Photo of Akhlesh Lakhtakia

Akhlesh Lakhtakia

Evan Pugh University Professor and Charles G. Binder Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics


  • Engineering Science and Mechanics

206 Earth and Engineering Sciences Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Research Areas:

Optoelectronics, Photonics, and Lasers

Interest Areas:

Sculptured thin films; Metamaterials; Nanophotonics; Nanotechnology; Electromagnetics; Composite materials; Chirality; Anisotropic and bianisotropic mediums; Bianisotropic mediums; Acoustics; Micropolar materials; Chaos and Fractals






  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, The Advancing World of Applied Electromagnetics: In Honor and Appreciation of Magdy Fahmy Iskander, Springer, Cham, Switzerland
  • T. A. Lenau and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2021, Biologically Inspired Design: A Primer, Morgan & Claypool, San Rafael, CA, pp. xv+95
  • F. Ahmad, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and P. B. Monk, 2021, Theory of Graded-Bandgap Thin-Film Solar Cells, Morgan & Claypool, San Rafael, CA, pp. xxii+118
  • T. G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2020, The Transfer-Matrix Method in Electromagnetics and Optics, Morgan & Claypool, San Rafael, CA, pp. 136
  • T. G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2020, Modern Analytical Electromagnetic Homogenization with Mathematica, IoP Publishing, Bristol, United Kingdom, pp. xiv+188
  • T. G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2019, Electromagnetic Anisotropy and Bianisotropy: A Field Guide, World Scientific Publishing Co, Singapore, pp. 288
  • M. Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2018, Infinite-Space Dyadic Green Functions in Electromagnetism, Morgan & Claypool; IoP Science, San Rafael, CA; Bristol, United Kingdom, pp. xii+152 pages
  • T. G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, Modern Analytical Electromagnetic Homogenization, Morgan & Claypool; IoP Science, San Rafael, CA; Bristol, United Kingdom, pp. xiii+116
  • J. A. Pollo Jr., T. G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, Electromagnetic Surface Waves: A Modern Perspective, Elsevier, Waltham, MA, pp. 292

