponsor: Morgan Advanced Materials and Technology, Inc.).
  • January 2017 - December 2017, "A Multi-Function Tribometer Essential for Enhanced Research on Materials, Wear, Corrosion, and/or Protective Coatings," (Sponsor: Office of Naval Research).
  • October 2019 -  , "Rapid Identification of Effects of Defects within Metal Additive Manufacturing - Phase II," (Sponsor: U.S. Department of the Navy/Intelligent Automation, Inc.).

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




The Penn State Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics (ESM) is an internationally distinguished department that is recognized for its globally competitive excellence in engineering and scientific accomplishments, research, and educational leadership.

Our Engineering Science program is the official undergraduate honors program of the College of Engineering, attracting the University’s brightest engineering students. We also offer graduate degrees in ESM, engineering mechanics, engineering at the nano-scale, and an integrated undergraduate/graduate program.

Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics

212 Earth and Engineering Sciences Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-4523