- Albert E Segall and R. A. Queeny, 2010, Mechanical Response of Engineering Materials
- Albert E Segall and R. A. Queeny, 2010, Experiments in the Determination of Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials
Journal Articles
- Pavan Kumar, Albert Segall and Corina S Drapaca, 2024, "Semi-Analytical Solution for a Single-Phase Thermal Conduction Problem of a Hollow-Cylinder with a Growing or Receding Inner Radius", ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
- Pavan Kumar, Albert E Segall and Corina Drapaca, 2024, "Evolution of Thermoelastic Stresses in a Finite-Width Slab or Thick Cylinder with a Growing or Receding Boundary"
- Pavan Kumar, Albert Segall and Corina S Drapaca, 2024, "Semi-Analytical Solution for a Single-Phase Conduction Problem of a Finite-Slab with a Growing or Receding Boundary", ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
- Karthik Venkataraman, Albert Segall, Koki Urita, Cira Feeney, Ron Sherant, Chiharu Urita, Ben Madden, Fernando Vallejos-Burgos and Matthew Krohn, 2022, "Friction and wear behavior of graphene and graphite-oxide reinforced epoxy composites", STLE Tribology Transactions, 65, (4), pp. 11
- Ian Weitech-Reiman, Albert Segall, X. Zhao and Todd Palmer, 2022, "Combining Fractal and Topological Analyses to Quantify Fracture Surfaces in Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Corresponding", International Journal of Fatigue, 166, pp. 12
- Albert E Segall, Craig Schoof and Dan Yastishock, 2020, "Thermal Solutions for a Plate with an Arbitrary Temperature Transient on One Surface and Convection on the Other: Direct and Inverse Formulations", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel technology
- Albert E Segall, Rajesh Rangarajan, Richard Martukanitz and Frederic Lia, 2019, "A Method for Thermal History Prediction During Additive Manufacturing Using Far-Field Temperature Measurements", Journal of Modern Mechanical Engineering and Technology, (6)
- Amar Kamat, Albert E Segall, Stephen M Copley and Judith Todd, 2019, "Laser-Sustained Plasma (LSP) Nitriding of Titanium: a Review", Coatings: Special Issue on Laser Surface Engineering, 9, (283), pp. 22
- Amar Kamat, Albert E Segall, Stephen M Copley and Judith Todd, 2017, "Enhancement of CP-Titanum Wear Resistance Using a Two-Step CO2 Laser-Sustained Plasma Nitriding Process", Surface and Coatings Technology, 325, pp. 9
- F A Sohag, F R Beck, Fan-Bill B Cheung, Albert E Segall, Timothy J Eden and J Potter, 2017, "EFFECTS OF SUBCOOLING ON DOWNWARD FACING BOILING HEAT TRANSFER WITH MICRO-POROUS COATING FORMED BY COLD SPRAY TECHNIQUE", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 106, pp. 13
- Albert E Segall, F A Sohag, F R Beck, Fan-Bill B Cheung, Timothy J Eden and J Potter, 2017, "Micro-Porous Coatings and Enhanced CHF for Downward Facing Boiling During Passive Emergency Reactor Cooling", 139, (5), pp. 9
- Amar Kamat, Albert E Segall, Judith Todd and Stephen M Copley, 2017, "Laser-Sustained Plasma (LSP) Nitriding of Titanium: a Review", MDPI
- F A Sohag, F R Beck, Fan-Bill B Cheung, Albert E Segall, Timothy J Eden and J Potter, 2017, "Enhancement of Downward Facing Boiling Heat Transfer by the Cold Spray Technique", Nuclear Engineering and Technology Journal, 49, (1), pp. 9
- M Neshastehriz, I Smid, Albert E Segall and Timothy J Eden, 2016, "On the Bonding Mechanism in Cold Spray of Deformable hex-BN-Ni Clusters", ASM Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 25, (5), pp. 10
- Albert Segall, 2016, "Closed-Form Inverse Determination of Force Excitations For Undamped And Damped Linear-Systems Using A Least-Squares Approach", Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 4, (2), pp. 5
- J. T. Harris, Albert E Segall, D. Robinson and R. Carter, 2015, "Cohesive Zone Property Measurement by a Hybrid Experimental and Numerical Method using Ball Indentations", ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 43, (4), pp. 20