Journal Articles

  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "On maximum left/right reflectance asymmetry exhibited by a gyrotropic dielectric slab", Journal of Physics Communications, 8
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "Transmission-mode geometric-phase signatures of circular Bragg phenomenon", Journal of Optical Society of America B, 41
  • Andriy E. Serebryannikov, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Ekmel Ozbay, 2024, "Thermally mediated transmission-mode deflection of terahertz waves by lamellar metagratings containing a phase-change material", Optical Materials Express, 14
  • Mark Clemente-Arenas, Ruth E. Rubio-Noriega, Julio V. Urbina and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "Non-metallic magnetostatically tunable metasurface absorber for terahertz waves", Journal of Optical Society of America B, 41
  • Faiz Ahmad, Peter B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "Bifacial flexible CIGS thin-film solar cells with nonlinearly graded-bandgap photon-absorbing layers", Journal of Physics: Energy, 6
  • Nouf Alanazi, A. M. Scott, Hammid Al-Ghezi, Muhammad Faryad, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Partha P. Banerjee, 2024, "Transport of Intensity and phase: Applications to digital holography", Applied Optics, 63
  • Faiz Ahmad, Peter B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "Optoelectronic optimization of graded-bandgap thin-film AlGaAs solar cells. Part III: piecewise-homogeneous grading", Applied Optics, 63
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "Geometric phase in plane-wave transmission by a dielectric structurally chiral slab with a central phase defect", Physical Review A, 109, (4)
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "The free-space dyadic Green function is orthogonal to its own curl", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 38
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "Depolarization dyadics for truncated spheres, spheroids, and ellipsoids", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 72
  • Roberta DeSimone, Francesco Chiadini, Vincenzo Fiumara and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "Electromagnetic surface waves guided by the interface of a metal and a tightly interlaced matched ambidextrous bilayer", Journal of Optics (United Kingdom), 26
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "Resilience of circular-polarization-state-sensitive reflection against morphological disorder in chiral structures", Journal of Nanophotonics, 18, (3)
  • Joshua G. Benjestorf, Vincenzo C. Pascucci, Julio V. Urbina and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "The non-metallic electrical connector: A new connector technology based on wireless power transfer", IEEE Access, 12
  • Chengzhi Li, Haodong Wu, Bed Poudel, Osama A. Awadelkarim and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "Luminescent solar concentrator containing Parylene-C microfibrous thin film infiltrated with Lumogen F Red 305", Journal of Optics (United Kingdom), 26
  • Hector M. Iga-Buitron, Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "Bruggeman homogenization of a particulate composite material comprising truncated spheres and spheroids", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 37
  • Faiz Ahmad, Peter B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "Towards highly efficient thin-film solar cells with a graded-bandgap CZTSSe layer. Part II: Piecewise-homogeneous bandgap grading", Journal of Physics: Energy, 6
  • Hector M. Iga-Buitron, Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "Homogenization of a random mixture of identically oriented superspheroidal particles", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 38
  • Faiz Ahmad, Peter B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2023, "Optoelectronic optimization of graded-bandgap thin-film AlGaAs solar cells. Part II: optimal antireflection front-surface texturing", Applied Optics, 62, (28), pp. 7487-7495
  • Govindam Sharma, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Pradip Kumar Jain, 2023, "Design of X-band bicontrollable metasurface absorber comprising graphene pixels on copper-backed YIG substrate", Optik, 287
  • Tom G. Mackay, Tran Vinh Son, Alain Haché and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2023, "Temperature-induced hysteresis in amplification and attenuation of surface-plasmon-polariton waves", Journal of Physics Communications, 7, (6)
  • Faiz Ahmad, Benjamin J. Civiletti, Peter B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2023, "Effects of defect density, minority carrier lifetime, doping density, and absorber-layer thickness in CIGS and CZTSSe thin-film solar cells", Journal of Photonics for Energy, 13, (2)
  • Yuhao Zhong, Akash Tiwari, Hitomi Yamaguchi, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Satish T.S. Bukkapatnam, 2023, "Identifying the influence of surface texture waveforms on colors of polished surfaces using an explainable AI approach", IISE Transactions, 55, (7), pp. 731-745
  • Andriy E. Serebryannikov, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Ekmel Ozbay, 2022, "Thermally switchable, bifunctional, scalable, mid-infrared metasurfaces with VO2 grids capable of versatile polarization manipulation and asymmetric transmission", Optical Materials Express, 12, (12), pp. 4594-4605
  • Andriy E. Serebryannikov, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Guy A.E. Vandenbosch and Ekmel Ozbay, 2022, "Transmissive terahertz metasurfaces with vanadium dioxide split-rings and grids for switchable asymmetric polarization manipulation", Scientific Reports, 12, (1)
  • Faiz Ahmad, Benjamin J. Civiletti, Peter B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2022, "Efficiency enhancement of ultrathin CIGS solar cells by optimal bandgap grading. Part II: finite-difference algorithm and double-layer antireflection coatings", Applied Optics, 61, (33), pp. 10049-10061
  • B. J. Civiletti, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and P. B. Monk, 2022, "Hybridization of the rigorous coupled-wave approach with transformation optics for electromagnetic scattering by a surface-relief grating", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 412
  • Tom G. MacKay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2022, "Toward morphologically induced anisotropy in thermally hysteretic dielectric properties of vanadium dioxide", AIP Advances, 12, (10)
  • Ricardo A. Fiallo, Mark W. Horn and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2022, "Polarization-universal bandgaps realized with chiral sculptured thin films", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 39, (10), pp. 2697-2704
  • Ricardo A. Fiallo, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Mark W. Horn, 2022, "Polarization-universal bandgaps realized with columnar thin films", Journal of Nanophotonics, 16, (4)
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Tom G. Mackay and Waleed I. Waseer, 2022, "Thermal hysteresis in scattering by VO2 spheres", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 39, (10), pp. 1921-1928
  • Waleed Iqbal Waseer and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2022, "Thermal-hysteresis-affected surface-plasmon-polariton-wave propagation", Materials Letters, 324
  • Hamad M. Alkhoori and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2022, "Thermally controllable reduction of absorption and extinction of a dielectric sphere by an InSb coating", Optik, 260
  • Kiran Mujeeb, Muhammad Faryad, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Julio V. Urbina, 2022, "Grating-coupled excitation of high-phase-speed Dyakonov surface waves", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 39, (2), pp. 474-480
  • Govindam Sharma, Pankaj Kumar, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Pradip Kumar Jain, 2022, "Pixelated bicontrollable metasurface absorber tunable in complete X band", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 36, (17), pp. 2505-2518
  • Rajan Agrahari, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Pradip Kumar Jain and Somak Bhattacharyya, 2022, "Pixelated metasurfaces for linear-polarization conversion and absorption", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 36, (7), pp. 1008-1019
  • Patrick D. McAtee and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2022, "Experimental detection of Immunoglobulin G by prism-coupled angular interrogation and a support vector machine", Journal of Nanophotonics, 16, (1)
  • Faiz Ahmad, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Peter B. Monk, 2021, "Enhanced efficiency of graded-bandgap thin-film solar cells due to concentrated sunlight", Applied Optics, 60, (34), pp. 10570-10578
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Hamad M. Alkhoori and Nikolaos L. Tsitsas, 2021, "Theory of perturbation of electric potential by a 3D object made of an anisotropic dielectric material", Journal of Physics Communications, 5, (11)
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Nikolaos L. Tsitsas and Hamad M. Alkhoori, 2021, "Theory of Perturbation of Electrostatic Field by an Anisotropic Dielectric Sphere", Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 74, (4), pp. 467-490
  • A. M. Nemilentsau, G. Ya. Slepyan, S. A. Maksimenko, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and S. V. Rotkin, 2021, "Spontaneous decay of an excited state of an emitter coupled to parallel SWNTs placed in the vicinity of a plane interface between two dielectric materials", Photonics and Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Applications, 9, (4), pp. 381-389
  • Teresa M. Tiedge, Nivedita Nagachar, Frank R. Wendt, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Reena Roy, 2021, "High-throughput DNA sequencing of environmentally insulted latent fingerprints after visualization with nanoscale columnar-thin-film technique", Science and justice: journal of the Forensic Science Society, 61, (5), pp. 505-515
  • Kiran Mujeeb, Muhammad Faryad, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Julio V. Urbina, 2021, "Surface-plasmonic sensor using a columnar thin film in the grating-coupled configuration [Invited]", Chinese Optics Letters, 19, (8)
  • Patrick D. McAtee and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2021, "Theory of artificial-neural-network-based simultaneous optical sensing of two analytes using sculptured thin films", Journal of Nanophotonics, 15, (3)
  • Chenzhang Zhou, Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2021, "Singular existence of a Dyakonov–Voigt surface wave: Proof", Results in Physics, 24
  • Benjamin J. Civiletti, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Peter B. Monk, 2021, "Analysis of the Rigorous Coupled Wave Approach for p-polarized light in gratings", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 386
  • Akash Tiwari, Fang Xu, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Hitomi Yamaguchi and Satish T.S. Bukkapatnam, 2021, "On colors of stainless-steel surfaces polished with magnetic abrasives", Applied Optics, 60, (9), pp. 2549-2559
  • Chenzhang Zhou, Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2021, "Exceptional compound plasmon–polariton waves guided by a metal film embedded in a uniaxial dielectric material", Optics Communications, 483
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Chenzhang Zhou and Tom G. Mackay, 2021, "Exceptional compound plasmon-polariton waves", OSA Continuum, 4, (2), pp. 748-761
  • Chenzhang Zhou, Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2021, "A multiplicity of exceptional compound plasmon-polariton waves", Journal of Modern Optics, 68, (5), pp. 284-294
  • Tom G. MacKay, Chenzhang Zhou and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2021, "High-phase-speed Dyakonov surface waves", Journal of Nanophotonics, 15, (1)
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Tom G. MacKay and Chenzhang Zhou, 2021, "Electromagnetic surface waves at exceptional points", European Journal of Physics, 42, (1)
  • Chenzhang Zhou, Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2020, "Two Dyakonov–Voigt surface waves guided by a biaxial–isotropic dielectric interface", Scientific Reports, 10, (1)
  • Pankaj Kumar, Smriti Rai, Somak Bhattacharyya, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Pradip Kumar Jain, 2020, "Graphene-sandwich metasurface as a frequency shifter, switch, and isolator at terahertz frequencies", Optical Engineering, 59, (11)
  • Govindam Sharma, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Somak Bhattacharyya and Pradip K. Jain, 2020, "Magnetically tunable metasurface comprising InAs and InSb pixels for absorbing terahertz radiation", Applied Optics, 59, (31), pp. 9673-9680
  • Teresa M. Tiedge, Patrick D. McAtee, Mallory N. McCormick, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Reena Roy, 2020, "Massively parallel sequencing and STR analysis from partial bloody fingerprints enhanced with columnar thin films", Forensic Science International: Genetics, 49
  • Nivedita Nagachar, Teresa M. Tiedge, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Mallory Nicole McCormick and Reena Roy, 2020, "Development of environmentally insulted fingermarks on nonporous forensically relevant substrates with conformal columnar thin films", Journal of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science, 53, (4), pp. 149-172
  • Ibrahim H. Khawaji, Alyssa N. Brigeman, Osama O. Awadelkarim and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2020, "Charge Buildup and Leakage Current in Gold/Parylene-C/ Pentacene Capacitor under Constant-Voltage Stress", Flexible and Printed Electronics, 5, (3)
  • Yupeng Li, Xiaoyu Li, Xia Liu, Bao Zhu, Iqbal Muzammil, Mingkai Lei and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2020, "Biomimetic Random Arrays of Nanopillars and Nanocones with Robust Antiwetting Characteristics", Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124, (31), pp. 17095-17102
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Tom G. Mackay, 2020, "From unexceptional to doubly exceptional surface waves", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 37, (8), pp. 2444-2451
  • Antonio Scaglione, Francesco Chiadini, Vincenzo Fiumara and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2020, "Left/right asymmetry of the dipole field due to reflection from a periodic multilayer of a topological insulator and a columnar thin film", Optics Express, 28, (15), pp. 22266-22275
  • Faiz Ahmad, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Peter B. Monk, 2020, "Double-absorber thin-film solar cell with 34% efficiency", Applied Physics Letters, 117, (3)
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2020, "Multiple Rayleigh waves guided by the planar surface of a continuously twisted structurally chiral material", Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 476, (2239)
  • Kiran Mujeeb, Muhammad Faryad, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Julio V. Urbina, 2020, "Theory of grating-coupled excitation of Dyakonov surface waves", Optical Engineering, 59, (7)
  • Chenzhang Zhou, Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2020, "Theory of Dyakonov–Tamm surface waves featuring Dyakonov–Tamm–Voigt surface waves", Optik, 211
  • Kiran Mujeeb, Muhammad Faryad, Julio V. Urbina and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2020, "Effect of orientation on excitation of surface-plasmon-polariton waves guided by a columnar thin film deposited on a metal grating", Optical Engineering, 59, (5)
  • Tom H. Anderson, Benjamin J. Civiletti, Peter B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2020, "Coupled optoelectronic simulation and optimization of thin-film photovoltaic solar cells", Journal of Computational Physics, 407
  • Benjamin J. Civiletti, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Peter B. Monk, 2020, "Analysis of the Rigorous Coupled Wave Approach for s-polarized light in gratings", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 368
  • Faiz Ahmad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2020, "Towards highly efficient thin-film solar cells with a graded-bandgap CZTSSe layer", JPhys Energy, 2, (2)
  • Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2020, "Multiple trains of same-color surface plasmon-polaritons guided by the planar interface of a metal and a sculptured nematic thin ?lm. Part V: Grating-coupled excitation (Erratum)", Journal of Nanophotonics, 14, (01), pp. 1
  • Faiz Ahmad, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Peter B. Monk, 2020, "Optoelectronic optimization of graded-bandgap thin-film AlGaAs solar cells", Applied Optics, 59, (4), pp. 1018-1027
  • Hamad M. Alkhoori, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, James K. Breakall and Craig F. Bohren, 2020, "Sufficient Conditions for Zero Backscattering by a Uniaxial Dielectric-Magnetic Scatterer Endowed with Magnetoelectric Gyrotropy", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 68, (2), pp. 1023-1030
  • F. Ahmad, T. H. Anderson, P. B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2020, "Erratum: Efficiency enhancement of ultrathin CIGS solar cells by optimal bandgap grading", Applied Optics, 59, (8), pp. pg 2615
  • Pankaj Kumar, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Pradip K. Jain, 2019, "Tricontrollable pixelated metasurface for absorbing terahertz radiation", Applied Optics, 58, (35), pp. 9614-9623
  • Yupeng Li, Xia Liu, Xiaoyu Li, Bao Zhu, Mingkai Lei and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2019, "Universally Applicable Fabrication Technique for Biomimetic Nanocone Arrays on Flexible Polymer Substrates for Anti-Reflection Functionality", Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, 7, (4)
  • Rajan Agrahari, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Pradip K. Jain, 2019, "Information Transfer by Near-Infrared Surface-Plasmon-Polariton Waves on Silver/Silicon Interfaces", Scientific Reports, 9, (1)
  • Raúl J. Martín-Palma, Patrick D. McAtee, Rehab Ramadan and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2019, "Hybrid Nanostructured Porous Silicon-Silver Layers for Wideband Optical Absorption", Scientific Reports, 9, (1)
  • Chenzhang Zhou, Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2019, "Surface-plasmon-polariton wave propagation supported by anisotropic materials: Multiple modes and mixed exponential and linear localization characteristics", Physical Review A, 100, (3)
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2019, "Exorcizing ghost waves", Optik, 192
  • C. Chandraprakash, Vijayakumar C. Venugopal, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Osama O. Awadelkarim, 2019, "Long-wavelength infrared characteristics of multifunctional microfibrous thin films of Parylene C", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 61, (9), pp. 2206-2209
  • Tom G. Mackay, Chenzhang Zhou and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2019, "Dyakonov–Voigt surface waves", Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 475, (2228)
  • F. Ahmad, T. H. Anderson, P. B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2019, "Efficiency enhancement of ultrathin CIGS solar cells by optimal bandgap grading", Applied Optics, 58, (22), pp. 6067-6078
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2019, "Surface waves with negative phase velocity supported by temperature-dependent hyperbolic materials", Journal of Optics (United Kingdom), 21, (8)
  • Francesco Chiadini, Antonio Scaglione, Vincenzo Fiumara, Mikhail V. Shuba and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2019, "Effect of chemical potential on Dyakonov-Tamm waves guided by a graphene-coated structurally chiral medium", Journal of Optics (United Kingdom), 21, (5)
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2019, "Planewave response of a simple Lorentz-nonreciprocal medium with magnetoelectric gyrotropy", Optik, 182, pp. 372-381
  • Francesco Chiadini, Vincenzo Fiumara, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Antonio Scaglione, 2019, "Enhanced left/right asymmetry in reflection and transmission due to a periodic multilayer of a topological insulator and an anisotropic dielectric material", Applied Optics, 58, (7), pp. 1724-1732
  • Rajan Agrahari, Pradip K. Jain and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2019, "Toward Information Transfer Around a Concave Corner by a Surface-Plasmon-Polariton Wave", IEEE Photonics Journal, 11, (1)
  • Ibrahim H. Khawaji, Osama O. Awadelkarim and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2019, "Effects of constant-voltage stress on the stability of Parylene-C columnar microfibrous thin films", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 26, (1), pp. 270-275
  • Hamad M. Alkhoori, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, James K. Breakall and Craig F. Bohren, 2019, "Plane-wave scattering by an ellipsoid composed of an orthorhombic dielectric-magnetic material with arbitrarily oriented constitutive principal axes", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 36, (8), pp. F60-F71
  • Pankaj Kumar, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Pradip K. Jain, 2019, "Erratum: Graphene pixel-based polarization-insensitive metasurface for almost perfect and wideband terahertz absorption(Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics (2019) 36 (F84–F88) DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.36.000F84)", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 36, (7), pp. 1914
  • Chenzhang Zhou, Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2019, "On Dyakonov–Voigt surface waves guided by the planar interface of dissipative materials", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 36, (11), pp. 3218-3225
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, R. Gordon, T. G. Mackay and O.J.F. Martin, 2019, "Special Section: Optics with Complex Materials and (Sub)Nanostructures", Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 11, (8)
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, S. Bhattacharyya and S. K. Ghosh, 2019, "Comment on: “Wide incidence angle and polarization insensitive dual broad-band metamaterial absorber based on concentric split and continuous rings resonator structure”", Materials Research Express, 6, pp. 088002
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2018, "Simultaneous existence of amplified and attenuated surface-plasmon-polariton waves", Journal of Optics (India), 47, (4), pp. 527-533
  • Andriy E. Serebryannikov, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Majid Aalizadeh, Ekmel Ozbay and Guy A.E. Vandenbosch, 2018, "Temperature-mediated invocation of the vacuum state for switchable ultrawide-angle and broadband deflection", Scientific Reports, 8, (1)
  • Hamad M. Alkhoori, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, James K. Breakall and Craig F. Bohren, 2018, "Scattering by a three-dimensional object composed of the simplest Lorentz-nonreciprocal medium", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 35, (12), pp. 2026-2034
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2018, "Simultaneous existence of amplified and attenuated Dyakonov surface waves", Optics Communications, 427, pp. 175-179
  • Vikas Vepachedu, Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2018, "Bragg supermirror with polarization-dependent amplification of reflected light", Optics Communications, 425, pp. 58-63
  • Hamad M. Alkhoori, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, James K. Breakall and Craig F. Bohren, 2018, "Plane-wave scattering by an ellipsoid composed of an orthorhombic dielectric–magnetic material", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 35, (9), pp. 1549-1559
  • Rajan Agrahari, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Pradip K. Jain, 2018, "Information carried by a surface-plasmon-polariton wave across a gap", Journal of Applied Physics, 124, (5)
  • Vikas Vepachedu and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2018, "Chiral sculptured thin films for circular polarization of mid-wavelength infrared light", Applied Optics, 57, (22), pp. 6410-6416