- M Neshastehriz, I Smid and A E Segall, 2014, "In-Situ Agglomeration, and De-Agglomeration by Milling of Nano-Engineered Lubricant Particulate Composites for Cold-Spray Deposition", pp. 7
- Albert E Segall, D Engels, C Drapaca and J Harris, 2014, "An Inverse Method for Determining Temperature Dependent Thermophysical Properties based on a Remotely Measured Temperature History", Inverse Problems in Engineering and Science, 22, (4), pp. 9
- J Harris, A E Segall, D Robinson and R Carter, 2014, "Interfacial Flaw Evolution of Coatings Under Severe Thermal and Pressure Transients", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel technology, 136, (6), pp. 061205-1-061205-8
- P. J. Blau, K. M. Cooley, D. Bansai, I. Smid, T. J. Eden, M. Neshastehriz, J. K. Potter and Albert E Segall, 2013, "Spectrum Loading Effects on the Running-in of Lubricated Bronze and Surface Treated Titanium against Alloy Steel", Wear, 302, pp. 1064-1072
- I. Smid, Albert E Segall, G. Agrawal, P. Walia, J. Weyant, T. Eden, J. Potter and C. Hager, 2012, "Cold-Sprayed Ni-hBN Self-Lubricating Coatings", STLE Tribology Transactions, pp. 599-605
- Albert E Segall, 2012, "Inverse Determination of Interfacial Wear Temperatures with a Receding Boundary and the Implications for Tribotesting", Tribology Transactions, 55, (1), pp. 130-139
- J. Harris, Albert E Segall and R. Carter, 2012, "Severe Thermal and Pressure Transients on the Survival of Internally Coated Tubes with Interface Defects", Journal of Materials, and Manufacturing Processes, 27, pp. 852-859
- Albert E Segall, C. Drapaca and D. Engels, 2012, "Inverse Determination of Thermal Boundary Conditions from Transient Surface Temperatures and Strains in Slabs and Tubes", Journal of Materials, and Manufacturing Processes, 27, pp. 860-868
- Albert E Segall, C. Drapaca, D. Engels, T. Zhu and H. Yang, 2012, "Direct and Inverse Solutions for Thermal- and Stress-Transients and the Analytical Determination of Boundary Conditions Using Remote Temperature or Strain Data", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel technology, 134, pp. 041011-1-041011-9
- L. Stark, I. Smid, Albert E Segall, T. Eden and J. Potter, 2012, "Self-lubricating Cold-Sprayed Coatings Utilizing Micro-Scale Nickel Encapsulated, Hexagonal-Boron-Nitride", Tribology Transactions, 55, pp. 624-630
- J. Harris, Albert E Segall, J. R. Hellman, B. Scheetz, R. Koseski and J. Boyce, 2011, "Experimental and Finite-Element Analysis of the API RP60 Test", ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 39, (3), pp. 436-441
- Albert E Segall and J. Meeker, 2011, "Boundary-Conditions, Temperatures, and Stress-Intensity Factors under Arbitrary Thermal Transients via the Inverse Route", Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design (SMiRT 19 Special Issue), 241, pp. 625-629
- J. Meeker, Albert E Segall and V. V. Semak, 2010, "Surface Effects of Alumina Ceramics Machined with Femto-Second Lasers", Journal of Laser Applications, 22, (1), pp. 7-12
- Albert E Segall, D. Engels and A. Hirsh, 2009, "Transient Surface Strains and the Deconvolution of Thermoelastic States and Boundary Conditions", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 131, (1), pp. 011201-1 - 011201-9
- C. H. Hager, Jr., J. Sanders, S. Sharma, A. Voevodan and Albert E Segall, 2009, "The Effect of Temperature on Gross-Slip Fretting Wear of Cold Sprayed Nickel Coatings on Ti6Al4V Interfaces", Tribology International, 42, pp. 491-502
- R. Akarapu and Albert E Segall, 2008, "Active Stressing and the Micro-Manipulation of Stress-States for Delaying Fracture during Unsupported Laser Cutting", ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 130, (4), pp. 061004-1-061004-10