  • Patrick D. McAtee and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2018, "Experimental and theoretical investigation of the co-occurrence of linear and circular dichroisms for oblique incidence of light on chiral sculptured thin films", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 35, (7), pp. 1131-1139
  • Tom H. Anderson, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Peter B. Monk, 2018, "Optimization of nonhomogeneous indium-galliumnitride Schottky-barrier thin-film solar cells", Journal of Photonics for Energy, 8, (3)
  • Raúl J. Martín-Palma and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2018, "Bioreplication for optical applications", MRS Communications, 8, (2), pp. 220-225
  • Y. P. Li, X. Y. Li, X. P. Zhu, M. K. Lei and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2018, "Polymer Surface Textured with Nanowire Bundles to Repel High-Speed Water Drops", Langmuir, 34, (20), pp. 5871-5879
  • Benjamin J. Civiletti, Tom H. Anderson, Faiz Ahmad, Peter B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2018, "Optimization approach for optical absorption in three-dimensional structures including solar cells", Optical Engineering, 57, (5)
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2018, "Circular Bragg supermirror", Journal of Nanophotonics, 12, (2)
  • Andriy E. Serebryannikov, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Ekmel Ozbay, 2018, "Characteristic Attributes of Multiple Cascaded Terahertz Metasurfaces with Magnetically Tunable Subwavelength Resonators", Annalen der Physik, 530, (3)
  • Timothy J. Garner, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, James K. Breakall and Craig F. Bohren, 2018, "Scattering characteristics of relativistically moving concentrically layered spheres", Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 382, (5), pp. 362-366
  • Francesco Chiadini and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2018, "Bicontrollable terahertz metasurface with subwavelength scattering elements of two different materials", Applied Optics, 57, (2), pp. 189-196
  • Andriy E. Serebryannikov, Kamil B. Alici, Ekmel Ozbay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2018, "Thermally sensitive scattering of terahertz waves by coated cylinders for tunable invisibility and masking", Optics Express, 26, (1), pp. 1-14
  • Faiz Ahmad, Tom H. Anderson, Benjamin J. Civiletti, Peter B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2018, "On optical-absorption peaks in a nonhomogeneous thin-film solar cell with a two-dimensional periodically corrugated metallic backreflector", Journal of Nanophotonics, 12, (1)
  • Ibrahim H. Khawaji, Chandraprakash Chindam, Osama O. Awadelkarim and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "Selectablity of mechanical and dielectric properties of Parylene-C columnar microfibrous thin films by varying deposition angle", Flexible and Printed Electronics, 2, (4)
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "Polarization-state-dependent attenuation and amplification in a columnar thin film", Journal of Optics (United Kingdom), 19, (12)
  • Timothy J. Garner, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, James K. Breakall and Craig F. Bohren, 2017, "Lorentz invariance of absorption and extinction cross sections of a uniformly moving object", Physical Review A, 96, (5)
  • Patrick D. McAtee and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "Reflection and transmission of obliquely incident light by chiral sculptured thin films fabricated using asymmetric serial-bideposition technique", Journal of Nanophotonics, 11, (4)
  • Francesco Chiadini, Vincenzo Fiumara, Antonio Scaglione and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "Periodicity effects on compound waves guided by a thin metal slab sandwiched between two periodically nonhomogeneous dielectric materials", Journal of Nanophotonics, 11, (4)
  • Francesco Chiadini, Vincenzo Fiumara, Tom G. Mackay, Antonio Scaglione and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "Signatures of thermal hysteresis in Tamm-wave propagation", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 34, (10), pp. 2155-2160
  • Sema Erten, Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "Multiple surface-plasmon-polariton waves guided by a chiral sculptured thin film grown on a metallic grating", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 34, (9), pp. 1937-1945
  • Annunziata Diovisalvi, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Vincenzo Fiumara and Francesco Chiadini, 2017, "Bilaterally asymmetric reflection and transmission of light by a grating structure containing a topological insulator", Optics Communications, 398, pp. 67-76
  • Ibrahim H. Khawaji, Chandraprakash Chindam, Osama O. Awadelkarim and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "Dielectric properties of and charge transport in columnar microfibrous thin films of Parylene C", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 64, (8), pp. 3360-3367
  • Timothy J. Garner, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, James K. Breakall and Craig F. Bohren, 2017, "Electromagnetic pulse scattering by a spacecraft nearing light speed", Applied Optics, 56, (22), pp. 6206-6213
  • Francesco Chiadini, Vincenzo Fiumara, Tom G. Mackay, Antonio Scaglione and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "Temperature-mediated transition from Dyakonov-Tamm surface waves to surface-plasmon-polariton waves", Journal of Optics (United Kingdom), 19, (8)
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "High-phase-speed Dyakonov-Tamm surface waves", Journal of Nanophotonics, 11, (3)
  • Vikas Vepachedu, Patrick D. McAtee and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "Nonexhibition of Bragg phenomenon by chevronic sculptured thin films: Experiment and theory", Journal of Nanophotonics, 11, (3)
  • Chandraprakash Chindam, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Osama O. Awadelkarim, 2017, "Parylene-C microfibrous thin films as phononic crystals", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 27, (7)
  • Shailly H. Jariwala, Hwabok Wee, Evan P. Roush, Tiffany L. Whitcomb, Christopher Murter, Gery Kozlansky, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Allen R. Kunselman, Henry J. Donahue, April D. Armstrong and Gregory S. Lewis, 2017, "Time course of peri-implant bone regeneration around loaded and unloaded implants in a rat model", Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 35, (5), pp. 997-1006
  • Tomas Tolenis, Stephen E. Swiontek and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "Structural colours of nickel bioreplicas of butterfly wings", Journal of Modern Optics, 64, (8), pp. 781-786
  • Ujitha Abeywickrema, Partha Banerjee, Akash Kota, Stephen E. Swiontek and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "High-resolution topograms of fingerprints using multiwavelength digital holography", Optical Engineering, 56, (3)
  • Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "On the Huygens principle for bianisotropic mediums with symmetric permittivity and permeability dyadics", Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 381, (7), pp. 742-746
  • C. A. Valagiannopoulos, N. L. Tsitsas and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "Giant enhancement of the controllable in-plane anisotropy of biased isotropic noncentrosymmetric materials with epsilon-negative multilayers", Journal of Applied Physics, 121, (6)
  • Tom H. Anderson, Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "Enhanced efficiency of Schottky-barrier solar cell with periodically nonhomogeneous indium gallium nitride layer", Journal of Photonics for Energy, 7, (1)
  • Natalia Dushkina, Sema Erten and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "Coloration and Structure of the Wings of Chorinea sylphina Bates", Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society, 71, (1), pp. 1-11
  • Cinthya Rivas, Manuel E. Solano, Rodolfo Rodríguez, Peter B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "Asymptotic model for finite-element calculations of diffraction by shallow metallic surface-relief gratings", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 34, (1), pp. 68-79
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia and T. G. Mackay, 2017, "Scattering from bulk material with topologically insulating surface states", FERMAT, 21, (May-June)
  • Francesco Chiadini, Vincenzo Fiumara, Tom G. Mackay, Antonio Scaglione and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2016, "Left/right asymmetry in Dyakonov-Tamm-wave propagation guided by a topological insulator and a structurally chiral material", Journal of Optics (United Kingdom), 18, (11)
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2016, "Gain and loss enhancement in active and passive particulate composite materials", Waves in Random and Complex Media, 26, (4), pp. 553-563
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2016, "Temperature-mediated transition from dyakonov surface waves to surface-plasmon-polariton waves", IEEE Photonics Journal, 8, (5)
  • Sema Erten and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2016, "Dual-band circular-polarization filter for obliquely incident light", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 58, (10), pp. 2381-2384
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2016, "On the propagation of Voigt waves in energetically active materials", European Journal of Physics, 37, (6)
  • Jhuma Dutta, S. Anantha Ramakrishna and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2016, "Characteristics of surface plasmon-polariton waves excited on 2D periodically patterned columnar thin films of silver", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 33, (9), pp. 1697-1704
  • Farhat Abbas, Muhammad Faryad, Stephen E. Swiontek and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2016, "Enhancement of Dynamic Sensitivity of Multiple Surface-plasmonic-polaritonic Sensor Using Silver Nanoparticles", Plasmonics, 11, (4), pp. 987-994
  • Chandraprakash Chindam, Nicole R. Brown, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Osama O. Awadelkarim and Wasim Orfali, 2016, "Temperature-dependent dynamic moduli of Parylene-C columnar microfibrous thin films", Polymer Testing, 53, pp. 89-97
  • Stephen E. Swiontek and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2016, "Influence of silver-nanoparticle layer in a chiral sculptured thin film for surface-multiplasmonic sensing of analytes in aqueous solution", Journal of Nanophotonics, 10, (3)
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Tom G. MacKay, 2016, "Classical electromagnetic model of surface states in topological insulators", Journal of Nanophotonics, 10, (3)
  • Zachary C. Goecker, Stephen E. Swiontek, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Reena Roy, 2016, "Comparison of Quantifiler® Trio and InnoQuant™ human DNA quantification kits for detection of DNA degradation in developed and aged fingerprints", Forensic Science International, 263, pp. 132-138
  • Francesco Chiadini, Vincenzo Fiumara, Antonio Scaglione and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2016, "Compound guided waves that mix characteristics of surface-Plasmon-Polariton, Tamm, Dyakonov-Tamm, and Uller-Zenneck waves", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 33, (6), pp. 1197-1206
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2016, "Nonreciprocal dyakonov-wave propagation supported by topological insulators", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 33, (6), pp. 1266-1270
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2016, "Simultaneous amplification and attenuation in isotropic chiral materials", Journal of Optics (United Kingdom), 18, (5)
  • Andriy E. Serebryannikov, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Ekmel Ozbay, 2016, "Single and cascaded, magnetically controllable metasurfaces as terahertz filters", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 33, (5), pp. 834-841
  • Liu Liu, Greg D. Barber, Mikhail V. Shuba, Yu Yuwen, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Thomas E. Mallouk and Theresa S. Mayer, 2016, "Planar Light Concentration in Micro-Si Solar Cells Enabled by a Metallic Grating-Photonic Crystal Architecture", ACS Photonics, 3, (4), pp. 604-610
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Tom G. Mackay, 2016, "Left/right asymmetry in reflection and transmission by a planar anisotropic dielectric slab with topologically insulating surface states", Journal of Nanophotonics, 10, (2)
  • Mikhail V.S. Huba and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2016, "Splitting of absorptance peaks in absorbing multilayer backed by a periodically corrugated metallic reflector", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 33, (4), pp. 779-784
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Tom G. Mackay, 2016, "Electromagnetic scattering by homogeneous, isotropic, dielectric-magnetic sphere with topologically insulating surface states", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 33, (4), pp. 603-609
  • Tom H. Anderson, Muhammad Faryad, Tom G. Mackay, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Rajendra Singh, 2016, "Combined optical-electrical finite-element simulations of thin-film solar cells with homogeneous and nonhomogeneous intrinsic layers", Journal of Photonics for Energy, 6, (2)
  • Francesco Chiadini, Vincenzo Fiumara, Antonio Scaglione and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2016, "Compound surface-plasmon-polariton waves guided by a thin metal layer sandwiched between a homogeneous isotropic dielectric material and a structurally chiral material", Optics Communications, 363, pp. 201-206
  • L. Fan, P. B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2016, "Blazed-grating spectrum splitter for harvesting solar energy", Electronics Letters, 52, (5), pp. 387-388
  • Chandraprakash Chindam, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Osama O. Awadelkarim, 2016, "Reply to “Comment on ‘Surface energy of Parylene C’ ”", Materials Letters, 166, pp. 325-326
  • T. G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2016, "Comment on “Energy conservation and the constitutive relations in chiral and nonreciprocal media”", Journal of Optics (United Kingdom), 18, pp. 068001
  • Stephanie L. Plazibat, Reena Roy, Stephen E. Swiontek and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, "Generation of DNA profiles from fingerprints developed with columnar thin film technique", Forensic Science International, 257, pp. 453-457
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Wricha Johari, 2015, "Engineered multifunctionality and environmental sustainability", Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 5, (4), pp. 732-734
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, "Dynamically controllable anisotropic metamaterials with simultaneous attenuation and amplification", Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 92, (5)
  • Chandraprakash Chindam, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Osama O. Awadelkarim and Wasim Orfali, 2015, "Relative permittivity of bulk Parylene-C polymer in the infrared regime", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 29, (16), pp. 2139-2146
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, "From bioinspired multifunctionality to mimumes", Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials, 4, (3), pp. 168-173
  • Manuel E. Solano, Greg D. Barber, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Muhammad Faryad, Peter B. Monk and Thomas E. Mallouk, 2015, "Buffer layer between a planar optical concentrator and a solar cell", AIP Advances, 5, (9)
  • Tom G. MacKay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, "Application of Bruggeman and Maxwell Garnett homogenization formalisms to random composite materials containing dimers", Waves in Random and Complex Media, 25, (3), pp. 429-454
  • Michael J. Domingue, Drew P. Pulsifer, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Jennifer Berkebile, Kim C. Steiner, Jonathan P. Lelito, Loyal P. Hall and Thomas C. Baker, 2015, "Detecting emerald ash borers (Agrilus planipennis) using branch traps baited with 3D-printed beetle decoys", Journal of Pest Science, 88, (2), pp. 267-279
  • Tarun Gupta, Stephen E. Swiontek and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, "Simpler Mass Production of Polymeric Visual Decoys for the Male Emerald Ash Borer (AgriAgrilus planipennis)", Journal of Bionic Engineering, 12, (2), pp. 263-269
  • Stephen E. Swiontek and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, "Vacuum-metal-deposition and columnar-thin-film techniques implemented in the same apparatus", Materials Letters, 142, pp. 291-293
  • Stephanie F. Williams, Drew P. Pulsifer, Robert C. Shaler, Robert S. Ramotowski, Shelly Brazelle and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, "Comparison of the Columnar-Thin-Film and Vacuum-Metal-Deposition Techniques to Develop Sebaceous Fingermarks on Nonporous Substrates,", Journal of Forensic Sciences, 60, (2), pp. 295-302
  • C. A. Valagiannopoulos, N. L. Tsitsas, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and A. Burger, 2015, "Pockels cover for switchable control of the reflection from a grounded, isotropic, lossy dielectric slab", Journal of Applied Physics, 117, (8)
  • Manuel Solano, Muhammad Faryad, Anthony S. Hall, Thomas E. Mallouk, Peter B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, "Erratum: Optimization of the absorption efficiency of an amorphous-silicon thin-film tandem solar cell backed by a metallic surface-relief grating (Applied Optics (2013) 52 (966-979))", Applied Optics, 54, (3), pp. 398-399
  • R. A. Depine and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, "Poynting theorem constraints on the signs of the imaginary parts of the electromagnetic constitutive parameters: comment", Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 32, pp. 1564-1565
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, "Mimumes", FERMAT, 8
  • Stephanie F. Williams, Drew P. Pulsifer, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Robert C. Shaler, 2015, "Visualization of partial bloody fingerprints on nonporous substrates using columnar thin films", Journal of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science, 48, (1), pp. 20-35
  • Stephanie L. Plazibat, Stephen E. Swiontek, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Reena Roy, 2015, "White-light vs. short-wavelength ultraviolet illumination of fingerprints developed with columnar thin films of Alq3", Journal of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science, 48, (4), pp. 190-199
  • Chandraprakash Chindam, Nichole M. Wonderling, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Osama O. Awadelkarim and Wasim Orfali, 2015, "Microfiber inclination, crystallinity, and water wettability of microfibrous thin-film substrates of Parylene C in relation to the direction of the monomer vapor during fabrication", Applied Surface Science, 345, pp. 145-155
  • Li Fan, Muhammad Faryad, Greg D. Barber, Thomas E. Mallouk, Peter B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, "Optimization of a spectrum splitter using differential evolution algorithm for solar cell applications", Journal of Photonics for Energy, 5, (1)
  • Francesco Chiadini, Vincenzo Fiumara, Antonio Scaglione and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, "Composite surface-plasmon-polariton waves guided by a thin metal layer sandwiched between a homogeneous isotropic dielectric material and a periodically multilayered isotropic dielectric material", Journal of Nanophotonics, 9, (1)
  • Liu Liu, Muhammad Faryad, Anthony Shoji Hall, Greg D. Barber, Sema Erten, Thomas E. Mallouk, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Theresa S. Mayer, 2015, "Experimental excitation of multiple surface-plasmon-polariton waves and waveguide modes in a one-dimensional photonic crystal atop a two-dimensional metal grating", Journal of Nanophotonics, 9, (1)
  • Sema Erten, Stephen E. Swiontek, Christian M. Graham and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, "Experimental investigation of circular Bragg phenomenon exhibited by a mirror-backed chiral sculptured thin film", Journal of Nanophotonics, 9, (1)
  • Sema Erten, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Greg D. Barber, 2015, "Experimental investigation of circular Bragg phenomenon for oblique incidence", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 32, (5), pp. 764-770
  • Jhuma Dutta, S. Anantha Ramakrishna and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, "Asymmetric coupling and dispersion of surface-plasmon-polariton waves on a periodically patterned anisotropic metal film", Journal of Applied Physics, 117, (1)
  • Stephanie F. Williams, Drew P. Pulsifer, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Robert C. Shaler, 2015, "Columnar-Thin-Film-Assisted Visualization of Depleted Sebaceous Fingermarks on Nonporous Metals and Hard Plastics", Journal of Forensic Sciences, 60, (1), pp. 179-185
  • Mikhail V. Shuba, Muhammad Faryad, Manuel E. Solano, Peter B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2015, "Adequacy of the rigorous coupled-wave approach for thin-film silicon solar cells with periodically corrugated metallic backreflectors: Spectral analysis", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 32, (7), pp. 1222-1230
  • Farhat Abbas, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Qaisar A. Naqvi and Muhammad Faryad, 2015, "An optical-sensing modality that exploits Dyakonov–Tamm waves", Photonics Research, 3, (1), pp. 5-8
  • Francesco Chiadini, Vincenzo Fiumara, Antonio Scaglione and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2014, "Multiple excitations of a surface-plasmon-polariton wave guided by a columnar thin film deposited on a metal grating", Optical Engineering, 53, (12)
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2014, "Towards a piecewise-homogeneous metamaterial model of the collision of two linearly polarized gravitational plane waves", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 62, (12), pp. 6149-6154
  • Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2014, "Errata: Enhancement of light absorption efficiency of amorphous-silicon thin-film tandem solar cell due to multiple surface-plasmon-polariton waves in the near-infrared spectral regime", Optical Engineering, 53, (12)
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Muhammad Faryad, 2014, "Theory of optical sensing with Dyakonov–Tamm waves", Journal of Nanophotonics, 8, (1), pp. 083072
  • A. D.Ulfat Jafri and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2014, "Light scattering by magnetoelectrically gyrotropic sphere with unit relative permittivity and relative permeability", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 31, (11), pp. 2489-2494
  • Chandraprakash Chindam, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Osama O. Awadelkarim and Wasim Orfali, 2014, "Acoustic scattering from microfibers of Parylene C", Journal of Applied Physics, 116, (13)
  • Manuel E. Solano, Muhammad Faryad, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Peter B. Monk, 2014, "Comparison of rigorous coupled-wave approach and finite element method for photovoltaic devices with periodically corrugated metallic backreflector", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 31, (10), pp. 2275-2284
  • Michael J. Domingue, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Drew P. Pulsifer, Loyal P. Hall, John V. Badding, Jesse L. Bischof, Raúl J. Martín-Palma, Zoltán Imrei, Gergely Janik, Victor C. Mastro, Missy Hazen and Thomas C. Baker, 2014, "Bioreplicated visual features of nanofabricated buprestid beetle decoys evoke stereotypical male mating flights", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, (39), pp. 14106-14111
  • Raúl J. Martín-Palma, Amy E. Miller, Drew P. Pulsifer and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2014, "Angular distribution of light emission from compound-eye cornea with conformal fluorescent coating", Applied Physics Letters, 105, (10)
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Muhammad Faryad, 2014, "Dyakonov-Tamm waves guided jointly by an ordinary, isotropic, homogeneous, dielectric material and a hyperbolic, dielectric, structurally chiral material", Journal of Modern Optics, 61, (13), pp. 1115-1119