- J. Meeker, Albert E Segall and E. Gondar, 2008, "An Inverse Method for the Determination of Thermal Stress-Intensity Factors for Semi-Infinite Slabs under Arbitrary Thermal-Shocks", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 130, (4), pp. 041206-1-041206-8
- Albert E Segall and J. Meeker, 2007, "Mode-I Stress-Intensity Factors for a Cracked Slab under an Arbitrary Thermal-Shock", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 129, (2), pp. 306-312
- Albert E Segall and R. Akarapu, 2007, "Approximate Direct and Inverse Relationships for Thermal and Stress-States in Thick-Walled Vessels under Thermal Shock", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 129, (1), pp. 52-57
- O. M. Jadaan, N. N Nemeth and Albert E Segall, 2007, "Time-Dependent Reliability of Thermally Shocked SiC Tubes", ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 35, (1), pp. 75-84
- C. Knepper and Albert E Segall, 2007, "Analytical Method for the Inverse Determination of Interfacial Wear Temperatures", STLE Tribology Transactions, 50, (4), pp. 523-530
- S. E. Schoenberg, G. L. Messing, Albert E Segall, A. S. Grader, P. M. Halleck and D. J. Green, 2007, "Stresses and Distortion Due to Green Density Gradients, II: Density Characterization and Stress Analysis", Journal of the American Ceramic Society
- Albert E Segall, G. Cai and R. Akarapu, 2006, "Studies on the use of Offset and an Angled Pres-cores for Fracture Control during Laser Machining of Alumina Ceramics", Journal of Laser Applications, 18, (4), pp. 325-329
- R. Akarapu and Albert E Segall, 2006, "Investigation of an Active Stressing Technique for Delaying Fracture during Cutting of Alumina", ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 128, (4), pp. 921-927
- Albert E Segall, 2006, "Thermoelastic Stresses in Thick-Walled Vessels under an Arbitrary Thermal Transient via the Inverse Route", ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 128, (4), pp. 599-604
- P. Brugan, G. Cai, R. Akarapu and Albert E Segall, 2006, "Controlled-Fracture of Thick Ceramics using Dual CO2 Beams", Journal of Laser Applications, 18, (3), pp. 236-241
- J. E. McConnell, Albert E Segall and T. J. Eden, 2006, "The Dry Sliding Behavior of Al2O3 Transformed, Hypereutectic, 2xxx, and 7xxx, Aluminum Alloys under Simulated Wire-Rope Induced Wear", STLE Tribology Transactions, 49, (4), pp. 563-575
- Albert E Segall, 2006, "Manufacturing Defects and the Evidence of Thermomechanical Fatigue in a Ceramic Vacuum Furnace Tube", Engineering Failure Analysis, 13, pp. 1184-1190
- W. G. Luscher, J. R. Hellmann, Albert E Segall and D. L. Shelleman, 2006, "A Critical Review of the Diametral Compression Method for Determining the Tensile Strength of Spherical Aggregates", ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation
- Pavan Kumar, Albert Segall and Corina S Drapaca, , "Finite-Width Slab and Hollow Cylinder Under an Arbitrary Temperature Transient on a Growing or Receding Boundary: Forward and Inverse Formulations", ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Paper accepted, but requiring modifications)
Conference Proceedings
- Albert E Segall, Grant Klinger, Corina Drapaca and Matt Lear, 2024, "Generalized Analytical Solution for Inverse Thermal Problems Based on Cubic Splines"
- Pavan Kumar, Albert E Segall and Corina Drapaca, 2024, "Evolution of Thermoelastic Stresses in a Finite-Width Slab or Thick Cylinder with a Growing or Receding Boundary"
- Albert E Segall, 2023, "The Search for a Generalized Analytical Solution for the Inverse Problem; Some Surprisingly Simple Approximate Methods for Problems of Practical Importance"
- Albert E Segall, F A Sohag, F R Beck, Fan-Bill B Cheung, Timothy J Eden and J Potter, 2016, "Micro-Porous Coatings and Enhanced CHF for Downward Facing Boiling During Passive Emergency Reactor Cooling", pp. 13
- F A Sohag, F R Beck, Fan-Bill B Cheung, Albert E Segall, Timothy J Eden and J Potter, 2015, "Enhancement of Downward Facing Boiling Heat Transfer by the Cold Spray Technique"