  • Drew P. Pulsifer, Muhammad Faryad, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Anthony S. Hall and Liu Liu, 2014, "Experimental excitation of the Dyakonov-Tamm wave in the grating-coupled configuration", Optics Letters, 39, (7), pp. 2125-2128
  • Chandraprakash Chindam, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Nicole R. Brown, Wasim Orfali and Osama O. Awadelkarim, 2014, "Frequency- and temperature-dependent storage and loss moduli of microfibrous thin films of Parylene C", Materials Letters, 116, pp. 296-298
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2014, "Global optics: A Fellow’s journey to Mongolia", Optics and Photonics News (Optical Society of America), 25, (1), pp. 20-21
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2014, "Appreciation of optics", Continuum (University of Utah), 24, (3), pp. 2
  • Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2014, "Evolution of surface-plasmon-polariton and Dyakonov-Tamm waves with the ambichirality of a partnering dielectric material", Journal of Nanophotonics, 8, (1)
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2014, "Exhibition of circular Bragg phenomenon by hyperbolic, dielectric, structurally chiral materials", Journal of Nanophotonics, 8, (1)
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Muhammad Faryad, 2014, "Multiple surface-plasmon-polariton waves guided jointly by a metal and a hyperbolic, dielectric, structurally chiral material", Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A - Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science, 15, (2), pp. 159-164
  • Raúl J. Martín-Palma and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2014, "Oblique-angle deposition: Evolution from sculptured thin films to bioreplication", Scripta Materialia, 74, pp. 9-12
  • Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2014, "Observation of the Uller-Zenneck wave", Optics Letters, 39, (17), pp. 5204-5207
  • Sarah A. Muhlberger, Drew P. Pulsifer, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Raúl J. Martín-Palma and Robert C. Shaler, 2014, "Optimized Development of Sebaceous Fingermarks on Nonporous Substrates with Conformal Columnar Thin Films", Journal of Forensic Sciences, 59, (1), pp. 94-102
  • Stephen E. Swiontek, Drew P. Pulsifer and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2014, "Quality of development of latent sebaceous fingerprints coated with thin films of different morphologies", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B:Nanotechnology and Microelectronics, 32, (2)
  • A. D.Ulfat Jafri and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2014, "Scattering of an electromagnetic plane wave by a homogeneous sphere made of an orthorhombic dielectric-magnetic material", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 31, (1), pp. 89-100
  • Stephen E. Swiontek, Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2014, "Surface plasmonic polaritonic sensor using a dielectric columnar thin film", Journal of Nanophotonics, 8, (1)
  • Drew Patrick Pulsifer, Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Observation of the Dyakonov-Tamm wave", Physical Review Letters, 111, (24)
  • Francesco Chiadini, Vincenzo Fiumara, Antonio Scaglione and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Analysis of prismatic bioinspired texturing of the surface of a silicon solar cell for enhanced light-coupling efficiency", Journal of Photonics for Energy, 3, (1)
  • Francesco Chiadini, Vincenzo Fiumara, Antonio Scaglione and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Bioinspired pit texturing of silicon solar cell surfaces", Journal of Photonics for Energy, 3, (1)
  • Manuel E. Solano, Muhammad Faryad, Peter B. Monk, Thomas E. Mallouk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Periodically multilayered planar optical concentrator for photovoltaic solar cells", Applied Physics Letters, 103, (19)
  • A. A. Siddiqui and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Debye-Hückel solution for steady electro-osmotic flow of micropolar fluid in cylindrical microcapillary", Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 34, (11), pp. 1305-1326
  • Muhammad Faryad, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Drew Patrick Pulsifer, 2013, "Dyakonov-Tamm waves guided by the planar surface of a chiral sculptured thin film", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 30, (11), pp. 3035-3040
  • Greg Strout, Scott D. Russell, Drew P. Pulsifer, Sema Erten, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and David W. Lee, 2013, "Silica nanoparticles aid in structural leaf coloration in the Malaysian tropical rainforest understorey herb Mapania caudata", Annals of Botany, 112, (6), pp. 1141-1148
  • Andriy E. Serebryannikov and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Wideband switchable unidirectional transmission in a photonic crystal with a periodically nonuniform pupil", Optics Letters, 38, (17), pp. 3279-3282
  • Alayna E. Loiselle, Lai Wei, Muhammad Faryad, Emmanuel M. Paul, Gregory S. Lewis, Jun Gao, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Henry J. Donahue, 2013, "Specific biomimetic hydroxyapatite nanotopographies enhance osteoblastic differentiation and bone graft osteointegration", Tissue Engineering - Part A, 19, (15-16), pp. 1704-1712
  • Drew Patrick Pulsifer, Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Parametric investigation of prism-coupled excitation of Dyakonov-Tamm waves", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 30, (8), pp. 2081-2089
  • Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Enhancement of light absorption efficiency of amorphous-silicon thin-film tandem solar cell due to multiple surface-plasmon-polariton waves in the near-infrared spectral regime *", Optical Engineering, 52, (8)
  • Anthony Shoji Hall, Muhammad Faryad, Greg D. Barber, Liu Liu, Sema Erten, Theresa S. Mayer, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Thomas E. Mallouk, 2013, "Broadband light absorption with multiple surface plasmon polariton waves excited at the interface of a metallic grating and photonic crystal", ACS Nano, 7, (6), pp. 4995-5007
  • Raúl J. Martín-Palma and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Engineered biomimicry for harvesting solar energy: A bird's eye view", International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials, 4, (2), pp. 83-90
  • Andriy E. Serebryannikov and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Switchable photonic-crystal-grating diode using coherent atomic gas", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 55, (6), pp. 1248-1250
  • Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Prism-coupled excitation of Dyakonov-Tamm waves", Optics Communications, 294, pp. 192-197
  • Yi Jun Jen, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Meng Jie Lin, Wei Hao Wang, Huang Ming Wu and Hung Sheng Liao, 2013, "Metal/dielectric/metal sandwich film for broadband reflection reduction", Scientific Reports, 3
  • Jhuma Dutta, S. Anantha Ramakrishna and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Periodically patterned columnar thin films as blazed diffraction gratings", Applied Physics Letters, 102, (16)
  • F. M. Sciammarella, C. A. Sciammarella, L. Lamberti, M. Styrcula, L. Wei and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Robust mechanical property measurements of fibrous parylene-C thin-film substrate via moiré contouring technology", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 20, pp. 237-248
  • L. Wei and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Fabrication of free standing, three-dimensional, fibrous, thin film substrates of parylene C", Materials Research Innovations, 17, (2), pp. 129-135
  • Drew P. Pulsifer, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Mahesh S. Narkhede, Michael J. Domingue, Beverly G. Post, Jayant Kumar, Raúl J. Martín-Palma and Thomas C. Baker, 2013, "Fabrication of Polymeric Visual Decoys for the Male Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis)", Journal of Bionic Engineering, 10, (2), pp. 129-138
  • Stephen E. Swiontek, Drew P. Pulsifer and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Optical sensing of analytes in aqueous solutions with a multiple surface-plasmon-polariton-wave platform", Scientific Reports, 3
  • Manuel Solano, Muhammad Faryad, Anthony S. Hall, Thomas E. Mallouk, Peter B. Monk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Optimization of the absorption efficiency of an amorphous-silicon thin-film tandem solar cell backed by a metallic surface-relief grating", Applied Optics, 52, (5), pp. 966-979
  • Abdelkader Kahouli, Lai Wei, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Alain Sylvestre, 2013, "Low-frequency dielectric functions of dense and chevronic thin films of parylene C", Materials Letters, 95, pp. 63-66
  • Rajendra Singh, Githin Francis Alapatt and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Making solar cells a reality in every home: Opportunities and challenges for photovoltaic device design", IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, 1, (6), pp. 129-144
  • Xuerong Xiao, Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Multiple trains of same-color surface-plasmon-polaritons guided by the planar interface of a metal and a sculptured nematic thin film. Part VI: Spin and orbital angular momentums", Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 7, (1)
  • Hadar Krupsky Reisman, Drew P. Pulsifer, Raúl J. Martín-Palma, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Roman Dabrowski and Ibrahim Abdulhalim, 2013, "On alignment of nematic liquid crystals infiltrating chiral sculptured thin films", Journal of Nanophotonics, 7, (1)
  • Stephen E. Swiontek, Drew P. Pulsifer, Jian Xu and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Suppression of circular Bragg phenomenon in chiral sculptured thin films produced with simultaneous rocking and rotation of substrate during serial bideposition", Journal of Nanophotonics, 7, (1)
  • Drew P. Pulsifer, Sarah A. Muhlberger, Stephanie F. Williams, Robert C. Shaler and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "An objective fingerprint quality-grading system", Forensic Science International, 231, (1-3), pp. 204-207
  • Drew Patrick Pulsifer, Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Erratum: Grating-coupled excitation of Tamm waves (Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics (2012) 29 (2260-2269))", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 30, (1), pp. 177
  • T. G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Comment on the paper “Electromagnetic modeling of ellipsoidal nanoparticles for sensing applications”", Optical Engineering, 52, pp. 079701
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Quite a journey", Continuum (University of Utah), 23, (3), pp. 2
  • D. P. Pulsifer, M Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Errata: Grating-coupled excitation of Tamm waves", Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 30, pp. 177
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Tom G. Mackay, 2012, "Vector spherical wavefunctions for orthorhombic dielectric-magnetic material with gyrotropic-like magnetoelectric properties", Journal of Optics (India), 41, (4), pp. 201-213
  • Mahmoud R.M. Atalla, Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "On surface-plasmon-polariton waves guided by the interface of a metal and a rugate filter with a sinusoidal refractive-index profile. Part II: High-phase-speed solutions", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 29, (11), pp. 3078-3086
  • Craig F. Bohren, Xuerong Xiao and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "The missing ingredient in effective-medium theories: Standard deviations", Journal of Modern Optics, 59, (15), pp. 1312-1315
  • Nikolaos L. Tsitsas, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Dimitri J. Frantzeskakis, 2012, "Solitons in a homogenized two-phase, isotropic, nonlinear, particulate composite medium", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 29, (9), pp. 2610-2616