- J. Harris, Albert E Segall, D. Robinson and R. Carter, 2013, "Interfacial Blister Evolution of Coated Surfaces under Severe Thermal and Pressure Transients", Proceedings of the 2013 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference
- J. Harris, Albert E Segall and R. Carter, 2012, "Defect Evolution on Coated Samples Under Severe Thermal Transients and Interfacial Characterization", Proceedings of the 2012 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, PVP2012-78358
- J. Harris, Albert E Segall and R. Carter, 2011, "Defect Evolution in Coated Tubes Under Severe Thermal Transients Applied to the ID", Proceedings of the 2011 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference
- J. Harris, Albert E Segall and R. Carter, 2011, "The Influence of Severe Transients on the Evolution of Blister Type Defects between Coating and Substrate", Proceedings of Gun Tubes 2011
- Albert E Segall, C. Drapaca, D. Engels, T. Zhu and H. Yang, 2011, "Direct and Inverse Solutions for Thermal- and Stress-Transients and the Analytical Determination of Boundary Conditions Using Remote Temperature or Strain Data", Proceedings of Gun Tubes 2011
- J. Harris, Albert E Segall and R. Carter, 2010, "The Effects of Severe Thermal and Pressure Transients on the Survival of Internally Coated Tubes", Proceedings of the 2010 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference
- Albert E Segall, D. Engels and A. Hirsh, 2008, "Thoughts on the Deconvolution of Thermal- and Stress-States from Transient Histories", Proceedings of the 2008 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, PVP2008-61824
- Albert E Segall, 2007, "Science Fiction in Engineering Instruction: The Final Frontier?", Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Engineering Education, ICEE 2007, pp. 5
- Albert E Segall and R. Carter, 2007, "Finite-Element Simulations and Probabilistic Fracture Assessments of the Response of Alternate Rifling Geometries", Proceedings of the 2007 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, PVP2007-26081, pp. 11
- Albert E Segall and R. Carter, 2006, "Finite-Element Modeling of the Thermal/Structural Response of a Rifled Silicon-Nitride Barrel Subjected to Thermal and Pressure Transients", Proceedings of the 2006 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference, PVP2006-ICPVT11-93409
- G. Aggarwal, P. Walia, Albert E Segall, I. Smid and T. Eden, 2006, "Development of Self-Lubricating Coatings for Ti-6Al-4V Dovetails using a High-Velocity Particle-Consolidation (HVPC) Process", International Thermal Spray Conference, Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference 2006
- Albert E Segall, Craig Schoof and Dan Yastishock, , "Thermal Solutions for a Plate with an Arbitrary Temperature Transient on One Surface and Convection on the Other: Direct and Inverse Formulations"
- J. Harris, R. Akarapu and Albert E Segall, , "Welding of Alumina Using a Pulsed Dual-Beam CO2 Laser", ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, pp. 16
- Albert E Segall, 2010, "Advanced Materials and the Necessary Shift from Alloy-Centric Design Paradigms Required for Sustainable Development"
- J. Weyant, Albert E Segall, I. Smid, T. Eden and J. Potter, 2008, "Nano-Engineered Encapsulated Particles for the Creation of Self-Lubricating Coatings and Alloys"
- Albert E Segall and J. Meeker, 2007, "Boundary-Conditions, Temperatures, and Stress-Intensity Factors under Arbitrary Thermal Transients via the Inverse Route"
- P. Walia, G. Aggarwal, Albert E Segall, I. Smid, T. Eden and J. Potter, 2006, "High-Velocity Particle-Consolidation (HVPC) for Nickel Based Self-Lubricating Composite Coatings on TI-6AL-4V"
- G. Aggarwal, I. Smid and Albert E Segall, 2006, "Modeling of Deformation and Bonding of Com-posite Particle during Cold-Spray Deposition"