  • M Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Excitation of multiple surface-plasmon-polariton waves using a compound surface-relief grating", Journal of Nanophotonics, 6, (1), pp. 061701
  • L. Wei, L. Leo, T. M. Ritty and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Nano-/microtextured, free standing, flexible, thin film substrates of parylene C for cellular attachment and growth", Materials Research Innovations, 16, (2), pp. 84-90
  • Quan Li, Xueqian Zhang, Wei Cao, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, John F. O'Hara, Jiaguang Han and Weili Zhang, 2012, "An approach for mechanically tunable, dynamic terahertz bandstop filters", Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 107, (2), pp. 285-291
  • M. V. Shuba, A. G. Paddubskaya, A. O. Plyushch, P. P. Kuzhir, G. Ya Slepyan, S. A. Maksimenko, V. K. Ksenevich, P. Buka, D. Seliuta, I. Kasalynas, J. MacUtkevic, G. Valusis, C. Thomsen and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Experimental evidence of localized plasmon resonance in composite materials containing single-wall carbon nanotubes", Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 85, (16)
  • Muhammad Faryad, Anthony Shoji Hall, Greg D. Barber, Thomas E. Mallouk and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Excitation of multiple surface-plasmon-polariton waves guided by the periodically corrugated interface of a metal and a periodic multilayered isotropic dielectric material", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 29, (4), pp. 704-713
  • Xueqian Zhang, Jianqiang Gu, Wei Cao, Jiaguang Han, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Weili Zhang, 2012, "Bilayer-fish-scale ultrabroad terahertz bandpass filter", Optics Letters, 37, (5), pp. 906-908
  • Yiming Zhu, Fan Zhang, Guanjun You, Jie Liu, John D. Zhang, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Jian Xu, 2012, "Stable circularly polarized emission from a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser with a chiral reflector", Applied Physics Express, 5, (3)
  • Tom G. MacKay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Response to 'On the orthogonality of the phase velocity and its feasibility for plane waves'", Optik, 123, (3), pp. 280-281
  • T. G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Surface-plasmon-polariton waves guided by the uniformly moving planar interface of a metal film and dielectric slab", Optik, 123, (1), pp. 49-57
  • Tom H. Anderson, Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Toward a cylindrical cloak via inverse homogenization", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 29, (3), pp. 239-243
  • Tom G. Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Towards an experimental realization of affinely transformed linearized quantum electrodynamics vacuum via inverse homogenization", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 29, (7), pp. 1680-1684
  • Y J Jen and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Response to “Comment on ‘Silver/silicon dioxide/silver sandwich films in the blue-to-red spectral regime with negative-real refractive index"", Applied Physics Letters, 101, pp. 156102
  • T. G Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Modeling chiral sculptured thin films as platforms for surface–plasmonic–polaritonic optical sensing", IEEE Sensors Journal, 12, (2), pp. 273–280
  • T G Mackay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Errata: Bruggeman formalism vs. ‘Bruggeman formalism’: particulate composite materials comprising oriented ellipsoidal particles", Journal of Nanophotonics, 6, pp. 060106
  • D. P. Pulsifer, M Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Grating-coupled excitation of Tamm waves", Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 29, pp. 2260–2269
  • Tom G. MacKay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Bruggeman formalism versus "Bruggeman formalism": Particulate composite materials comprising oriented ellipsoidal particles", Journal of Nanophotonics, 6, (1)
  • Mikhail V. Shuba, Alesia G. Paddubskaya, Polina P. Kuzhir, Gregory Ya Slepyan, Dalius Seliuta, Irmantas Ka?alynas, Gintaras Valu?is and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Effects of inclusion dimensions and p-type doping in the terahertz spectra of composite materials containing bundles of single-wall carbon nanotubes", Journal of Nanophotonics, 6, (1)
  • Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Excitation of multiple surface-plasmon-polariton waves using a compound surface-relief grating", Journal of Nanophotonics, 6, (1)
  • Andriy E. Serebryannikov and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Optical characteristics of a two-dimensional dielectric photonic crystal immersed in a coherent atomic gas", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 29, (3), pp. 328-334
  • Lai Wei, Erwin A. Vogler, Timothy M. Ritty and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "A 2D surface morphology-composition gradient panel for protein-binding assays", Materials Science and Engineering C, 31, (8), pp. 1861-1866
  • Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "On multiple surface-plasmon-polariton waves guided by the interface of a metal film and a rugate filter in the Kretschmann configuration", Optics Communications, 284, (24), pp. 5678-5687
  • Drew P. Pulsifer, Ra Ul Martin-Palma, Stephen E. Swiontek, Carlo G. Pantano and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Wideband-Rejection Filters and Reflection-Hole Filters of Chalcogenide Glass for Circularly Polarized Ir-A and Ir-B Radiation", Optical Materials Express, 1, (7), pp. 1416-1424
  • Yi Jun Jen, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Ching Wei Yu, Jheng Jie Jhou, Wei Hao Wang, Meng Jie Lin, Huang Ming Wu and Hung Sheng Liao, 2011, "Silver/silicon dioxide/silver sandwich films in the blue-to-red spectral regime with negative-real refractive index", Applied Physics Letters, 99, (18)
  • N. L. Tsitsas, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and D. J. Frantzeskakis, 2011, "Vector solitons in nonlinear isotropic chiral metamaterials", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 44, (43)
  • Muhammad Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Grating-coupled excitation of multiple surface plasmon-polariton waves", Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 84, (3)
  • Y. J. Liu, J. Shi, F. Zhang, H. Liang, J. Xu, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, S. J. Fonash and T. J. Huang, 2011, "High-speed optical humidity sensors based on chiral sculptured thin films", Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical, 156, (2), pp. 593-598
  • Qaisar A. Naqvi, Tom G. MacKay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Optical refraction in silver: Counterposition, negative phase velocity and orthogonal phase velocity", European Journal of Physics, 32, (4), pp. 883-893
  • Yi Jun Jen, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Ching Wei Yu, Chia Feng Lin, Meng Jie Lin, Shih Hao Wang and Jyun Rong Lai, 2011, "Biologically inspired achromatic waveplates for visible light", Nature Communications, 2, (1)
  • Tom G. MacKay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Towards a realization of Schwarzschild-(anti-)de Sitter spacetime as a particulate metamaterial", Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 83, (19)
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, R. C. Shaler, R. J. Martin-Palma, M. A. Motyka and D. P. Pulsifer, 2011, "Solid-state acquisition of fingermark topology using dense columnar thin films", Journal of Forensic Sciences, 56, (3), pp. 612-616
  • F Chiadini, V Fiumara, A Scaglione, D P Pulsifer, R J Martín-Palma, C G Pantano and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Insect eyes inspire improved solar cells", OSA Optics & Photonics News, 22, (4), pp. 28-43
  • J. A. Polo Jr. and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Dyakonov-Tamm waves guided by the planar interface of an isotropic dielectric material and an electro-optic ambichiral Reusch pile", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 28, (3), pp. 567-576
  • F. Wang and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Complete exhibition of defect-mode resonance despite dissipation in structurally chiral materials", Physical Review B, 83, (7)
  • J. A. Polo, Jr. and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Surface electromagnetic waves: A review", Laser and Photonics Reviews, 5, (2), pp. 234-246
  • F. Wang, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Z. Shi and X. Jiang, 2011, "Thickness-dependent spectral holes exhibited by a cascade of two slabs of dissimilar structurally chiral materials", Photonics and Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Applications, 9, (1), pp. 57-62
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, L. Wei, A. Kumar and J. Kumar, 2011, "Facile fabrication of free standing submicron textured films of Parylene-C", Materials Research Innovations, 15, (1), pp. 3
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Reflection from a semi-infinite rugate filter", Journal of Modern Optics, 58, (7), pp. 562-565
  • Muhammad Faryad, Husnul Maab and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Rugate-filter-guided propagation of multiple Fano waves", Journal of Optics, 13, (7)
  • John A. Polo, Tom G. MacKay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Mapping multiple surface-plasmon-polariton-wave modes at the interface of a metal and a chiral sculptured thin film", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 28, (11), pp. 2656-2666
  • H. Maab, M. Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Surface electromagnetic waves supported by the interface of two semi-infinite rugate filters with sinusoidal refractive-index profiles", Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 28, (5), pp. 1204-1212
  • F. Chiadini, V. Fiumara, A. Scaglione and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Simulation and analysis of prismatic bioinspired compound lenses for solar cells: II. Multifrequency analysis", Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 6, (1)
  • M. Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Dyakonov-Tamm waves guided by a phase-twist combination defect in a sculptured nematic thin film", Optics Communications, 284, (1), pp. 160-168
  • M. Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Propagation of surface waves and waveguide modes guided by a dielectric slab inserted in a sculptured nematic thin film", Physical Review A, 83, (1)
  • Tom H. Anderson, Tom G. MacKay and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Ray trajectories for Alcubierre spacetime", Journal of Optics, 13, (5)
  • R. C. Shaler, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, J. W. Rogers, D. P. Pulsifer and R. J. Martín-Palma, 2011, "Columnar-thin-film acquisition of fingerprint topology", Journal of Nanophotonics, 5, (1)
  • J. Gao, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and M. Lei, 2011, "Synoptic view of Dyakonov-Tamm waves localized to the planar interface of two chiral sculptured thin films", Journal of Nanophotonics, 5, (1), pp. 19
  • D P Pulsifer and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Background and survey of bioreplication techniques", Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 6, (3), pp. 031001
  • A. M Nemilentsau, G Ya Slepyan, S. A. Maksimenko, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and S V Rotkin, 2011, "Spontaneous decay of an excited state of an emitter coupled to parallel SWNTs placed in the vicinity of a plane interface between two dielectric materials", Photonics and Nanostructures–Fundamentals and Applications, 9, (4), pp. 381-389
  • M Faryad and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Multiple trains of same-color surface plasmon-polaritons guided by the planar interface of a metal and a sculptured nematic thin film. Part V: Grating-coupled excitation", Journal of Nanophotonics, 5, (1), pp. 053527

Conference Proceedings

  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2024, "Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication XIV", SPIE, Bellingham, WA, USA
  • Patrick D. McAtee, Satish T.S. Bukkapatnam and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2019, "Artificial neural network to estimate the refractive index of a liquid infiltrating a chiral sculptured thin film in a sensor chip", Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11371
  • Sema Erten, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Greg D. Barber, 2015, "The circular Bragg phenomenon for oblique incidence", Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9371
  • Stephen E. Swiontek and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Surface-plasmonic-polaritonic sensor using a dielectric columnar thin film", Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8818
  • Stephen E. Swiontek, Drew P. Pulsifer and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Surface multiplasmonics for optical sensing", Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8833


  • Stefanos F. Koufidis, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Martin W. McCall, 2024, "Comment on ‘No circular birefringence exists in a chiral medium: an analysis of single-mode refraction’", New Journal of Physics, 26
  • Pankaj Kumar, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Pradip Kumar Jain, 2020, "Tricontrollable pixelated metasurface for stopband for terahertz radiation", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 34, (15), pp. 2065-2078
  • Rajan Agrahari, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Pradip K. Jain, 2020, "Localization of pulse-modulated surface-plasmon-polariton wave guided by a planar silicon/silver interface", Journal of Modern Optics, 67, (9), pp. 811-815
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Reuven Gordon, Tom G. Mackay and Olivier J. F. Martin, 2019, "Special Section Guest Editorial: Optics with complex materials and (sub)nanostructures: introduction", Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 36, (8), pp. OCM1
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Tom G. Mackay and Motofumi Suzuki, 2017, "Special Section Guest Editorial: Nanostructured Thin Films IX: Design, Fabrication, Characterization, and Modeling", Journal of Nanophotonics, 11, (4), pp. 043501
  • Raúl J. Martín-Palma and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2017, "Progress on bioinspired, biomimetic, and bioreplication routes to harvest solar energy", Applied Physics Reviews, 4, (2)
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Tom G. Mackay and Motofumi Suzuki, 2016, "Special Section Guest Editorial: Advances in Nanostructured Thin Films", Journal of Nanophotonics, 10, (3), pp. 033001
  • Chandraprakash Chindam, Akhlesh Lakhtakia and Osama O. Awadelkarim, 2016, "Surface energy of Parylene C", Materials Letters, 166, pp. 325-326
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Tom G. Mackay and Motofumi Suzuki, 2015, "Special Section Guest Editorial: Nanostructured Thin Films: Evolving Perspectives", Journal of Nanophotonics, 9, (1), pp. 093501
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye!", Journal of Nanophotonics, 7, (1), pp. 070198
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2013, "Vanishing methods", Journal of Nanophotonics, 7, (1), pp. 070199
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Qui payes?", Journal of Nanophotonics, 6, (1), pp. 069902
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Editorial: Avoidance of plagiarism", Journal of Nanophotonics, 6, (1), pp. 069901
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Cross-fertilization", Tech Talk @ KPITCummins, 5, (1), pp. 2
  • R J Martín-Palma, F Chiadini and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2012, "Células solares biomiméticas", Investigacion y Ciencias, (425), pp. 11-12
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Editorial: The longitude of technoscientific progress", Journal of Nanophotonics, 5, (1), pp. 059901
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Editorial: General specialists", Journal of Nanophotonics, 5, (1), pp. 059902
  • Akhlesh Lakhtakia, 2011, "Introduction", pp. xxxiii–xxxv

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • Gold Medal, SPIE-International Society for Optics and Photonics, August 2024


Service to Penn State:

  • Committee Work, Member, Advisory Committee for Endowed Chairs and Professorships, May 2024 - January 2025
  • Committee Work, Committee Member, Promotion & Tenure Committee, July 2024 - June 2025
  • Committee Work, Committee Member, Award Nominations Committee, July 2024 - June 2025

Service to External Organizations:

  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Co-Chairperson, SPIE Smart Structures and Nondestructive Evaluation 2024, Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication XIV, March 2024 - March 2024
  • Service to Governmental Agencies, Committee Member, India-U.S. Working Group on Education and Skill Development, May 2023
  • Service to Governmental Agencies, Chairperson, U.S.-India Higher Education Institutions Partnership Sub-Committee, June 2023



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